The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 395 Big Brother, You Traitor

Chapter 395 Big Brother, You Traitor
His wife didn't listen to him either.

"Then why should I go?"

Yun Chuan hugged him by the shoulders like two good brothers: "Isn't it because your little cutie listens to you?"

Jun Mobai nodded: "Yes, when you are in a good mood, you are very obedient." If you are really angry, even ten cows will not be able to pull back.

Yun Chuan looked at Yun Xuan who had been silent all this time.

"Then, why don't you go and pull Xie Yufei back?"

"You didn't see that I have been silent."

The three of them were silent for a moment, then looked at Yun Yi next to them together.

Yun Yi:? ? ?
Yun Chuan pulled him pitifully.

"Brother, why don't you go."

Yun Yi smiled slightly, and Yun Yi left directly.

"Suddenly sleepy, go to sleep."

Yun Chuan: "Brother, you traitor!" He actually left his brother and ran away by himself.

Jun Mobai: "You will regret it when you bring your wife back." He will send the little koi out to pester people.

Yun Xuan didn't speak, but just looked at him quietly, with only one meaning expressed in his eyes: big brother, traitor.

"It's getting dark, the butler has started cooking." Yun Yi kindly reminded.

Yun Xuan was the first to stand up and walk towards Xie Yufei.

"Let's go, I'll show you the kitchen." Without waiting for Xie Yufei to speak, he pulled the person away.

Yun Chuan also pulled Qin Shu: "Daughter-in-law, we've been chatting all afternoon, are you thirsty? Are you tired? Let me squeeze your shoulders and beat your back?"

Jun Mobai also looked at Jin Li when he saw that the two of them had pulled his wife away.

"They're all gone."

The little girl was stunned, then looked at him with her mouth puckered.

"Then, then you take me away too."

Satisfied, Jun Mobai hugged his wife and left.

Yun Yi who was alone in the living room: "..."

A bunch of bastards who left him after having a wife!
Wait, he will go on a blind date tomorrow!

After having dinner at Yun's house, the three of them went back to their respective houses with their wives.

On the way home, Jin Li still had something to say, "I really want to play with Sister Qin Shu and Sister Feifei often."

Jun Mobai: Why is it not enough for you to chat for a day?
"Junjun, isn't Sister Feifei super beautiful and super nice?" Yu Ke liked her.

Jun Mobai didn't even think about it: "I only like my wife." He didn't even look at other people.

He's not like a heartless fish who likes a little girl when he sees one. →_→

Jin Li: It has been connoted.

"And you, you are not allowed to like other little fairies, you can only like me." He had a hunch that he could no longer let the little koi hook up with other little girls, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"But sister Qin Shu is my second sister-in-law, and sister Feifei is my future third sister-in-law." So this is not considered a hook-up.

Jun Mobai: "It doesn't matter." Anyway, it is not allowed.

Jin Li patted his head.

"Be good, Junjun, don't be awkward."

"Then give me a kiss." Apart from kissing, there is no other way to make him not angry.

"Yes, but you are driving." This will affect Junjun's driving.

"Then go home and kiss." Anyway, you don't want to let it go.

After arriving home, the first thing he did when he entered the door, Jun Mobai kissed his mother-in-law.

Jin Li: Dazed, ignorant, and at a loss. o_O
Mr. Jun quickly washed his brains clean, then carried him into the room and closed the door to eat the little koi.

On this matter, he was never ambiguous.

While Jun Mobai and his mother-in-law are sweet every day, the relationship between Yun Xuan and Xie Yufei is also advancing by leaps and bounds.

After a few weeks, Yun Xuan successfully fooled her... Ah no, she led her to get married.

(End of this chapter)

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