Chapter 97
"How is it? Are you having fun?" Jun Mobai asked casually while running along the little girl's soft hair.

The little girl's little milk voice was so excited.

"It's fun, Yu'er's house is so beautiful, and Yu'er and Bai Xi are doing well too." The only bad thing is that she eats too much dog food. →_→

"But Yu still feels happier with Junjun." The little girl said honestly.

"Oh? Weren't you very excited when you went out this morning?" Why do you say that you are happier with him now?

The little girl glared at him angrily.

"Can't you?"

Jun Mobai patted her little head gently.

"Of course you can, as long as you are happy."

After returning home and having lunch, Jin Li went straight upstairs to take a nap.

After playing all morning, her energy was almost exhausted.

Looking at the sweet little girl sleeping on the bed, Jun Mobai stretched out his hand to touch her tender little bun face.

"Little slob." He is playful and loves to eat.

But looking at the little girl's cute sleeping face, someone's eyes gradually softened.

My own brain, what else can I do?Pet chant.

Jin Li slept very soundly this time, and Jun Mobai didn't wake her up, and just sat with her in the bedroom all afternoon until the little girl woke up.

Sure enough, the little girl just woke up, before she even opened her eyes, she waved her little hand and started looking for someone.

"Where's Junjun? Why didn't you see Junjun?" The little girl's voice was aggrieved.

Jun Mobai pulled up the little koi who was still confused.

"I am here."

Jin Li glanced suspiciously at the person who was hugging her.

"Why are you still at home?"

"Because there's a little koi who slept late and didn't get up until now." If it wasn't for the fear that the little girl would look for someone like this when she woke up, he would pack her up and take her away.

The little girl looked at Baozi seriously.

"Then this person is too bad, he must not be a fish." Well, she is a good koi, how could she stay in bed.

Jun Mobai also nodded seriously.

"Yes, it's not you." The little girl's ability to open her eyes and tell nonsense is amazing again.

"Cough, it's okay, let's go down quickly." Jin Li coughed a few times in embarrassment, and then pulled Jun Mobai downstairs.

While eating, a call came in from Jin Li's cell phone.

Picking up the phone, it was Moze.

Jin Li: "..." What's wrong with this man?Why do you always look for her when the fish are eating?
The little girl reluctantly picked up the phone.


On the other side of the phone, Moze asked her straight to the point.

"Business, do you want to do it?"

As soon as she heard that the business was coming, the little girl's eyes lit up.

"What business? Is there a lot of money?"

This little guy is really...

Moze on the opposite side also had black lines on his face.

"A lot, it depends on whether you do it or not."

"Then tell me what you do first." Jin Li is naturally not stupid, and it must be a tricky matter to be able to find someone to help with so much money.

"Ghost hunting." Moze threw two words at her directly.

"Cough..." The little girl was choked and coughed.

Jun Mobai immediately poured water for her thoughtfully.

"I said Moze, I'm a talisman seller, not a ghost hunter." How did she do such a thing?
Even if she wanted to do it, she wouldn't do it.

Ghosts are old and ugly. →_→

Moze asked calmly.

"Isn't it all within your business scope?" If you know how to make talismans and tell fortunes, then ghost hunting is definitely not a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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