Chapter 73 Isn't My Money Your Money?

"What do you think? Is it okay? Ha ha!" Qin Shiyi sneered, and suddenly said viciously: "I'm lying in the hospital right now, He'an Hospital, Shihan, why don't you just come and see me?"

"No, no!" Qin Shihan instinctively looked at Leng Lu, and then said in a low voice, "I'll see you in a while, so I'll hang up first."

In her current memory, her sister is still a good family member to her.

Qin Shihan walked to the door hesitantly, but couldn't help but look at Leng Lu, thinking whether to say hello to her before leaving, but what if Leng Lu disagreed?

Thinking, she quietly opened the door, turned around and left.

Qin Shihan didn't know why her sister was in the hospital. It might be because of family bankruptcy, heartbreak, or other reasons.

"Miss, I'm looking for my sister!" Walking to the front desk, Qin Shihan said to a nurse in a white coat.

The nurse glanced at Qin Shihan, and asked lightly, "What's her name?"

"Qin... Shiyi!" Qin Shihan bit her lips. This is her own name, and also her sister's name. It is unavoidably awkward to say it. Is it because of this that Xing Siyi called her Shihan?

But how did Xing Siyi know that he had a sister?

No, maybe he knew it a long time ago, well, he has amnesia, Xing Siyi must have taken his medicine, so now his memory is even worse.

The nurse looked it up, pointed to the right and said, "Ward 204."

"En!" Qin Shihan nodded quickly, and walked in that direction, No. 204, opened the door, her sister was sitting on the bed, her hair was messy, and her face was pale, what's going on?Why does it feel like a serious illness? "Sister, are you okay?" Qin Shihan asked in a low voice.

Qin Shiyi, who was sitting, suddenly came back to her senses, quickly pulled a smile, took Qin Shihan's hand and sat down, and said, "It's okay, I was just framed."

"Oh!" Qin Shihan replied, and then frowned, "Then, how are parents doing?" Qin Shihan thought that what her sister said about being framed meant that the family went bankrupt, and didn't understand the real meaning.

Qin Shiyi was slightly taken aback, and said helplessly, "You girl, I've been framed, why are you still thinking about your parents?"

"No..." Qin Shihan shook her head quickly, then took a breath and asked, "Sister, don't you know what's going on at home?"

"At home?" Qin Shiyi frowned, "What's wrong at home?" She has been in a coma these days, of course she doesn't know what's going on at home, no, she called Qin Shihan just after waking up. At home, she really didn't ask anything.

"At home, something happened at home. Dad's company... went bankrupt." Qin Shihan really couldn't bear to say this. Every time she thought about it, she would feel sad. Dad really put a lot of effort into that company If she were to know who bankrupted their family, she, Qin Shihan, would definitely be his enemy!
However, the only good thing now is that Xing Siyi gave her a card, and she can send it to her father to subsidize it.


Qin Shiyi was even more surprised, her originally pale face became even paler, "Bankrupt? How could it be bankrupt? Tell me! Did it, did Xing Siyi do it?"

Bankruptcy meant that she, Qin Shiyi, would never be a daughter again, and she was no different from girls from ordinary families.

Seeing how excited her sister was, Qin Shihan quickly shook her head and said, "No, Xing Siyi said, he didn't do it."

"Hehe!" Qin Shiyi sneered, and looked at Qin Shihan with disdain, "Shihan, Shihan, how stupid are you? Let me ask you, did Xing Siyi fall in love with you, or did you fall in love with him?"


Qin Shihan's face flushed immediately, she sighed helplessly, and said, "Why do you ask me that, sister?"

Why do you ask?

Hmph, has this little girl learned to be smart?
She was almost killed by Xing Siyi, but Xing Siyi just wanted to know her identity. Thinking about it, Qin Shiyi felt it was unfair.

She glared at Qin Shihan viciously, and said with a wicked smile: "Okay, Shihan, let me tell you, our family went bankrupt because of Xing Siyi!"

Qin Shiyi's voice was loud and harsh, Qin Shihan was slightly startled, she didn't believe that Xing Siyi did it, obviously yesterday, he still smiled and said such soft words to himself, obviously these days, he didn't say anything right He lost his temper once and bit his lip. Just as Qin Shihan wanted to explain, Qin Shiyi grabbed her hair violently.

"Shihan, do you know why I'm in the hospital?" Qin Shiyi looked at her with hatred, completely without the gentleness at the beginning.

But yes, this is what she is.

"If Xing Siyi hadn't thrown me into the sea, I wouldn't have almost died!"

"What did you say?" Qin Shihan looked at her in shock, her face full of doubts, "Xing Siyi, how come?"

