The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 135 Little Koi: I really want to eat fish like this every day

Chapter 135 Little Koi: I really want to eat fish like this every day
The three nodded, and then went shopping separately.

Hmm... As for the question of whether the money is enough, they are not worried at all. Anyway, the program team only said that they need to use the 300 yuan to buy vegetables, not that they can only use the 300 yuan.

Besides, snacks are not dishes, and if the money is not enough in the end, they can pay by themselves.

It's not that bad anyway.

Jun Mobai took the little girl directly to the price where the snacks were placed.

"Choose what you want to buy."

The little girl who was depressed just now suddenly had her eyes lit up.

After happily taking a lot of snacks, Jin Li let Jun Mobai leave with satisfaction.

When passing by the price of selling pillows, the little girl took another pillow.

Jun Mobai looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Buy it back and put it on the sofa, and, when you leave, you can take it away and put it in the car." Jin Li reached out and pulled Jun Mobai's clothes.

"Buy it, buy it, buy it for me..."

Jun Mobai squeezed the little girl's little bun face funny.

"Did I say I wouldn't buy it for you?"

"Yeah, thank you Junjun." Jin Li happily promised the little pillow in her arms.

What she picked happened to be a pillow in the shape of a little fat fish.

"Is there anything you want to buy?" Jun Mobai asked Jin Li.

The little girl shook her head.


"Then we'll meet up with everyone."

Jinxiu nodded.

When Jun Mobai pushed the little girl to find the three of them, the three of them were still shopping for things.

Jun Mobai waited for an hour before the three of them finished buying the ingredients.

And the little pillow that Jinxiu bought finally played a role.

The little girl fell asleep with her pillow on the shopping cart.

Jun Mobai: "..." This little guy really didn't make a mistake buying this pillow...

Before paying the bill, Jun Mobai gently hugged the little koi that was still sleeping in the shopping cart.

The little girl turned around on the spot in a daze, then tilted her head while holding Jun Mobai and fell asleep again.

"Okay, just keep an eye on her." Yun Yi glanced at Jin Xiu somewhat dumbfounded.

The salesperson, who had been clearing the items, couldn't help but glance at the two of them.

"Sir, your girlfriend is so cute." This little girl is so funny.

Jun Mobai looked at the little girl helplessly.

"Little stupid fish." Can fall asleep anywhere.

Jun took out a bottle of milk from the snacks he just bought and handed it to Jinxiu, and then stuffed the pillow into the little girl.

"No more sleep."

The little koi woke up more than half as soon as he took the cold milk.

Jun Mobai left the supermarket with the little girl holding a pillow in one hand and drinking milk in the other.

After returning to the small villa, the four of them immediately threw themselves into the kitchen, and Jinxiu obediently sat on the sofa watching TV with her little pillow in her arms.

Brothers and Junjun don't let her help in the kitchen, so she can only watch TV to pass the time.

The little girl sighed.

Alas, Mingming Yu can also help.

Brothers: Thank you, please leave.

At noon that day, Jinxiu had an incomparably sumptuous lunch.

"Hi~ I'm so full." The little girl lay on the sofa and rubbed her belly contentedly.

Jun Mobai looked at her helplessly.

Of course I'm full, this little girl has eaten so much, can she not be full?
"It would be great if the director gave me more tasks like this."

Jun Mobai squeezed her little face amusedly.

"Then you should eat like a little fat man when you go home." If you eat like this every day, the little koi should turn into a little fat fish.

(End of this chapter)

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