The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 471 Children, do you have a lot of question marks

Chapter 471 Children, do you have a lot of question marks
Didn't he just go see Jin Li for a while? Why did this little girl find someone to marry her in the blink of an eye?

Besides, hasn't this guy stayed in the Demon Realm all the time?How did they meet?
Yue Lao only felt the question mark in his head.

Jun Mobai raised his eyebrows and asked back.

"Can't we be together?" What's the problem?
"Ah, no, no, that's not what I mean, what I mean is, how did you know each other?" Logically speaking, these two people are not compatible at all.

Usually, even if this evil god came to the God Realm, the little koi would hide as far away as possible. Why did they not see each other for a few days, and they were together?

Yuelao: Kid, do you have a lot of question marks...

"Hey, it was an accident. My brother threw me into the lower realm, and then I met Junjun." That's right, it was such a coincidence. (actually on purpose)

Yue Lao was even more shocked.

"Heaven and Dao matched it?" This, this, did he miss some great melon?
"The purpose of our coming here is to let you be a witness." Jun Mobai reminded.

I'm not here to gossip about you.

"Oh, yes, yes." Yue Lao slapped his head.

Yuelao Yuelao, as the name suggests, is in charge of marriage. Many gods in the god world will come to him to be a witness after they become Taoist couples, and then tell everyone that they have become Taoist couples.

And the marriage line of these two... Yuelao looked at the two of them.

Of course it's not with him.

Hey, he is not qualified to match these two people, this is born by the law of heaven and earth, he is a little old man, so he is not qualified to influence their marriage.

But it's okay to be a witness.

A few minutes later, Jun Mobai pulled his brain out with satisfaction, and then, all the interfaces were boiling.

Those two great gods actually got married?Quietly, just like this together?This is too incredible.

And the two people who were talking about it slowly returned to the palace of Tiandao.

"Go to Yuelao's?" Tiandao looked at the two people who walked in leisurely.

"Didn't you receive the news?" Jun Mobai asked him back.

Tiandao didn't give him any face.

"I didn't ask you." It's none of your business.

"I'll answer for my wife." Can't you?
He is now a legitimate and well-known person.

Tiandao: "Huh." I don't want to talk to you.

Jun, on the other hand, fumbled from his pocket calmly, and found out two red books, which were the marriage certificate between him and the little girl.

"See? We still have a marriage certificate." Do you have it?single dog.

Tiandao: "While I can hold back my hands, Jin Li, take him away." If this bastard stays for a while longer, he's afraid that he can't help but do it in front of the little jin carp.

Jin Li tugged at Jun Mobai's clothes.


Someone who had just confirmed his identity was in a particularly good mood. He carefully put away his marriage certificate, and then looked at Tiandao again.

"Hmph, you're just jealous of me." Jealousy that I'm out of singles, and you're still single.

Tiandao: "Shameless."

Jun Mobai: "What do you want face for? I just want my little koi." Hmph, face is as important as brains.

Tiandao couldn't take it anymore: "Get out." He didn't want to see this scum again in a short time.

If it weren't for the meaning of the law of heaven and earth, he would never allow this bastard to marry his lively and cute little koi.

(End of this chapter)

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