Chapter 134 Cooking
"There's a new mission." Jin Li slowly opened the mission card.

"Use the cash given by the program group to go to the supermarket to buy ingredients and make a hearty lunch."

The little girl only paid attention to two important points.

money, and lunch.

"How much does the director pay?" The little girl blinked and looked at the director.

The director handed her an envelope.

"You'll know when you open it yourself."

Jin Li couldn't wait to open the envelope, and then her smile froze.

"It's only 300 yuan?" How could it be possible?

"What 300 yuan?" The three brothers who came up to find Jun Mobai and the little girl only heard what they said was 300 yuan.

"Wow, wow, rich." Yun Chuan flicked to Jin Li's side.

"Second brother, we need to use this money to buy vegetables and make lunch." The little girl was about to cry.

That's possible.

"It's indeed a little less." Yun Chuan nodded in agreement.

Then he patted his chest again.

"But it doesn't matter, the second brother is rich, so just tell the second brother what cutie wants to eat, and the second brother will buy it for you."

Yun Yi: "Okay."

Yun Xuan: "Thank you, second brother."

Mr. Jun: "Thank you, everyone is so familiar, I will not be polite."

Yun Chuan:? ? ?
"Hey, no, I'm talking about cuties, not you guys." What's going on with these three people?Do you have no money?

Yun Yi: "I am your elder brother."

Yun Xuan: "You are my second brother."

Jun Mobai calmly said, "I am Jin Li's fiancé."

"Go, go, I don't have any money." Yun Chuan glared at the three of them angrily.

"Junjun, you will buy me snacks, right?" The little girl looked at Jun Mobai nervously.

The snacks she brought over had been eaten long ago, if Junjun didn't buy them for her, she wouldn't have anything to eat.

Jun Mobai looked at the little girl with a smile.

"see your performance."

The little girl immediately shook her head to promise.

"I, I'm very good, I will always follow you and not run around." You see, she is so good, so let's buy her snacks.

Jin Li immediately cheered happily.

"Yeah, Junjun is the best." (^o^)/
"Okay, let's go after we get ready." Look excited the little koi.

Led by their elder brother Yun Yi, the five of them came to a nearby large supermarket.

Jun Mobai looked at the shopping cart in front of him, and at the little koi beside him, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

If only the little girl was still a tiny one, so he could stuff her in the shopping cart and wheel her away.

It's a pity that the little girl is grown up now.

But it's not a big problem.

Jin Li felt light all over her body, and then was carried into the shopping cart.

"What are you doing?" The little girl looked at Jun Mobai blankly.

Someone explained calmly.

"It saves effort."

Jin Li quickly stood up and was about to get down.

How embarrassing, how old she is, how can she sit in the shopping cart when she is not a child.

Before the little girl got out of the car, Jun Mobai had already pushed the car away.

"Sit down and don't move."

The little girl had no choice but to sit in the shopping cart aggrieved.

The staff who followed behind couldn't help laughing.

Jin Li suddenly felt even more embarrassed.

"Hmph, smelly gentleman, bad gentleman." The little girl waved her small pink fist at Jun Mobai in a childish voice.

"You go shopping first, I'll take her to buy snacks." After greeting the three Yun family brothers, Jun Mobai pushed the little girl in the shopping cart and left.

(End of this chapter)

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