The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 153 The blood of the little koi

Chapter 153 The blood of the little koi
But with the addition of Jin Li's blood, the effect of the talisman will increase by more than ten times.

For example, a safe talisman or a good luck talisman, as long as a drop of a little girl's blood is added, it can ensure that an ordinary person will have the effect on the talisman for several generations.

So the little girl's blood is coveted by many people in the God Realm.

It's a pity that she has a brother Tiandao, even if there is someone who is not afraid of death and dares to die in front of the little koi, there will be no scum left by Tiandao.

Jin Li: Well, her brother Tiandao is just so domineering.

But... let the fish bleed...the fish are afraid...

The little girl slowly moved to Jun Mobai's side.


As soon as Jun Mobai lowered his head, he saw Jin Li squatting beside him in an aggrieved way.

He sat on his lap with a funny face.

"What's the matter?" The little koi must have asked him for help, otherwise he would not have shown such an expression.

The little girl closed her eyes in pain.

"You, you can take a drop of blood from the fish."

As soon as Jin Li said that he wanted to take blood, Jun Mobai's expression changed instantly.

"What are you doing with your own blood?" Why is Jin Li's blood precious?Because gods will not take out their own blood and use it easily. How precious is the blood of gods?If you take it out and abuse it casually, you will be coveted by many people and cause yourself a lot of trouble.

And not to mention the little koi, even Jun Mobai's blood has incredible effects.

That's why he was so shocked when he heard that the little girl was going to have bloodletting.

"Then, the high-level talisman needs a drop of fish blood to be effective." Otherwise, it is different from ordinary talismans.

Before Jun Mobai could answer, Tiandao's voice rang in the little girl's mind.


Jun Mobai looked at her leisurely.

"If you want me to do bloodletting for you, let Tian Dao agree first." After all, that guy is also the brother of Little Koi, and other things are easy to talk about. Even a drop of bloodletting is so serious that it must go through his treatment, otherwise Tian Dao will hacked him.

As Tiandao's voice fell, there was a sudden gust of wind outside the window.

Jin Li knew that it wasn't just brother Tiandao who was unhappy, but also the law of heaven and earth, her parents.

"Brother, just one drop, nothing will happen, and he really wants to save Bai Xi."

"Why should you sacrifice your blood for a snake?" The blood of an ordinary fairy is already very precious, let alone that of a small koi.

He raised the fish so big that she didn't get hurt or shed a single drop of blood.

"Okay, okay, just a drop, not much, please." The little girl kept using her milky voice to act like a spoiled child to Tiandao.

Tiandao sighed, and the wind outside the window gradually stopped, but the sky darkened.

"Okay, just one drop. After taking this drop of blood, go ask Jun Mobai for some pills to make it up." Regarding the little koi's persistence, Heavenly Dao is also helpless, and there is nothing he can do if the little girl insists on persisting.

"Brother said yes." After the communication, the little girl looked at Jun Mobai excitedly.

Jun Mobai's complexion is still not very good.

Let's not talk about him, just look at the weather outside the window, I'm afraid the way of heaven and the law of heaven and earth will not be very happy.

Jun Mobai hooked the little girl's chin, and his tone was a bit cold.

"But I don't allow it." Tiandao agreed, but he didn't.

If he had known that he would take the little koi's blood, he would never have agreed to it. This was more distressing than taking his own blood.

(End of this chapter)

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