The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 397 Yun Yi's Blind Date

Chapter 397 Yun Yi's Blind Date

Yun Yi nodded.

"Oh? But my blind date is called Gu Tingting, why did you come here?"

The little girl, that is, Gu Zhining thought about it, and looked at him with a soft and weak face.

"Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"


"She has something to do and can't come."

Yun Yi nodded.

"What about the truth?"

"Gu Tingting has someone she likes and doesn't want to come, but the Gu family didn't want to give up your cash cow, so they sent me here." Gu Zhining said truthfully.

"So honest?" Did this little guy tell him the truth?

Gu Zhining told him solemnly: "Mom said it's not good to lie." So she chose to tell the truth.

"Gu Zhining? You are the eldest lady of the Gu family." He also knew Gu Zhining. Her mother died after giving birth to her, and her father married a stepmother and came back, and soon gave birth to a younger sister.

It is completely different from her younger sister Gu Tingting. Gu Zhining has been weak and sick since she was a child, and she was very unlucky. After birth, the Gu family is gradually improving.

With such a strong contrast, Gu Zhining was naturally inconspicuous, and was not valued by her father or even the Gu family.

She looks like a nice girl, but a little pathetic.

Yun Yi thought to himself.

Looking at the little guy opposite who seemed a little uneasy, Yun Yi also introduced himself.

"My name is Yun Yi, and I am the president of the Yun Group."

Gu Zhining glanced at him cautiously.


Yun Yi smiled gently at her, then handed her the menu.

"Are you hungry? How about ordering first."

After Gu Zhining finished ordering, she sat there quietly again, her little hands neatly arranged, like a child who listened carefully in class.

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows.

Love carrots?It really is a bunny, cute.

After eating a meal, Gu Zhining was so frightened that he didn't even dare to look at Yun Yi, and he couldn't wait to leave as soon as the meal was finished.

Seemingly seeing the other party's thoughts, Yun Yi also stood up slowly.

"Don't worry, I'll see you off."

Gu Zhining quickly shook her head.

"Huh? No, no need."

Yun Yi smiled softly.

"You can't let the girl go back alone, let's go, I'll see you off."

Gu Zhining stood up and walked out quickly.

"Thank you, thank you."

Yun Yi quietly looked at the back of her who was almost running away.

Well, he felt as if he had fallen in love at first sight.

He fell in love with this little guy like a bunny.

So cute, goofy, and looks like he's easy to bully and cheat.

Gu Zhining had no idea what he was thinking, and before leaving, the two even exchanged WeChat messages.

Seeing the little girl striding into Gu's house, Yun Yi turned on the phone, changed her name to Little Rabbit Ning Ning, and left contentedly.

Well, I believe it won't take long for him to get out of the order.

And Ning Ning is so stupid and so easy to deceive, he has to abduct the person back to him in advance to be at ease.

The matter of Yun Yi's blind date was known to the little girl very quickly.

"Big brother really likes that little girl." Jin Li looked at the message from her big brother in surprise.

Jun Mobai chuckled.

"So what? People don't like him." What's the use of liking people, you have to make them like you too.

(End of this chapter)

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