Chapter 189 Appearance
"Are you that evil ghost possessing someone else's body?" The little girl saw the ghost's spirit body at a glance.

It was a middle-aged man in his 40s and [-]s, with an unconcealable hostility on his face, and his appearance was quite ugly, and he exuded an aura of malice all over his body.

And Mo Ze saw that his good brother who was originally gentle and elegant was now gloomy, and his elegant and handsome face was distorted out of shape.

This bastard!

Moze couldn't help but wanted to rush up.

"Hey, the little girl is so pretty, are you here to accompany brother?" The man was not surprised that the little girl could see his identity.

The one who can be found is definitely not someone who is waiting for nothing, but there is nothing to do but talk about him.

Besides, he didn't pay attention to such a little girl.

"Presumptuous!" The little girl's usually childish voice was extremely serious at the moment, and her whole person revealed an indescribable majesty.

Although she usually likes to play a little bit and doesn't like to put on airs, she is still a god after all, and her majesty is still there.

As Jin Li's voice fell, the ghost was knocked back several steps by the aura around her, and even showed some signs of wanting to kneel down.

And there was a reason why the little girl was so angry.

This person has been doing nothing all his life, so that's all. The problem is that he is still violent at home, punching and kicking his wife, and he is lazy by nature, and addicted to gambling. After the ill-treatment ran away, he spent all day in the casino and owed a huge amount of gambling debts.

In the end, he lived on the street, and not long after Qi Yan rescued him, those debt collectors also came to him, and his final end was naturally beaten to death.

But after his death, he was not reconciled. Instead, he turned into a ghost, and instead of looking for those who beat him to death, he leaned over Qi Yan, the person who helped him.

The reason why he did this is naturally because of the Qi family behind Qi Yan, and his young and beautiful body.

After Jin Li passed all the information to Mo Ze, Mo Ze was shaking with anger.

He is angry for his good brother.

Good intentions to save people, but don't want to end up with revenge.

Isn't this the real version of the farmer and the snake?

"You, who are you?" After being overwhelmed by the aura around the little girl, the ghost looked at her with some trepidation.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you are finished today." The little girl had never seen such a person before, and she was absolutely pissed off.

"That also requires you to drive me out of this body." He insisted on not leaving, what else could this little girl do with him?If you have the ability to hurt the owner of this body together.

Thinking of this, the ghost was a little proud.

"Little girl, it's better not to be too confident in being a human being." As long as she can't drive herself out, then she can't do anything to herself.

Jin Li didn't want to talk nonsense with him at all, so he waved and scratched Qi Yan's body with his small hands, and the ghost was caught out.

The smug expression on the ghost's face hadn't completely dissipated before he was locked in place by the little girl and couldn't move.

"Put this on for him." Jin Li threw out a bracelet with light yellow gemstones to Mo Ze.

That is the requiem talisman she made yesterday, which can strengthen Qi Yan's soul and prevent it from being attacked by other ghosts.

(End of this chapter)

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