The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 137: The Way of Heaven: A sudden flash

Chapter 137: The Way of Heaven: A sudden flash

"Big brother, second brother, third brother." Jin Li opened her mouth to yell as soon as she left the door of the room.

"Oh, let me see which cutie is calling me." Yun Chuan exaggeratedly covered his face and looked at the little girl.

Yun Yi: "Childish."

Yun Xuan: "Exaggeration."

Yun Chuan: "...Hey, hey, aren't you brothers anymore? Are there any of you who hurt your brothers so much?" What's going on with these two people?Why do you always hate him?

Yun Yi chuckled twice: "Brothers don't have to settle accounts clearly."

Yun Xuan remained expressionless as usual.

"Put brother in for Jin Li." Without pushing Yun Chuan down, how could he and his eldest brother gain favorability in front of the little girl?

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute, look at them." Yun Chuan whimpered and complained to the little girl.

"Second brother, you look like a resentful woman." The little girl commented solemnly.

Yun Yi: "Pfft... I'm sorry."


Jinli:? ? ?
"What's wrong with the second brother?"

Yun Xuan took the little girl downstairs.

"It's okay, I forgot to give him medicine today and let him out."

It was Yun Yi who asked.

"Where's Jun Mobai?" He wasn't by Xiao Jinli's side.

"Junjun is still upstairs, and he will be coming down soon." The little girl followed her eldest brother and third brother down the stairs bouncing around.

The little girl has recently become obsessed with playing games, and she takes her brothers to play with her every day.

Junjun is very strict with her, he doesn't let her play with her brothers all day long, since Junjun is not here now, she has to play with her brothers more.

Unfortunately, after only playing three games this time, Jin Li was ordered not to play by Jun Mobai.

The little girl looked eagerly at the mobile phone that Jun Mobai took away.

"I haven't played enough..." Why did he take away Yu's phone.

The little girl turned on the TV depressed.

Before she had time to look at it, Jin Li felt a buzzing in her head.

"Brother is looking for me, I'll sleep first." The little girl whispered something in Jun Mobai's ear, then leaned on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

Almost as soon as she closed her eyes, Jin Li felt her consciousness being pulled away.

"Brother." The little girl ran towards the white figure, and called her brother sweetly.

"I thought Jinli didn't remember me." Tiandao calmly caught the little girl.

It's a pity that the little koi has grown up and can't be hugged like before.

"Miss me?"

The little girl nodded.


"Then you haven't looked for me for so long?" This little villain.

"Isn't it because I'm afraid of disturbing my brother?" The little girl smiled embarrassedly.

"Does that brother miss me?"

Tiandao nodded her little nose.

"Why would I look for you if I don't want you?" This heartless little koi.

The little girl hugged his arm fawningly.

"The fish miss you too."

"I'm relieved to see that you're okay, well, I should go."

"Ah? So fast?" Jin Li looked at Tiandao reluctantly.

"I can't stay too long even with my divine sense, dear." Tiandao patted the little girl on the head, and then disappeared.

Almost at the same time, Jin Li opened his eyes.

Jun Mobai raised his eyebrows and helped her up.

"Why, what did you say to you again?" Tiandao hadn't appeared for so long that he almost forgot that there was such a person.

Jun Mobai: Tsk, there is really no sense of existence.

"It's nothing, just talk to me." The little girl sat up and rubbed her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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