The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 313 Jun Mobai: Good job, young man

Chapter 313 Jun Mobai: Good job, young man

"You see you just achieved so much success that you don't want to celebrate?"

Moser glanced at her.

"I just celebrate and I don't want to celebrate with you." Isn't that like being a light bulb?He doesn't do this kind of thing.

"Go, go, Yu wants to celebrate with you." When two people celebrate together, Yu will reap double the happiness and delicious food.

Moser: The focus is on food, right? →_→

"Just follow me." Jin Li looked at him pitifully.

In the end Moser couldn't move her.

"Let's go, let's go." The little koi's ability to stalk people was so powerful that he couldn't resist it.

Someone who had been waiting for Nao Po in the office saw the office door being pushed open, and immediately looked up.

When he saw the petite and lovely figure of his own brain, someone's eyes lit up in Shunjing Street, but when he saw Moze who came in next, his expression was like this: "(¬_¬)"

"What kind of look is that in your eyes?" He saw it all, okay?

Jun Mobai ignored him, and hurriedly strode up to Jin Li.

"How are you tired?"

"Not tired, not tired." How could she be tired? If she was tired, it would be Mo Zelei.

Jun Mobai reached out and touched her small satchel, only half of the snacks in it were left.

Mr. Jun: Can you still return half of it?
"I'm the one who contributes, so of course she won't be tired." Mo Ze slumped on the sofa angrily.

"Isn't that what it should be?" Could it be that his family's little koi is still needed?
"Junjun Junjun, let's go out to eat together and celebrate the victory of Moze and I." In fact, it was mainly Moze, and the fish was incidental.

"Okay, then let's celebrate." The brain woman said what she said.

"Yeah! Let's go then." Jin Li waved at the two of them, and walked out first.

Jun Mobai and Mo Ze followed behind her not too far away.

Jun Mobai turned to look at Mo Ze.


"It's also your people who taught you well."

The two touched each other's fists, and then followed the little girl in front.

"You guys are walking so slowly." Jin Li looked at the two with disgust.

"It's not as good as the short legs of a fish." What's the use of long legs?You can't walk fast.

"Yes, yes, get in the car." Jun Mobai held her waist with both hands and squeezed the little girl into the car and sat down.

"You go to be the driver." Jun Mobai sat down next to Jinli confidently.

"All right, all right, I'll go." A single dog has no human rights, and he doesn't want to sit in the back and watch the two show their affection.

On the way to dinner, Jin Li told all the way how they got into the lair of the drug dealer leader, and how Moze dealt with him.

"So, it is thanks to Moze that their arrest operation was successful this time." Jun Mobai looked at Moze who was driving ahead.

"Good job, lad."

Moze: "Shut up." This man is getting more and more annoying.

"Here we are, get out of the car quickly." I feel annoyed when I see you.

Jun looked at him inscrutablely.

"Tsk, duplicity."

Moser: "Roll."

Jin Li: What are these two people talking quietly before getting out of the car?

"You go in first, I'll go shopping." Moze drove away after finishing speaking.

Jin Li looked at Jun Mobai blankly.

"What did Moser do?"

"I don't know, let's go in first." Jun Mobai took his mother-in-law and left.

Wherever he likes to go, he doesn't want to know.

(End of this chapter)

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