"No way? It seems that you really fell in love with him, who is your sister?" Qin Shiyi shouted louder, and at the same time, the strength in her hands became heavier.

Grinning her teeth in pain, Qin Shihan stretched out her hand fiercely, pushed her away, and took a few steps back to complain: "Why do you say I'm in love with him? Sister, it's clear that you lied to me, you said that he and I are lovers , let me marry him, but do you know that those days he treated me as an enemy at all, I would like to ask, what's going on?"

"You girl!" Qin Shiyi's eyes widened sharply, took a breath and shouted loudly, "You should know that if you don't marry, what will Xing Siyi do to our family? Mom and Dad love you so much, don't you What should I do for my family?"

Shihan Shihan, she now understood why Xing Siyi called her Shihan.

"But, aren't you the one Xing Siyi wants to take? Qin Shiyi?" Qin Shihan sniffed, resisting the discomfort in his heart, and asked.

"So what?" Qin Shiyi sneered, "It's too late now, it's useless for you to hate me, but you should worry about Dad now, he must be very sad now, her daughter, let her husband destroy it at will Company, you are so ruthless, how should you tell Dad?"

Qin Shihan swallowed her saliva. Today, she understood a lot of things, but there were also many things, and she became confused again.

She's not Qin Shiyi, she doesn't know Xing Siyi at all, and the sister in her impression is not as good as in her impression, in fact, she is simply a scheming bitch.

As for her father's company, she also wanted to know what was going on.

Thinking about it, Qin Shihan ran out and ran all the way to the company where Xing Siyi was working. Inadvertently, Qin Shihan touched the bank card in his pocket.

Suddenly it felt heavy. If Xing Siyi really bankrupted his father's company, what was his purpose?make yourself sad?Or make yourself sad.

But... He obviously treats himself very well.

Qin Shihan didn't dare to think about it anymore, she didn't want that to be what Xing Siyi did, otherwise, she would die of guilt and blame herself to her father.

Running all the way, Qin Shihan forgot to be tired. She didn't stop until she saw the gate of Feiyi Group, took a few deep breaths, and walked in slowly.

"Miss, who are you looking for?" Immediately, a woman came up and asked.

Qin Shihan swallowed, her throat was a little sore, she could only say dryly: "I'm looking for Xing Siyi."

"President Xing?" The woman was startled, and then asked with a smile: "Then, do you have an appointment?"


Qin Shihan shook her head helplessly, she blamed Xing Siyi, she was married to him, but it was as if she had never been married, now it's a good thing, she can't even get in.

"Sorry, you can't go in without an appointment." The woman shook her head, still smiling.

Big companies are different, the people inside are also different, and there are many rules. Qin Shihan turned around depressed, took out the card in his pocket, and smiled palely at it.

Originally, she wanted to use this card for her father, but Qin Shiyi insisted that it was Xing Siyi who bankrupted her father's company, and now she didn't know what to do with this card.

"Hey, miss, can you show me what you have in your hand?" Suddenly, the woman's voice came again, and Qin Shihan turned her head, only to see the woman staring straight at the card in her hand.

After hesitating for a while, Qin Shihan still handed the card to her.

The woman looked at it for a while, then showed a helpless expression, and said, "You didn't tell me earlier if you had a card. As long as you have this card, you don't need to make an appointment at all. You can see our president of the Criminal University anytime."

"Really?" Qin Shihan couldn't believe it. She didn't expect that the card Xing Siyi gave her had this function.

"Of course!" The woman nodded quickly, smiling even sweeter, and said, "This card is President Xing at first glance, and only he and President Mo have it in the whole city."

"It's so precious!" Qin Shihan couldn't help gritting her teeth. If Xing Siyi gave her such a valuable thing, she wouldn't be afraid of being lost by her. Besides, she wanted to use this card for her father just now.

The woman in front of her returned the card and continued: "Of course it's precious, this is an infinite card, the money you have in front of you, tsk tsk, you can't spend it all."


Qin Shihan's jaw was about to drop, she really thought that this was just an ordinary bank card, at most the color was a bit weird.

"Okay, okay, aren't you looking for President Xing, you can go in now, he's on the third-to-last floor."

"Oh!" Nodding her head, Qin Shihan took a deep breath, held the card tightly, and walked to the elevator. Before, no matter how she worked here for a day, she was also very naive to the elevator. It is familiar.

On the long corridor, it was quiet and luxurious. Qin Shihan looked around while walking, and suddenly, a voice stopped her, "Who are you? Do you know that you can't just come here casually?"

(End of this chapter)

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