The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 380 Who Hooks Who

Chapter 380 Who Hooks Who
Xie Yufei: "...What happened to her?"

"I went to find her family Junjun."

"Ah?" Junjun... who is it?
Yun Xuan explained to her expressionlessly: "Her husband."

"Hmph, double-standard third brother."

Jun Mobai dragged his mother-in-law into the car.

"What double standard?"

"Hmph, third brother, someone who sees se and forgets his sister."

Amidst the little girl's incoherent chatter, Jun Mobai finally understood what was going on.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry." This little idiot, didn't he see that her third brother's attitude towards others was different.

But thinking about it, Yun Xuan himself might not have noticed. →_→

"So, it's settled now?"

"Third brother said he can settle it."

Jun Mobai nodded.

"That's good." The little koi can stay by his side with peace of mind, instead of always running towards Yun Xuan.

It's just that as soon as he thought about it, he heard Jin Li continue to say: "I still have to look for him every day."

Jun Mobai: "...Why are you still looking for him?"

"What if he bullies Sister Feifei?"

"Sister Feifei...who is it?" Why is there another person he doesn't know.

"It's the lawyer sister who is suing the third brother." Jin Li said with a smirk.

"She looks pretty." Yu also liked her very much.

Jun Mobai grabbed her soft little bun face angrily.

"How long have you been with Yunxuan, why did you hook up with a little girl again?"

"Oh, oh, don't pinch my face..." Jin Li tried her best to save her little face from his hands.

"This is not the family I hooked up with." Junjun really hates it.

"It's not you, could it be that you were hooked up with someone?" The little stupid fish didn't even look at himself and thought of his little nymphomaniac.

"It's obviously Sister Feifei who the third brother hooked up with, so what does Jinli have to do with me?" Yu Ke is innocent.

"You don't have this idea?" He doesn't know what kind of fish the little koi is?
Jin Li was so cowardly that she didn't dare to look at him: "No, I dare not." Man, he did have this thought.

"Stay with me in the office this afternoon and reflect on yourself, and you are not allowed to go anywhere." Still thinking of hooking up with a little girl?Do you not know that you are a married fish? →_→

The little girl slumped on the seat with no love in her life: "Oh."

Then, this afternoon, before she got off work, she really never left the office.

Junjun is too serious, if he says he won't let her go, he really won't let her go.

After finally surviving until the next morning, Jin Li literally flew to Yun Xuan's law firm.

"Third brother, my good third brother, I miss you so much." The little girl rushed over to hug him.

Yun Xuan pushed her away: "I'm not your good third brother."

Jin Li: "Aren't you my third brother?" Otherwise, what are you?

Yun Xuan looked at her expressionlessly: "I am your double-standard third brother."

Jin Li: "..." The third brother is a cheapskate!Still thinking about what she said about him yesterday.

"No, you are my third brother." The little girl tugged at him angrily.

Yun Xuan sighed, and patted her little head helplessly.

"Okay, go and play by yourself."

"Oh." Jin Li was ready to go to Yun Xuan's office as she was familiar with the way.

No, did the fish forget something?
Jin Li rattled back to Yun Xuan's side again.

"Where's Sister Feifei?" Where did you arrange my sister Feifei?
"She is busy and has no time to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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