Chapter 59
"Jinli won't give me a lollipop, so I'll have to grab Jinli's." Jun Mobai's deep voice was full of joy.

"It's so sweet." After kissing, I want to kiss again.

Looking at the person who closed her eyes as if thinking about it, the little girl opened her eyes incredulously.

"How can you snatch a lollipop from a fish? Also, kiss the fish!" It's too much, and dare to take advantage of the fish.

Fish is still a child.

Seeing the little girl's unbelievable expression with a bit of aggrieved expression, Jun Mobai nodded amusedly.

"Anyway, if you don't kiss me, I will." What can you do to me?Come back if you can. →_→

The little girl jumped out of his arms without saying a word, and then ran back to the room.

Yo, is this angry?
Jun Mobai stood up and followed.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the little girl standing in front of the bed stirring something.

"What are you doing?" Jun Mobai looked suspiciously at Jin Li's little skirt on the bed.

Why did this little guy take out all his clothes.

While Jin Li stuffed the clothes into the small schoolbag, the little Naiyin spoke slowly.

"Pack clothes."

Someone raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? Pack up? Where do you want to go?"

"Go back to Yun's house, hum, the fish is going to run away from home."╯^╰

"Run away from home?" Jun Mobai couldn't help laughing.

"Which cartoon did you learn this new vocabulary?" Jun Mobai poked the little girl's soft face in a funny way.

With a slap, the little girl didn't stand still, and was directly buried in the quilt when he poked her.

Jin Li: "..."

Looking at the little man whose face was buried under the quilt, Jun Mobai was also stunned.

Why did he poke the little koi into the quilt?

Jun Mobai quickly picked up the little girl.

Jin Li shook her whole body, blinked her eyes, and quickly filled with tears, the little milk sounded aggrieved and hummed.


Jun Mobai: "..."

Why is the little koi crying?Why are you crying?
Someone looked blankly at the little girl who kept dropping golden beans in her arms.

Outside the window, the sky quickly darkened, and a dark cloud gathered above his villa.

If the little girl wasn't in his arms now, the thunder would strike him directly.

"Why are you crying?" Jun Mobai raised his hand to wipe away Jin Li's tears.

" pushed me..." The little girl shed tears of grievance.

"Why did I push you?" Someone looked blank.

Didn't he just poke the little girl just now, at most... he made a little more strength.

"You, you just pushed the fish into the quilt." How could you bully the koi like this.

The more the little girl thought about it, the more she cried and felt wronged, and there was even more thunder outside the window.

"Hey, don't cry, I didn't mean it, and I didn't want to push the koi, don't cry, okay?" Jun Mobai gently kissed the little girl's face, and then coaxed her softly.

The little girl's crying gradually stopped, and she blinked her eyes at him.

Someone quickly ordered the housekeeper to make milk, and without a word, he hugged Jinli and fed her milk.

The little girl held the bottle and subconsciously opened her small mouth to suck.

After drinking the milk, Jin Li fell asleep in Jun Mobai's arms.

Someone is relieved.

Fortunately, the little girl was always easy to coax, and fell asleep with a bottle of milk if she couldn't do it.

As Jin Li gradually fell asleep, the dark clouds outside the window also dissipated, and the sunny day just now returned.

Jun Mobai lay down holding the little girl, carefully watching her sleeping face.

(End of this chapter)

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