Chapter 173 Dinner
The little girl patted her chest proudly.

"Don't worry, the fish has you covered."

"Then you don't want to go back to the God Realm now?"

Jin Li shook her head.

"I don't want to think about it for now." She wanted to wait to go with Junjun.

Jun Mobai put him down satisfied.

"Very well, go and play by yourself."

The little girl ran away to continue practicing (sleeping).

When she got off work that day, Jin Li was woken up by Jun.

"What are you doing? Aren't you going home?" Why not let her continue to sleep.

"I have something to tell you."

The little girl yawned lazily.

"what's up?"

"I have a dinner party tonight."


"Would you like to go with me?" Jun Mobai added another sentence, afraid that the little jin carp would not want to.

"There are many good things to eat at the dinner party."

"Go, go, fish to go." Of course you can't miss the delicious food.

The little girl nodded, and Jun Mobai breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, in fact, he just didn't want to be separated from the little koi.

In the evening, the two were on their way to the dinner party.

"Are you sure it's fine for Yu to dress like this?" Jin Li tugged on the little pink skirt on her body.

"Why not?" Very good, beautiful.

"That too."

"Fish are just going to eat anyway."

The place the two came to was a large villa, and when they arrived, there were already many people inside.

"Junjun, let's go." The little girl couldn't wait to tug on Jun Mobai's trouser legs.

"I'll hug you." For some reason, he always had a bad feeling.

As soon as the two entered the banquet hall, they attracted the attention of many people.

To be precise, it was the little koi in Jun Mobai's arms that attracted many people's attention.

"Ah, that little girl is so cute!"

"Oh my god, where did Mr. Jun abduct such a cute kid?"

"Ah, I really want to pinch her little face!!!"

Under the gaze of all the girls, the little girl calmly patted Jun Mobai on the shoulder.

"Put me down, and then you can talk about business." The fish wanted to eat.

As soon as the little girl was put down, she heard an extremely familiar voice.

"Jinli? Why are you here?"

"It's Big Brother!" The little girl turned around and rushed over to hug Yun Yi's thigh.

There's no way, with Yu's current height, he can only hug his elder brother's thigh...

"Junjun is here to discuss business, and I am here for dinner." Jin Li explained everything honestly.

"Then go talk about business, I'll just take care of Jin Li." Yun Yi picked up the little girl.

The two men nodded to each other and left.

With Yun Yi taking care of him, Jun Mobai finally put down his mind and concentrated on discussing business.

On the other hand, Yun Yi and the little girl lingered in the place where the food was placed.

The little girl sat on Yun Yi's lap, holding a small cake in her hand, eating happily.

"Why did Jin Li come here with Jun Mobai?" Seeing the little girl's mouth full of butter, Yun Yi wiped her mouth patiently.

"Junjun said that he was afraid that I would be hungry, so he brought me here to eat." So her purpose is actually very simple, she really came here to eat.

Yun Yi couldn't help chuckling.

That's exactly what little girls do.

"Is the elder brother also here to discuss business?"

Yun Yi touched Jin Li's little head.

"Yes, I've finished talking." If he hadn't met the little girl, he would have gone back.

He didn't want to stay here either.

(End of this chapter)

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