The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 131 Yun Chuan, worthy of the ranking

Chapter 131 Yun Chuan, worthy of the ranking
After watching the tiger, Jun Mobai took the little girl to see the penguins not far away.

"Hahaha, they are so naive." Seeing the little penguins staggering towards her, the little girl couldn't help giggling.

"So happy?" Jun Mobai stared at the little girl's smiling face.

Well, the smile is happier than ever. It can be seen that the little koi is really happy.

And the other one who was as happy as the little girl was Yun Chuan.

"Wow, it's a penguin, big brother and Yunxuan, look quickly." Yun Chuan stared intently at the penguins in the distance.

"Come back, you're almost squeezed in." Yun Yi helplessly pulled back the stupid brother who was pressing his face against the glass.

Yun Xuan looked at her second brother expressionlessly.

"Do you want to join them?"

"Shouldn't I let you out today?" Yun Yi dragged him back.

Can you be a bit of a star?Like a second fool.

Really worthy of your ranking.

"Hahaha, male god, can you restrain yourself a bit? Look at the helpless expressions of your elder brother and younger brother."

"I said male god, can you be more mature? Look at her younger sister, how calm she is, and look at your elder brother and third younger brother. You are like a second fool."

"Male god, give up, the baby penguins don't even look at you, don't you see that they are all heading in the direction of my sister?"

"Haha, my sister is not only attractive to people, but now she is also attractive to animals."

"Junjun, I suddenly really want to raise animals." The little girl shook Jun Mobai's clothes pitifully.

Jun refused without even thinking about it.

"Don't think about it." No matter what it is, it can't distract the little koi from him.

If he really gave this little girl an animal, then she might stare at that animal every day, so what should he do?
"Well, I knew you wouldn't agree, so I'll just talk about it." The little girl grunted a few times in displeasure.

"Hey, what kind of animals do you want to keep? Isn't it enough for you to have me?" There is no need to raise any animals.

The little girl blinked and looked at him.

"But you are not an animal." To be more specific, you are also a creature with devilish energy, and you are not a small animal either.

Jun Mobai choked when he was told, and met the innocent look in the little girl's eyes, he couldn't say anything out of his mouth.

Forget it, forget it, it doesn't make sense not to break up with the little koi.

"Let's go and see another animal." Jun Mobai tactfully diverted the little girl's attention directly.

In one morning, the five of them saw a lot of animals, and the one who was most excited was not the little girl, but...


If Yun Yi and Yun Xuan hadn't been pulling him, he probably would have rushed over.

Yunyi, Yunxuan: If this person wasn't their own brother, they really didn't want to care about him...

Can you pay attention to your image?Like a second fool.

Really worthy of the ranking.

After a whole morning of walking, let alone Jun Mobai and Jin Li, the three Yun family brothers couldn't take it anymore.

They are so tired.

As for the little girl and Jun Mobai, these two are not normal people at all, and there is nothing to worry about.

On the contrary, the little girl was very excited.

"When are we going to see the next animal?" She really wanted to swim here.

This place is fun.

"Okay, you are not tired, everyone is tired, let's find a place for lunch first."

(End of this chapter)

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