The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 130 Yun Chuan: Since I was a child, I have had a dream...

Chapter 130 Yunchuan: Since I was a child, I have had a dream...

"I don't know the road, it's you who shout the loudest." Jun Mobai squeezed her little face dumbfounded.

"It's not that you are not very active." The active atmosphere can only be done by me.

"Let's go." Jun Mobai took the lead to pull the little girl away.

The three Yun family brothers followed closely and also walked away.

"Brother, I thought about going to the zoo when I was very young." It's a pity that I never came.

Yun Yi glanced at Yun Chuan.

"Now your dream has come true."

Yun Xuan glanced at her second brother with disdain.

"I've seen those animals a long time ago, what's so interesting about them."

As soon as these words came out, Yun Yi and Yun Chuan looked at Yun Xuan at the same time.

"What, when did it happen?" How come he, the second brother, doesn't know?

Yun Xuan replied very calmly.

"I read it in the book." Isn't that also an animal?

Yun Yi, Yun Chuan: "..."

The two were silent for a moment, then spoke at the same time.

"Stupid brother."

Seeing the little girl and Jun Mobai walking in front, Yun Yi said jokingly.

"But after we grew up, the three of us didn't go out to play together. This time, it's really thanks to Yun Chuan." If Yun Chuan hadn't called the little girl to participate in the show, they wouldn't have known about it. If you can't come to participate, if you don't come to participate, you can't get together.

The three of them looked at each other at the same time, then smiled wordlessly.

Yes, when they grow up, the three of them are busy with their own careers, so there is no chance to get together to play again.

"Junjun, where is the tiger? Why hasn't it arrived yet?" Why is it so far away...

"It will be here soon, isn't it the tiger you said you want to see?" Jun Mobai glanced at the little koi with a puffy face beside him.

"If I had known it was so far away, I wouldn't have come to see it..." The little girl muttered dissatisfied.

After walking for about 5 minutes, the five finally arrived at the Tiger Park.

The majestic and majestic tigers were lying or standing watching several people.

"Wow, so handsome, even more handsome than the original fish." Jin Li whispered in Jun's ear.

The original shape of the little koi?

He didn't seem to have seen it.

"Well, when will you reveal your true form, I'll compare."

"Then, let's talk when we have a chance." The little girl scratched her head embarrassedly.

While the two were talking, the group of tigers that had been in the distance slowly gathered in the direction of Jin Li.

"Small, cute, what's going on? Why are all these tigers running towards you?" Yun Chuan subconsciously protected the little girl behind him.

Jin Li calmly patted her second brother on the shoulder.

"Second brother, calm down and think about my identity."

Yun Chuan was taken aback.

That's right, the cutie is a koi and a god. If something really happened, they might have to count on the little girl to protect them.

Perhaps it was because the koi was an auspicious sign, and she was not an ordinary koi, and the intuition of animals is generally better than that of humans, so the tigers all approached the little girl.

Jin Li waved at the tiger.

"Goodbye, have a good meal." She was going to see the next animal.

The tigers stood by the cage together and watched the little girl leave.

"Hahaha, our sister is not only loved by humans, but now she has conquered all tigers?"

"My sister has been whispering to Mr. Jun and the others, I really want to know what they are talking about!!!"

"What's the matter with suddenly thinking that tigers are cute?"

(End of this chapter)

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