The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 162 The Curse of the Koi

Chapter 162 The Curse of the Koi

"But I can't just watch you lose your mind like this, and I can't let you harm others." Jin Li took a deep breath, and her tone became serious.

"What do you mean?" The female ghost's gaze at Jin Li gradually became sharper.

"Let's make a deal. I'll punish her for you. You can reincarnate properly."

The female ghost was stunned.

"You..." She could tell that this girl's identity was extraordinary, but she never expected that she would be willing to help herself.

"How?" The little girl also sighed silently in her heart.

Alas, the fish is going to be the villain.

"Okay, I promise you." The female ghost replied in one breath.

Jin Li raised her hand in the direction of her cousin and pinched a gesture that neither of them could understand, and then the red mist above her cousin's head quickly dimmed, and finally disappeared.

"I have taken away the luck from this person. No matter what he does in the future, he will not be successful, and he will have bad luck again and again. Do you think this is okay?"

The female ghost finally came back to her senses, and looked at Jin Li worriedly.

"If you do this, will it cause any harm to yourself?" Is this girl doing something for herself that will hurt herself?

Jin Li scratched her head.

"Of course not." She is a koi.

"That's good." The female ghost took one last look at Jin Li, and then left.

Moze next to him was still in a daze.

He saw the female ghost today, and even talked to the female ghost! ! !

"Hey, everyone is gone, so you don't have to hide like this." Jin Li angrily pulled Mo Ze out from behind her.

"Really gone?" Moze asked a little worried.

"Let's go, I just went to the underworld." The little girl walked slowly into the crowd.

Everything just happened within a few minutes, so no one became suspicious.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you." After leaving this sentence, the little girl walked away.

The cousin's expression instantly became terrified.

"No, no, master, please, you can't just ignore me like this..." He ran over and was about to grab Jin Li's hand, the little girl frowned and took a few steps back, her cousin suddenly Stuck by a stone under his feet, he fell to the ground and could only watch the two leave.

"He doesn't have a trace of luck, I suggest you stay away from him." Otherwise, it's easy to be affected.

"I will." Moze's expression was a little cold.

Originally, he just thought that the family was greedy for money and wanted to keep him, but now it seems that he should get rid of them early.

"You just..." Moze couldn't help but think of the little girl's trick just now.


"Did you do something to him just now?" He was really curious.

"I took all the luck out of him, and he and the people around him will only get more and more unlucky in the future." That's why she asked Moze to stay away from them.

"Then what if they find someone to crack it?"

Jin Li snorted.

"It cannot be deciphered. The luck that has been taken away cannot be regained, nor can it be plundered by others." This is the curse that the koi gave him.

Moser nodded.

"That's good." He was afraid that the bastard would do something bad again.

"Okay, it's over, and I can go back."

Someone who volunteered to act as a driver: "..."

"What's the hurry? Isn't this sending you back?"

After getting out of the car, the little girl waved to him.

(End of this chapter)

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