The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 174 The Little Koi with 3 Hearts and 2 Intentions

Chapter 174 The half-hearted little koi
"I haven't been to this kind of place before." The little girl looked here and there curiously.

She has never been in contact with this kind of dinner party, and she is very curious about everything she sees.

And the point is... there are so many beautiful girls here...(`﹃`)
Seeing that the little girl's attention was about to be attracted by the girls present, Yun Yi calmly began to find topics.

"When will Jinli recover?" I haven't seen her for many days, and the little girl should be almost recovered.

"Soon I will be able to return to my original appearance." If there is no accident, it will be these few days.

Fortunately, this time it was just a false alarm. If it really can't change back, Yu will probably cry to death.

Yun Yi nodded.

"That's good."

Seeing the two over there chatting more and more excitedly, Jun Mobai was upset.

If he had known earlier, he would not have given the little girl to Yun Yi's care. Looking at them, how happy they were chatting, it seemed that he might have completely forgotten him.

Hmph, this half-hearted little koi is teasing each other.

Jin Li, who was happily chatting with her elder brother, suddenly sneezed.

"Ah Choo." The little girl's milky voice made everyone around her so cute.

"Look, she sneezed!"

"Ahhh, oh my god, it's so cute!"

"I really want to take it home!!!
Jin Li rubbed her little nose innocently.

Why is the fish still yawning?
"Have a cold?" Yun Yi looked at the little girl nervously.

"Brother, fish is a god, how could it be possible to catch a cold?" The little girl leaned over to Yun Yi's ear and whispered to him.

Fish are never sick, okay?
"That's right, but I'm too nervous." Yun Yi patted the little girl's head.

Hey, he even patted the little koi's head. This little stupid fish actually let people pat his head casually?Don't know if touching your head will grow taller?

Jun Mo was so angry that he wanted to rush over to snatch the little girl back immediately.

"Sir, don't get excited..." Jiang Yi quietly reminded Jun Mobai.

Seeing his husband like this, he wished he could rush over and snatch the little koi back.

Jun Mobai looked at his subordinates expressionlessly.

"You look like I'm impulsive?" He's obviously "calm down", okay?Did you see him rushing over?No.

"Okay, you just need to calm down." Jiang Yi wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead.

It was really difficult for him to be a subordinate.

Jun Mobai turned his attention back to the person in front of him.

He wanted to finish the business with this man quickly, and then go to the little girl.

The things that were supposed to be discussed for a long time were compressed into 10 minutes by him.

Almost as soon as the contract was finalized, he couldn't wait to look for the little koi.

Otherwise, the little girl should completely forget him.

Jin Li, who was having a good chat with her elder brother just now, felt that she flew into the air again, and then fell into another embrace.

"Huh? Junjun came back to provoke you." The little girl's eyes inevitably lit up when she saw Jun Mobai.

"Since Jun Mobai is back, the elder brother should go too." Yun Yi patted Jin Li's little hand, then turned and left.

"Bye, brother~" As soon as Yun Yi left, Jin Li couldn't help but speak.

"Look, Junjun, this is the snack that Yu just saw. It is delicious. After eating a piece of fish, I left one for you." The little girl handed the small plate to Junmo as if offering a treasure. In front of Bai.

(End of this chapter)

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