The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 164 Bully the little koi, but will be struck by lightning

Chapter 164 Bully the little koi, but will be struck by lightning

Jin Li leaned against Jun Mobai as if he was relieved.

It turns out that not all young ladies are cute.

At least not the one in front of her.

After being slapped by herself, the girl raised her head angrily, and was taken aback when she saw Jun Mobai's handsome face, and then her expression gradually became shy.

Jinli: What's going on?Does the fish look bad?Why do you have this attitude when you see fish? ? ?

"Jun, Mr. Jun..." The girl called Jun Mobai in a very tender voice.

After coming to Jun's for so long, she finally saw Mr. Jun.

Jun Mobai didn't pay her any attention at all.

Bullying his wife and wanting him to show you good looks?

how is this possible.

"What's going on? Being bullied?" He pinched the little girl's little bun face angrily.

"Oh, what are you doing, let go!" What does it mean to pinch Yu's face as soon as he comes up?

"Didn't I just go back..." Jin Li retorted softly.

"Huh?" Then what?

"And then it's like what you just saw..." And then the fish was beaten...

Although she couldn't hit anyone, that expression looked really scary, it scared her to death...

Okay, let alone bullying the little koi, and wanting to beat her, this person is really tired of his life, so he is not afraid of being struck by lightning as soon as he leaves the gate of the Jun family?
"I won't say anything, just pack up your things and leave." Jun Mobai glanced at the girl lightly.

See the red mist above her head?It's almost gone.

It's not good to bully anyone, but it's too miserable to bully the little koi.

"Mr. Jun, you can't drive me away!" The girl screamed sharply.

Jun Mobai covered the little girl's ears with his hands, and only opened his mouth casually after she finished yelling.

"No? Why not? Is the Jun family yours? Or am I your subordinate? Bullying my fiancé, I haven't settled accounts with you, it's polite." How dare you yell at him here?

"Such a bitch, why should she?" The girl glared at Jin Li viciously.

In her eyes, this person is just a person who wants to fly on a branch and become a phoenix.

As the word "slut" fell, the red mist above her head dimmed a bit, almost disappearing.

"As the future flower of the motherland, how can you think so? Let's not talk about anything else, you have to know that it is impossible for a person to become a phoenix." The little girl looked at her with an expression of "Why is this kid so stupid?" with girls.

The girl choked on the words.

Did she hear that he was scolding her?

But Jin Li's gentle attitude made Jun Mobai unhappy.

What did she just say?She said little koi is a slut?The little girl has never been scolded like this when she grows up.

Jun's anger suddenly flared up.

Seeing that Jun Mobai hadn't spoken, the girl thought he had admitted what she said, so she couldn't wait to raise her head.

(How do you have this idea? →_→)
As a result, as soon as she raised her head, she met Jun Mobai's sharp peach blossom eyes, and the murderous look in those eyes made her froze in place in fright.

"Why, do you think you have a sense of superiority when you slander others at will? Or do you think your family background is better than hers?" This kind of person can't wake up from scolding. If she believes that you are like this, she will beat you to death Nor will I admit that I was wrong.

It's like you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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