Chapter 472 Baby (The Finale)

How could such a shameless guy be worthy of his cute little girl.

"Let's go wife, my uncle told us to go." Jun Mobai said, pulling the little girl to leave.

Heaven said: "...come back."

Jun Mobai raised his eyebrows and held Jin Li in his arms.

"What's the matter, uncle?" What's the matter?

"...Who is your uncle?" Don't gossip about relatives.

"Aren't you my wife's elder brother? Aren't you my uncle?" Or are you not Xiao Jinli's elder brother?
Tiandao: "..." Forget it, Jin Li is still there, so bear with it.

"Tsk, brother brother is too thin-skinned." Jun Mobai teased while pinching his little paw.

"Get out." Tiandao finally couldn't bear it and swung a golden divine power at him.

Jun Mobai pushed the little girl into his arms, and raised his hand to disperse the divine power from Tiandao.

"Tsk, I'm getting angry from embarrassment." I couldn't help but tease.

"Let's go, take my little koi back." Jun Mobai led the still ignorant Jin Li and left.

Jin Li: I don't understand how these two people fought.

Brother and Junjun, sure enough, they quarreled as soon as they met.

In the next few days, Jin Li's little life was so comfortable.

It's like stretching out your clothes and opening your mouth for food. From time to time, you can go to Tiandao to play with Moze. When you're bored, you can draw some symbols and sell them. It's a pleasant day.

Of course, life would be better without Jun Jun who "fights" fish with her from time to time. →_→

After a few months, the little girl couldn't go out with her big belly.

Well, after several months of hard work by Junjun, Yu successfully conceived a baby.

After the fetus was stable, the little girl asked Jun Mobai to take her to the Demon Realm, lived in the Demon Realm for a while, and the two returned to the God Realm.

Because his mother-in-law is about to give birth to a baby, he can't run around anymore.

A few years later

A little pink dumpling staggered beside a petite and lovely woman.

That's right, this person is Jin Li.

At the beginning, she gave birth to a lovely little princess after exhausting all the hardships (in fact, she didn't).

As Jun Mobai said, it was a girl.

When he was just born, Jun Mobai was a baby, and he carried the baby to and from the baby every day, which was a rarity.

That's a little koi, and it looks a lot like his wife. Not only has it perfectly inherited his wife's cute appearance, but it's ambiguous temperament is eight points like it.

Standing together, the mother and daughter are so adorable.

In Jun Mobai's eyes, as long as he looks exactly like his little koi, his family status will be high. If he has a son, he will not look like his wife.

Oh, love where to go. →_→

It's a pity that someone was not happy when he realized that his mother-in-law was paying more attention to his daughter than himself.

Yes, he was jealous.

Hmph, it's obvious that he is the person that little jinyu likes the most. Although he also likes the little princess very much, he can't take away his place in his wife's heart.

So, after a few days of hugging his daughter, Jun Mobai ran to hug his wife again.

Jin Li: The way you throw it away after hugging it, looks like a scumbag...

As a result, Jun often babbled to brainwash his daughter: "Your mother is mine, you can't rob her of me..."

The little girl nodded ignorantly.

"Mama belongs to Papa, and I belong to Mama." This explanation is perfect.

Jin Li angrily took her daughter away.

"Junjun, what did you say to Youyou again?" If you bring Youyou down, I'll see if the fish won't beat you up.

Well, Junjun named their cute little daughter Junyouyou.

Jun Mobai looked at her innocently: "Honey, I didn't say anything."

"Let's go, my brother told us to go back for dinner." Jin Li hugged her daughter and dragged Jun Mobai away.

Jun Mobai graciously took his daughter away.

"Honey, let me hug you, heavy."

Jun Xiaoxiao hummed at him unhappily.

"Papa, I'm not heavy at all..." Hmph, bad papa.

The three of them went back to find Tiandao noisily all the way.

(End of text)

(End of this chapter)

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