Chapter 133
"Male God: Actually, I can be more childish."

After returning home, Yun Chuan immediately collapsed on the sofa.

"I'm exhausted." Although it was fun, he almost walked all day.

On the other side of the sofa, Jin Li also lay prone on it.

Jun Mobai sat next to the little girl.

"Shall I give you a massage?"

Jin Li unceremoniously laid down on his lap.

"Thank you."

Seeing the affectionate look of the two, Yun Chuan called out his younger brother unwillingly.

"Yunxuan, come give me a massage."

Yun Xuan glanced at her second brother coldly.

"Do not."

"Why?" Is he the second brother or this kid is the second brother?
Yun Xuan still looked at him expressionlessly.

"Because I'm not your fiancé." Why should I give you a massage.

Yun Chuan still did not give up.

"But we are brothers."

Yun Xuan: "Would you like to kiss each other?"

Yun Chuan: "..." You won.

Yun Xuan walked away calmly.

"Second brother, how about I give you a massage?" The little girl said as she was about to get up.

The second brother looked so pitiful.

Jun Mobai directly pushed her back.

"Lie down for me." Press what.

Jin Li sighed and lay down again.


While the two of them here were enjoying their world together, Yun Chuan was also pulled over there to cook together.

"Play by yourself, I'll cook, huh?" Jun Mobai softly told the little girl who was about to fall asleep.

"Hmm? Hmm..." Jin Li nodded indiscriminately.

Jun Mobai took his coat and covered her again, and then left.

"Ahhh, Mr. Jun is so warm!!!"

"Love this pair."

"Sister looks so cute now."

"These two are too loving, Mr. Jun is so caring and gentle to his sister."

Excited fans bombarded the barrage again.

After the four of them finished cooking, Yun Yi spoke.

"Jun Mobai, go and call Jin Li up."

Jun shook his head very calmly.

"No need." No need to shout, the little guy will get up by himself.

Jun Mobai put all the prepared dishes on the table.

Sure enough, she was still sleeping soundly, the little girl sniffed unconsciously with her little nose, and about a minute later, she opened her eyes and walked towards the dining table staggeringly.

The three Yun family brothers looked at each other.

Cough, hold back, the little girl is still here, they can't laugh.

It's just that the director behind couldn't help laughing at the little girl's naive look.

It's so cute and cute.

"Drink water." Jun Mobai directly poured the little girl a glass of water.

Seeing the little girl's dazed look, I'm afraid she didn't even realize where she was.

After drinking a glass of water, Jin Li finally regained consciousness. The five of them finished their dinner and then went to rest.

Back in the room, the little girl immediately threw herself into Jun Mobai's arms.


Jun Mobai hugged the little girl dumbfounded and carried her to the bed.

"It's late, it's time to go to bed." After playing with the three brothers downstairs for so long, the little girl should have been sleepy long ago.

As expected, Jinli fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed.

Jun Mobai kissed her little face.

"Good night." My little koi.

The next day, probably because they played too crazy in the zoo, all five of them slept until after nine o'clock before getting up.

Of course, Jun was there to accompany the little girl.

Starting today, the program will be broadcast from a live broadcast to once a week.

As soon as he walked out of the room, he received the director's task card when he entered.

(End of this chapter)

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