Chapter 188
Qi's father and Qi's mother naturally had no doubts about Jin Li's ability.

Not to mention that they had already heard about the reputation of this little girl on the Internet before, and she was introduced by Moze.

Mo Ze and their family, Qi Yan, have been good brothers since they were young. They have grown up with people, so they naturally know their character.

And the appearance of the little girl also looks extremely pleasing, which is very likable.

"Uncle and aunt may need to leave for a while later." The little girl explained to Father Qi and Mother Qi.

"Because the ghost is very cruel, and he is not a good person. I am afraid that he will hurt you by mistake." Since the ghost can avenge its kindness, it must not be a good person.

"Okay, okay, then I'll leave Qi Yan to you." Father Qi didn't say much, and left almost as soon as Jin Li finished speaking.

"Why are you not afraid of me getting hurt?" Moze couldn't help asking.

The little girl rolled her eyes.

"What can you hurt?"

"I am also an ordinary human being." He is not a god, and apart from his possessed brother, he is the only living target on the scene.

"Why are you panicking? Don't you still have the amulet that the fish gave you?" Why are you panicking?It's not that I haven't seen a ghost, and I haven't seen you so flustered before.

Moser: That's because the previous ghost is different from the current one. This is a veritable evil ghost! ! !
Moze froze for a moment, and then came to his senses.

Yes, he still has the amulet given by Jin Li.

"Let's go." Mo Ze urged the little girl impatiently.

In his heart, he really hoped that Jin Li could quickly rescue his good brother.

The little girl walked into the villa leisurely with short legs, and then went upstairs very naturally.

"How do you know it's upstairs?" Mo Ze looked at Jin Li in surprise.

"Aren't you just asking nonsense? Wherever the yin energy is the most serious, that's where it is." As soon as he mentioned this little girl, he muttered.

"I don't know if the sky eye opened for you before is still effective."

"It should still be there." From the moment he entered the villa, he actually felt a vaguely bleak aura, which should be the yin qi that Jin Li was talking about.

The little girl glanced at him, and her expression became meaningful.

Well, it seems that Moser is also a man of good fortune.

It's just that Mo Ze didn't notice Jin Li's eyes at this moment.

The two stood at the door of Qi Yan's room, the door was locked from the inside, Mo Ze stepped back a few steps, and was about to kick the door, but was stopped by Jin Li.

"What do you want?" The little girl looked at him warily.

"Kick the door open." Isn't that a matter of course?

"Aren't you going to scare the snake?" Are you afraid that the ghost won't know that you have hired someone to catch him?

"Get out of the way." Jin Li angrily pushed him aside.

"It's time for you to experience the magic of fish." The little girl's white and tender paw pointed at the doorknob, and the locked door opened automatically.

Moze looked at the door lock in shock, and then at the little girl in front of him.

If he knew that the identity of the little girl was limited to what he had heard from her before, then at this moment he was too shocked to speak.

"What are you doing? Let's go." Jin Li walked into the room first.

Almost as soon as they entered the room, the people inside saw the two of them.

Yes, after all, they broke into other people's territory.

(End of this chapter)

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