Chapter 396
As soon as the marriage certificate was in hand, Yunxuan held the wedding at an incomparable speed.

Yunxuan: Be fast, otherwise my wife won't be able to cheat and go home.

Regarding the series of behaviors of his younger brother, Yun Yi just wanted to say: Heh, he will go on a blind date tomorrow.

Why are they all able to get out of the singles successfully, and he is still single?
Jin Li was extremely shocked when her eldest brother said that he was going on a blind date.

"Brother looks so gentle and easy to bully, will he really go on a blind date?" He won't be bullied by other girls, right?

Jun Mobai kissed her little face.

"Honey, you're overthinking. Your elder brother is the most slanderous of us." That bastard is so smart, how could he be bullied?Only other people have ever been bullied by him.

The little girl pursed her mouth in displeasure.

"Hmph, no way, my eldest brother is so handsome, he is clearly Prince Charming, you are not allowed to say that about my eldest brother." The eldest brother is obviously fine.

Jun Mobai laughed mercilessly.

"So what about Prince Charming? Isn't he single?" Has he found a wife?
"Well, so what? Make a name that many girls like."

"What does that have to do with you? Go to work with me." Jun Mobai angrily went out with his worry-free brain.

And Yun Yi lived up to expectations, and really went on a blind date.

In a certain box of Sijin, Yun Yi is sitting inside waiting for someone.

That's right, what was waiting was his blind date.

Do you think he was just talking?Wrong, he really came on a blind date.

No way, who made him the oldest, and he still hasn't left the single.

In order not to be ridiculed by his two stupid younger brothers every day, he can no longer sit still like this.

Anyway, if he waits for his wife every day, she won't fall from the sky, so why not take the initiative and go on a blind date.

Yun Yi's character is completely inconsistent with his gentle appearance.

In fact, he is very defensive, and he actually maintains an indifferent attitude towards all outsiders who are not his own family. He doesn't care, doesn't care, and doesn't care.

When dealing with competitors, the means are not soft at all.

And his intuition is very accurate, and he is also very accurate in judging people. If he likes, he will really treat him well, and if he doesn't like it, he will completely ignore it.

For example, Jin Li, the first time he saw her, he thought she was a good girl, so he took her home to raise her, and he has always been very kind to the little girl, pampering her very much.

In fact, he didn't have much expectation for today's blind date, he just took a look, of course it's best if he likes it, and it's fine if he doesn't like it.

The other party is the young lady of the Gu family, Gu Tingting. As for the person... you'll know it when you see it.

Just when Yun Yi thought so, the door of the box was opened.

A little girl walked in.

Seeing that girl for the first time, Yun Yi had only one thought in his mind: She really looks like a little rabbit, and she is easy to bully just by looking at it.

The soft-looking little girl slowly moved to sit opposite Yun Yi.

The first time he saw someone, Yun Yi smiled.

"You're not Gu Tingting, are you?"

The girl didn't seem to expect him to say such a thing, she was so frightened that she jumped up and stood up.

As if seeing that the other party was nervous, Yun Yi smiled gently at her.

"Don't be nervous, I mean no harm." The little guy's reaction was really funny.

"I, I... My name is Gu Zhining, and I am Gu Tingting's older sister."

(End of this chapter)

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