The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 382 Thick-skinned

Chapter 382 Thick-skinned

Yun Xuan followed behind the two expressionlessly, like a bad uncle who was ready to kidnap and sell children at any time.

Yun Xuan: Why am I a bad uncle?

After the three of them finished their meal, Xie Yufei spoke first.

"I'll treat you to this meal. It's a thank you for helping my mother transfer to another hospital and giving me a new job." Speaking of which, she was actually very grateful to him.

It's really this person...too much to makes people want to hate him.

Yun Xuan looked at the little girl next to her.

Jin Li immediately grabbed Xie Yufei knowingly.

"It's okay, it's okay, the third brother has money, it doesn't matter who gives it to him, we are good friends." Jin Li glanced at her third brother cautiously.

"At least sister Feifei and I are good friends."

Xie Yufei couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"We Jinli are so cute."

Yun Xuan corrected her.

"It's Jinli from my Yun family." It's not yours.

Xie Yufei snorted lightly.

"Hmph, it's not yours anyway."

Yun Xuan is invulnerable: "Oh."

"I finally know why you have won all the lawsuits." Xie Yufei folded her hands in a leisurely manner.

"Because you have a thick skin." You are invulnerable. If you say that you don't change your face, you will not be moved by what others say, and then you will piss people off with a single mouth. Of course, you are invincible.

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Thick skin is also a skill." At least your skin is not as thick as mine.

Xie Yufei dragged Jin Li to leave.

"...Let's go, leave him alone." It's really thick-skinned to say thick-skinned.

"If she wants to leave, she will follow me." Jin Li is obviously his sister.

Xie Yufei glared at him.

"No, you won't spoil me." I don't want Jin Li to turn into this person's ghost.

In the end, Xie Yufei and Jin Li asked him to drive them back.

It's just that someone's fighting power is too strong, even Xie Yufei and Jin Li can't beat him together.

Xie Yufei: Look, what did she just say?Saying that you have a thick skin, you really showed me your fighting power to the extreme.

After sending the little girl to Jun's gate, Yun Xuan started to drive away people.

"Go and find your Junjun."

Jin Li got out of the car obediently, then waved to him.

"Bye, third brother."

Yun Xuan took out another big bag of snacks.

"Take it."

The little girl smiled with crooked eyes.

"Thank you third brother, third brother is so kind~"

"I'm the worst if I don't buy you snacks."

Yun Xuan expressionless: "Double-standard brocade."

Before Jin Li could reply, he drove away.

Jinli: "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooish..." (╥﹏╥)
With complicated emotions, Jin Li went to find Jun Mobai with a lot of snacks.

"Yun Xuan bought it for you?" Jun Mobai helped her carry away the snacks as soon as she entered the door.


"Is it fun to play with him for two days?" Is it enough?It's time to come back.

Hearing the sourness in Jun Mobai's tone, the little girl pulled him back with a smile.

"It's better for Junjun." At least, at least Junjun won't hate her, the third brother is too powerful in fighting, and Yu can't afford to provoke her. (╥﹏╥)
"Now you know I'm good to you?" You said Yun Xuan was good before, what's so good about it?

Jun Mobai reached out and poked her small face, then pulled her to sit down.

"have you eaten?"

"have eaten."

Jun reached out to touch her belly.

"Well, it seems that the food is quite good."

The little girl blushed all of a sudden.

"Don't touch." Damn it!

Jun Mobai calmly stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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