The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 152 Jin Li goes out, one top two

Chapter 152

When she goes back, she will immediately draw a talisman for Bai Xi.

Shen Yu'er looked at Jin Li nervously.

"Then, I'm counting on you then."

The little girl patted Shen Yuer's shoulder comfortingly.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you." Jin Li stepped forward, one for two.

"Until we get things ready, you'd better not make a breakthrough so quickly." Jun Mobai reminded Bai Xi.

He is not capable enough, breaking through too early is not a good thing.

Bai Xi nodded.

"Okay." For Yuer's sake, of course he had to make sure that nothing would happen to him.

After discussing everything, Jun Mobai took the little girl and left.

"The Demon Crossing Tribulation is really dangerous." Jin Li couldn't help but sigh.

"That's natural." Whether it's life or death at that moment, whether it's a safe passage through the catastrophe and a great fortune, or the soul disappears and disappears in the world, it's just a matter of a moment.

"Ah! I can't ask Brother Tiandao." She was really worried about Bai Xi.

"Okay, with your talisman and me, he won't lose anything even if he doesn't succeed." At best, he can't become a dragon.

"That's what I said, but I'm still very worried." Even Yu had never seen Yaodu Jie before.

... As a person who grew up in the God Realm, what kind of monsters can you see...

Jun Mobai stroked her little head.

"You won't be able to see it by then." And you will see it very clearly.

Jin Li: "..." Actually, the fish doesn't really want to see...

Seeing the little girl's worried expression, Jun Mobai comforted her with a funny face.

"It's what he has to go through anyway, and none of us can help him." Everyone has something they have to go through, and they can't help him get through it.

The little girl patted her little chest.

"Fortunately, the fish don't have to cross the catastrophe." She doesn't like being struck by lightning.

Jun Mobai nodded her little nose, dumbfounded.

"Why is your brother Tiandao willing to let you go through the tribulation?" Leaving aside the special nature of the little girl, the laws of heaven and earth cannot watch their own children suffer.

Not to mention that the little girl has such a protective brother.

Jin Li scratched her head.

"Hey, fish don't need it anyway." Fortunately, there is no such link.

"Does Junjun need to cross the catastrophe?" Jin Li asked curiously.

"You don't need it, and I naturally don't need it." His own ability is already strong enough. When a person is strong enough, his cultivation will naturally no longer increase.

If Jun Mobai didn't understand why heaven and earth endowed him with such powerful abilities before, then he understands now.

Those abilities are for him to protect the little koi.

Thinking about it, Jun Mobai couldn't help but look a little softer at the little girl.

Well, the little koi is so cute.

"Let's go back to the company now, I'm going to make talismans for Bai Xi." Yu also hasn't drawn high-level talismans for a long time.

Almost as soon as she arrived at the office, the little girl couldn't wait to start working.

She took out a beautiful blue gem, (don't ask, these small stones are not worth much in the God Realm, Jinli has as many as a whole mountain) and began to carve.

High-level talismans are more difficult to make than low-level talismans, and an extremely special material is required.

That was Jinli's blood.

As a koi, her blood is naturally extremely precious, which is why the little girl does not easily make high-end talismans.

Who likes to shed their own blood when there is nothing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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