The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 381 Jin Li: The fish has seen through you

Chapter 381 Jin Li: The fish has seen through you

"Isn't it all right?"


"What about a little while?"

"...No way." Yun Xuan pushed her to her office.

"Stay here obediently."

"I'm right here watching you." See where you run.

"She's obviously here to look for Sister Feifei..." It's not here to look for you, why do you have to keep her here? What's the difference between that and Junjun's.

Seeing the little girl squatting in a corner and drawing circles unhappy, Yun Xuan walked over anyway, and squatted beside her to comfort her softly.

"She is very busy, and she needs to get used to it when she first came here. Don't disturb her."

Being comforted by Yun Xuan, Jin Li looked up at him pitifully.


"Yeah." Sure enough, the little koi is still cute.

"But third brother, why do you care so much about sister Feifei?"

"She's my only girl."

Jin Li: "Oh~" That's it, the only girl, tsk tsk tsk.

Yun Xuan reached out and poked her forehead.

"Do not think too much."

"I don't have any random thoughts, it's obviously third brother you who have made random thoughts." Fish is very pure, okay?

Yun Xuan returned to his usual expressionless look.

"It's fine if you don't think about it, go play by yourself."

Jin Li: "..." Seriously, third brother, it's a pity that you don't learn how to change faces.

Now that the third brother has said so, it's better for Yu not to bother Sister Feifei, and it's better for Yu to go to her after she rests at noon.

Almost as soon as twelve o'clock arrived, Jin Li couldn't wait to rush out, and Yun Xuan stretched out her hand to bring her back.

"Why are you going?" You ran in such a hurry.

"Look for Sister Feifei." Otherwise, what else could she do.

"Why are you looking for her?"

"Let's have dinner together." Otherwise?


"Third brother, we girls are chatting, why are you following?"

Yun Xuan looked at her calmly: "You are so careless, don't worry." What if someone loses himself while playing, then Jun Mobai will kill him.

"Then take me to find Sister Feifei."

Yun Xuan led her to a small office next to her office and opened the door, the person inside was Xie Yufei.

"Third brother, tell me, what's going on?" The little girl had a small expression of "the fish has already seen through you".

"What else? Let her be crowded with other people?" Let a girl be crowded with a bunch of men?
"Yes, yes." Jin Li ran over to grab Xie Yufei.

"Let's go, Sister Feifei, let's go eat."

"It's already lunch time, don't continue to work." Jin Li said and pulled the man away.

After walking for a while, Xie Yufei finally found Yun Xuan standing next to the little girl.

"Why are you here too?"

Yun Xuan: "..." So this person only discovered him now, right?
"Follow Jinli."

"It's easier for her to lose herself." For his personal safety, and for him not to be beaten by Jun Mobai, he must take good care of her.

Yun Xuan pulled back the little girl who was striding forward.

"Walk slowly." It's not good to lose it while walking.

"I have short legs, so I have to walk faster." You two have such long legs that the fish can't keep up.

Xie Yufei went up to hold her by the hand.

"Come on, let's go together." This way you won't be afraid of losing it.

Jin Li happily pulled her.

"Hey, Sister Feifei took me away."

Yunxuan: What about me?You two are leaving now?Leave me alone? ? ?
The two girls walked ahead holding hands, looking extremely harmonious.

(End of this chapter)

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