The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 60 Someone Wants to Eat Small Koi?

Chapter 60 Someone Wants to Eat Small Koi?
There was still a wet tear on the little girl's slender eyelashes.

Jun Mobai stretched out his finger and gently wiped it off for her.

"Crybaby little koi."

No matter how long Jin Li slept, someone stared at her for as long as she did, and those overly focused eyes woke up the little girl all at once.

Jin Li shuddered, and then opened her eyes, with a trace of ignorance still in them.

As soon as she saw Jun Mobai, she burrowed hard into his arms.

"What's wrong?" Jun Mobai gently touched her little head.

"Oh... fish, fish dreamed that someone wanted to eat koi." The fish was scared to death, the fish is so cute, how can it eat fish...

"Pfft, with me here, no one dares to eat the little koi, be good, go to sleep." Why is the little girl so cute.

"No, I dare not sleep anymore." The little girl shrank into his arms in fear.

Everyone dreams that someone is going to eat grilled fish, who dares to sleep.

"Then you go to sleep and go back and beat up that fish-eating guy."

Jin Li glanced at him, then silently shut up.

What she didn't dare to say was that the person who ate grilled fish in the dream had a face exactly like Junjun's...

Forget it, it’s better not to say it, what if Junjun really wants to eat grilled fish...

"You, you can chat with the fish for a while." Jin Li blinked and looked at him.

She didn't look carefully before, it turned out that Junjun looks so good-looking.

Junjun's eyelashes are so long, and her mouth is so pretty, um... the skin seems to be better than hers...

The little girl observed and concluded.

This little guy was talking about chatting with her just now, but she stared at him first and became dazed.

"Does it look good?" He looked so engrossed.

The little girl nodded subconsciously.


"Junjun looks good."

Why is it so cute.

Jun Mobai squeezed her little face dumbfounded.

"How nice is it?"

"As good-looking as brother Tiandao." Junjun is the second most beautiful person she thinks besides her brother.

With a "bang", a thunder rang outside the window.

The little girl shrank her neck.

My brother is jealous...

"Second?" Jun Mobai repeated Jin Li's words.

Just second?
It seems that he is still not good-looking in the heart of the little koi, and he can only be ranked second.

"I don't look good?" Why is he the second, Tiandao can be the first, he looks much better than Tiandao.

"It's pretty." Jun Jun is really pretty.

"Then why am I second?"


"Why can the way of heaven be number one?"

"This one……"

"Aren't I prettier than Tiandao?"


"Speaking of which, how can I be worse than Tian Dao?" Ming Tian Dao is not as good as him, so why should he be ranked second.

" and your brother are both good-looking, the rankings are in no particular order." Yu begs you to shut up...

Look, he knew that he still had a certain status in Xiao Jinli's heart, and the rankings were not in particular order.

While Jun Mobai was complacent, Tiandao who was far away in the God Realm slowly opened his eyes.

Compete with him for ranking?In no particular order?

Heh, I don't even look at who brought up the little koi. As an unknown person like you, if you don't have a marriage contract, do you think you can compete with him?

For someone's childish behavior, Tiandao expresses disdain, and despises someone's behavior with a million points. →_→

It doesn't matter how good-looking he is, anyway, in Xiao Jinli's heart, his elder brother is the most important.

(End of this chapter)

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