Chapter 314 On TV
And where Jinli came from, it was naturally like a brocade.

She has come so many times that the young ladies at the front desk know her by now.

After greeting the girls, Jin Li followed Jun Mobai inside.

"You came out to eat today, not to hook up with little girls." Pay attention to your behavior.

"I know I know." Really, Junjun is too wordy.

After the two sat down to order, Moze finally came back with a box in his hand.

"Wow, you went out to buy cakes!" Jin Li's eyes never left the box in his hand since Moze entered the door.

Receiving the eyes of the little koi, Moze glanced at her.

"I knew you would want to eat it." So he bought it specially.

"Moze, you are so kind." She actually knew that the fish wanted cake.

"Just your small thoughts are all written on your face, little stupid fish." Jun Mobai pinched her little bun face funny.

"Hmph, fish are not stupid." Jin Li hummed unhappily.

She's smart, okay?
After eating the meal and the cake, Jin Li was satisfied and left with Jun Mobai.

Moze naturally went home too.

"It seems that our little stupid fish is going to be on TV." Jun Mobai looked at his mother-in-law mockingly.

The little girl looked at him blankly.

"Ah? Why?" Why do you want to be on TV.

"Are there no reporters at the scene to interview you?"

Jinli nodded.

"Your fans must be surprised to find out." Jun Mobai said as he lowered his head and kissed her fair little face.

"My little koi is awesome." As expected of his brains.

"Of course." The little girl raised her head arrogantly, and she couldn't be too proud of her appearance.

Jiang Yi who has been acting as the driver: It's okay, he's used to the smell of dog food, he doesn't feel sad at all. (╥﹏╥)
The next morning, the news about Jin Li and Mo Ze was broadcast.

Seeing my younger sister standing with a group of tall and mighty police uncles in full armor on a certain channel, the fans were in a mess.

What's going on, sister?Messed up?Isn't my sister a talisman seller?Are fortune tellers and talismans able to assist the police in anti-narcotics these days? ? ?
Puzzled fans flocked to Jinli's Weibo to leave messages.

As for a certain fish, he is still in bed.

Jinli: If the fish can't get up, it's all Junjun's fault...

When she finally got up slowly, Jun Mobai carried her to the front of the TV.

"What are you doing?" Jin Li looked at him in confusion.

"watch the news."

"What's so good about the news?" What news to watch in the morning.

As Jin Li said, she wanted to go back to sleep again.

"Look at my wife." Of course it looks good.

The little girl who was about to go back to sleep suddenly sat up straight.

"Then I want to see it too."

After waiting for a long time, the news about Jun Mobai and Jin Li was finally broadcast.

"Don't look, Yu looks so stupid." Jin Li couldn't help but want to cover Jun Mobai's eyes.

"Cute." His brain was extremely conspicuous among the crowd of tall and burly people.

"If I had known it would look so stupid, I wouldn't have come out at that time..." It's too embarrassing, people all over the country saw it...

Jin Li took out her phone and posted on Weibo.

"I saw my sister on TV!"

"My sister is too fierce. I haven't seen you for so long, and she actually ran to assist the police in anti-narcotics."

"My sister is mighty."

(End of this chapter)

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