The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 163 Find the Difference

Chapter 163 Find the Difference
"If you still have business in the future, remember to come to me."

Moser nodded and drove away.

Only then did Jin Li bounce into the company.

Everyone in the company knew her, so the little girl greeted the young lady at the front desk and went straight in.

"Stop!" A sharp female voice suddenly sounded.

Jin Li frowned imperceptibly.

Behind him was a well-dressed girl who seemed to be the new receptionist.

"Who are you?" The little girl frowned and looked at her.

She doesn't like this girl.

He doesn't look like a good person, and he exudes an aura that fish don't like.

"I still want to ask who are you? Do you know where this place is?" The girl looked at Jinli with extremely critical eyes.

"Okay, okay, Jin Li is Mr. Jun's girlfriend, we all know her." The young lady who just greeted the little girl next to her hurried out to make a rescue.

"Girlfriend? Just her? Are you sure she wasn't the one who seduced Mr. Jun?" How could Mr. Jun have a crush on someone like her.

"I advise you to leave directly, I've seen a lot of people like you." The girl looked at Jin Li with more and more disdain.

The little girl called Jun Mobai angrily.

Hmph, she can't say no to you, can't she ask Junjun?Junjun's mouth is poisonous.

"What's wrong?" Jun Mobai walked out while talking to Jin Li.

When she went out to pick up business and suddenly called herself, it proved that the little girl must be in trouble, otherwise she would definitely come back directly after finishing the matter.

"Come down, I've been stopped downstairs in the company." The little girl's little milk voice was full of anger.

So angry.

As soon as he heard that the little girl was being troubled by someone, Jun Mobai's expression changed almost instantly.

"Okay, I'm coming down."

The girl naturally saw Jin Li's actions, and immediately looked at her mockingly.

"Why, is this going to call in rescue soldiers?"

"Why is your mouth so wicked, girl?" The young lady next to her couldn't stand it any longer.

Normally, this girl was acrimonious, and she had only been here for a few days, and she almost offended their colleagues all over the place.

"I'm doing it for the good of our Jun family. I've seen a lot of girls who want to fly up the branches and become phoenixes, and they will seduce men."

Jin Li: She is not a phoenix, she is a koi...

Being stepped on like this, the little girl will definitely not be polite.

"That's really embarrassing, at least I can fly up to the branches, and you don't even have the chance to fly." Isn't it just hate people, who can't do it anymore.

"You!" The girl was so angry that she reached out to hit her.

The little girl just stood there.

How can a mortal hurt her? All those who try to hurt her will not end well in the end.

Sure enough, the girl's hand suddenly made a circle for some reason, and slapped herself hard on the face.

At the same time, a strong arm stretched out, and the little girl was carried away from the girl.

It must be Junjun.

Relying on his height, this guy also bullies Yu Ao, and usually hugs her a lot.

Jin Li skillfully burrowed into Jun Mobai's arms.

Jun Mobai stroked her little head.

"Did you get hurt?"

The little girl shook her head.

After confirming that the little koi was fine, Jun Mobai turned to look at the girl.

The girl slapped herself, she was in a daze at the moment.

Didn't she want to hit that bitch?Why are you still beating yourself?
(End of this chapter)

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