The little koi can be salty or sweet

Chapter 98 Not within the scope of fish business

Chapter 98 Not within the scope of fish business

The little girl gave him two words very simply.

"Don't do it."

"Why?" Weren't you very interested just now?Why don't you do it now.

"Ghosts are old and ugly." Fish don't want to catch ghosts.

This is not within the scope of fish business.

"Really not?"

The little girl hesitated.

It's not that she doesn't want to, it's that she doesn't dare, ghosts really don't have a good-looking one.

At least not in the ones she met before.

The little girl raised her head almost subconsciously to look at Jun Mobai.

Jun XX calmly fed the little girl a mouthful of vegetables.

"Want to take it?"

"The fish wants his money, but the fish doesn't want to catch ghosts."

Moze: "..." Can you avoid him when you two say this?

"If you want to pick it up, you can pick it up. If not, I can go with you." Since the little girl wants to make money, of course he has to help.

Hearing Jun Mobai's words, Jin Li's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and she held onto him tightly.

"Really? Can you really come with me?"

"As long as you're happy, it's fine." As long as the little koi is happy, there's nothing wrong with it.

Moser: ? ? ?
"When will Mr. Jun catch ghosts?"

Jun Mobai snorted coldly.

"You care about me? Anyway, you won't."

"..." It's really embarrassing that he doesn't know how to catch ghosts...

"Then do you agree or not?" These two couples are really annoying.

The little girl became cruel, and opened her mouth while pulling her small nipple cavity.

"Okay, the fish promises you."

"Then I'll find you tomorrow." After Moze finished speaking, he hung up the phone very quickly.

"You, you can't say nothing, you promised to go with me tomorrow." It was because Junjun promised to be with her that she agreed.

"Don't worry, I've already promised you, can I go back on my word?" Little Jinli was too worried about him.

The little girl looked at him seriously.

"That's hard to say." What if you really regret it?
"..." Does he look like someone who will go back on his word?
Jun Mobai pinched the little girl's bun face angrily.

"I'm not a little koi. I promised to go with you."

"Okay, okay, just go, why do you have to use fish as an example." It's still a counterexample.

Thinking of going to hunt ghosts tomorrow, Jin Li suddenly felt that the chicken legs on the table were not good.

"I'm full." The little girl got up and went upstairs without much interest.

Jun Mobai silently followed behind the little girl.

After taking a quick bath, he just saw Jun Mobai coming in with a glass of milk.

"Drink the milk and sleep well."

Jin Li sat on the bed holding a milk cup, while Jun Mobai stood beside her and wiped her hair.

"Why do you look so unhappy?"

"The fish is thinking, what should I do to prepare for tomorrow."

"Afraid? With your cultivation level, even the most vicious ghosts can't get close to you." Koi is an auspicious thing, not to mention that this little girl is a little koi that is loved by the world. Let alone the little girl's own strength, it is impossible for Tiandao to watch something happen to her.

Moreover, with him around the little koi, it is even less likely that something will happen.

"But, but they are so ugly." Of course Yu had to prepare himself psychologically.

"Hey, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"If you're really afraid, at worst, just hide in my arms, and I'll help you with everything." Isn't it just hunting ghosts, sending Jiang Yi over such a small matter is more than enough.

(PS: The following content is purely what the author wants to say. I hope someone can read it, and if the number of words is sufficient, there is absolutely no suspicion of making up the number of words. If you don’t like it, don’t spray it)
Today the editor told me that my data is too bad to be on the shelf. To be honest, it hit me hard.

I know that I am on the street, have no comments, no ratings, and no favorites, but I can recite the names of the two or three readers who regularly vote for me every day, and I am really grateful to them for voting for me all the time. I am also very grateful to all the readers who watched my book and those who voted for me.

(I was very touched when I saw someone vote for me, and it is unbelievable that there are still people who insist on voting for me every day)

Me, I know I'm bad, (after all, I'm a very sober flutter.) But I didn't expect it to be so bad that I couldn't be on the shelves. I also know that 90.00% of me may not be on the shelves if this continues. This is really for It hit me hard.

I know, I'm just an inconspicuous little guy, I don't have a lot of readers and fans, and my book doesn't even have a rating. I write blindly myself.

To be honest, I even think that no one can reach my bunch of nonsense, and no one will take care of me.

But, I just want to say it, just to vent, no matter what the reason is, I have been holding back these words for a long time, I don’t know who to tell, yes, it’s just so willful. (Maybe no one will read it here, just write it for yourself)
Even if the final data of this book hits the street, there are no readers, and it cannot be put on the shelves, I will still finish it, but the length may be unknown. If it is really too bad, I may finish it early.

I hope that one day in the future my book will be read and liked by more people, and I hope my writing can improve. (Buddha bless)

Finally, I cheer for myself, (and thanks to all the readers who really read my long piece of nonsense, I don’t know what I’m writing until now)
that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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