The little koi can be salty or sweet

136 Octopus Has A Little Emotion

136 Octopus Has A Little Emotion
The little girl pursed her mouth unhappily.

"I'm not fat." How could a god be fat.

"You should regret it when you get fat." Jun Mobai couldn't help teasing her.

"Hmph, you just think I'm fat, don't you?" The little girl glared at him unhappily.

"I'm fat, how could you be fat." Jun opened his mouth and began to deny it.

"..." When did Jun Jun learn to open his eyes and talk nonsense...

"Okay, it's time for you to take a nap." Jun Mobai pulled the little girl to get up.

"Neither sleep nor sleep, I'm not sleepy at all." Jin Li lay on the sofa and refused to get up.

Jun Mobai looked down at her.

"Really not going?"

The little girl twisted her head.

"Don't go."

The three brothers of the Yun family: Watch the show.

How could the little girl beat the big devil?Xiao Jinli was still too naive.

Jun Mobai directly picked up the little girl.

"If you don't go, then I will carry you." Anyway, you are going to sleep anyway.

"Big brother, second brother and third brother, help me." The little girl reached out her hand to the three brothers pitifully.

The three waved at her at the same time.

Yun Yi: "Go."

Yun Chuan: "Sleep well."

Yun Xuan: "It can't be saved."

Jin Li: "..."

Woohoo, you have changed...

In the end, Jin Li was resisted by Jun Mobai and returned to the bedroom.

As soon as Jun Mobai put him down, he saw the little girl's angry little bun face.

"Why are you still angry?" Jun sat down next to the little girl with a funny face.

Jin Li turned around and completely ignored him.

"Hum." The little girl's little milk voice hummed unhappily.

Jin Li: The fish has a little mood.

Yo, still angry?

Jun Mobai calmly took out a piece of chocolate and peeled it off, then stuffed it into the little girl's mouth.

"Eat a piece of chocolate."

"Don't be angry after eating chocolate."

The sweet aroma of chocolate spread in his mouth, and Jin Li narrowed his eyes enjoying it.

When the chocolate was finished, the little girl was carried into bed.

"Now go to sleep."

"But fish don't want to sleep."

Jun Mobai looked completely unreasonable.

"Then give me back the chocolate you just ate."

"...Yu suddenly felt so sleepy again." Bad Junjun actually threatened her, hum.

Within three seconds of getting angry, the little girl pitifully tugged on someone's sleeve.

"Then why don't you stay with me..."

Jun Mobai took advantage of the situation and lay down next to Jinli, and skillfully hugged him into his arms.

"Sleep well."

The little girl arched her little head into his arms, lay down for 3 minutes and then fell asleep.

"Duplicate little koi." He was not sleepy when he said it, and fell asleep after lying on the bed for 3 minutes.

In this way, both of them had an extremely sweet nap.

When she woke up, the little girl got up refreshed.

"It's so comfortable to sleep." Jin Li stretched.

"I don't know which fish refused to sleep at noon." Jun Mobai stared at the little girl and said slowly.

Jin Li looked at him seriously.

"It's not fish anyway."

Jin Li: If you beat him to death, you won't admit it, and you won't be obedient.

"Okay, stop making trouble, go out when you wake up." Jun Mobai took out another lollipop from his pocket and handed it to the little girl.

Jin Li happily ran away with her lollipop.

He didn't even look at Jun again.

Jun Mobai calmly got up and left.

He is used to it, anyway, his status in the little girl's heart has never been higher than that of snacks.

 Thank you Qingfeng Rumo for your reward, and I would like to call my name to express my gratitude.

  New week, I'm back on top (kimbo)

  Then... Can I ask for a five-star review?Can you give me a five-star review?Even if the rating is a little low, it’s better than me without a single star o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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