The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 165 Jun Mobai: The little koi has grown up

Chapter 165 Jun Mobai: The little koi has grown up
As soon as Jun Mobai mentioned her family background, the girl's head that had been lowered quickly lifted up again, and her eyes became bright again.

Jin Li covered her face speechlessly.

Well, this man seems to have decided that he is a poor ghost.

Is she poorly dressed?

The little girl looked down at the clothes she was wearing.

No, it's normal, then how did she see that she was poor.

"That's right, my family is better off than hers." The girl puffed out her chest proudly.

Jun Mobai laughed when he heard that.

"Just because your family background is better than others, and you are richer than others, can you insult others casually?"

"Why, do you have delusional disorder or something, do you think everyone wants to fly on a branch and become a phoenix?" Jun Mobai's sharp eyes shot straight at the girl.

"Do you dare to say that she is not? Then why is she standing by your side?" The girl yelled at Jun Mobai regardless.

Jun Mobai carried the little girl to his side.

"Tell her, who is your brother?" This kind of person's three views have been crooked to the bone, and it is completely hopeless.

"Ah? It's not good to say it?" Jin Li looked at Jun Mobai with some embarrassment.

"It's not that, it's your three elder brothers." Who let this little stupid fish poke out the way of heaven.

"Oh, my brother is Yun Yi, do you know him?" Jin Li introduced her eldest brother, second brother and third brother in turn.

"Okay, apologize to my little Jinli, and then leave." Although the other party is a girl, but she scolded Xiao Jinli for no reason, naturally she has to apologize.

Disrespect to the gods without reason is a serious crime.

In the end, the girl had no choice but to bow her head unwillingly, said "I'm sorry", and then ran away in despair.

Jin Li couldn't say anything harsh, and could only look at the girl's back and sigh.

"If the motherland knows that she has a successor like you, she will definitely be very angry." She just saw that the girl was full of resentment and gloomy.

"Little stupid fish, let's go." Jun Mobai pulled her away with a funny face.

This little stupid fish can't even scold people.

On the way back to the office with Jun Mobai, the little girl happily ate the snacks she got from Jun Mobai.

"It seems that you are not affected by that girl at all." But yes, they obviously don't take this kind of casual words from ordinary people to heart

That's fine, the little koi only needs to care about him, and everyone else doesn't need to care about it.

"There are too many people in this world who are malicious towards others. If every mermaid cares, wouldn't the fish be exhausted to death?"

"And sometimes people's malice comes out of nowhere, just like just now, I don't even know where I provoked her." Maybe sometimes just because you are better than him is enough to make others rise up against you malicious.

There are many good people in the world, and naturally there will be many bad people.

Jun Mobai touched the little girl's head.

"The little koi has grown up." I understand such a profound truth.

The little girl was silent for a while.

"Do I look stupid?"

Jun Mobai pretended to think seriously.

The little girl frowned immediately.

"Do you still need to think about this kind of thing?" Does the fish look so stupid?
"Just kidding, the little koi is the smartest." Jun Mobai hurriedly carried the little girl to the office.

Be darling, don't piss off the little koi.

(End of this chapter)

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