Chapter 74
Qin Shihan was so frightened that she turned her head, a drop of sweat left on her forehead, "I, I... Nangong Jie?"

Looking back, I realized that the man was Nangong Jie. Although I was not very familiar with him, I had met him several times before, so I had a little impression.


Nangong Jie let out a suspicious sound, and after a closer look, she found that it was her... Suddenly, the corners of her mouth twitched: "Qin...sister-in-law!"


Before, Nangong Jie could indeed call her by her name without any scruples, and he didn't even have to face her with such a good attitude, but who didn't know that these days, Xing Siyi really spoiled this woman.

If you were less polite, you can imagine what Xing Siyi would do to him.

Qin Shihan smiled at him, and walked towards him, who knows, just after walking a few steps, she suddenly tripped and Qin Shihan fell down.

God, the floor is very hard, if it falls, it will definitely hurt.

At that time, Nangong Jie stretched out his hand without even thinking about it, and grabbed Qin Shihan fiercely, while he lay down on the ground, and then, Qin Shihan still fell on him.


I just felt that a small warm mouth was covering his mouth, and Nangong Jie's pupils dilated in fright. She is Yi's woman!
You cannot touch yourself.

Qin Shihan also realized that she had done something embarrassing, and just as she was about to get up to apologize, she heard the door next to her "click".

Then, a pair of men's shoes appeared in front of him.

"You..." Xing Siyi frowned, looking at the two lying on the ground in an ambiguous posture, flames suddenly rose in his eyes, "Separate immediately!"

Nangong Jie didn't care if Qin Shihan fell in pain or not, he quickly got up, wiped his mouth and said, "Yi, my sister-in-law almost fell down, I'm just afraid of her..."

"Shut up!" Xing Siyi interrupted with a cold gaze, and then looked at Qin Shihan viciously. What he hates the most is being betrayed by others. As long as it is someone who has betrayed him, Xing Siyi will not be soft.

Swallowing, Qin Shihan felt a little wronged, but there was no way, Xing Siyi kept explaining like this.

"I'm really not what you think!" Qin Shihan frowned, she felt very uncomfortable now, and didn't bother to explain too much to Xing Siyi, she just replied simply.

"Oh?" Xing Siyi squinted his eyes, and suddenly snorted coldly, "I really want to know how long you will stay in that position if I don't come out."



Almost at the same time, Qin Shihan and Nangong Jie yelled this word, making the atmosphere even more awkward.

Only Xing Siyi's face was getting darker and darker, "Is there such a tacit understanding?"

Qin Shihan closed her mouth, sighed, and looked up at him after a long time, "Anyway, it's not as dirty as you think! Why don't you listen to other people's explanations?"

Xing Siyi blinked, his long black eyelashes flickering, "You, come with me."

He doesn't listen to other people's explanation?That's because he only believes what he sees with his own eyes, and he is even more afraid. Listening to other people's explanations, he will soften his heart. To someone like him who is in business, softening his heart is the number one taboo!
"Okay!" Qin Shihan's tone suddenly hardened, "I also have something to ask you."

Xing Siyi was slightly taken aback, but he didn't show it. He just saw her brought into the room, and he sat on the office chair, looking at her with slightly squinted eyes.

"You and Nangong Jie..."

"We are innocent!" Qin Shihan interrupted without waiting for him to finish, "I really fell down, if you don't believe me, can you check the monitoring? I think, such a big company can't even have a monitoring no?"

"Huh!" Xing Siyi suddenly pulled out a smile, and said lightly: "Of course there is monitoring."

As he said, he turned on the computer, and he could see the monitoring in this corridor on the computer. After clicking on the monitoring just now, Qin Shihan appeared in the quiet corridor, and then Nangong Jie also appeared. Qin Shihan turned to Nangong Jie walked, but unexpectedly, she almost fell down during the process, and then Nangong Jie became her cushion, and the scene just now happened...

It seems that he was wrong.

Xing Siyi pursed his lips. Although he was a little embarrassed, he was really afraid that someone would betray him. It was that kind of betrayal. Seven years ago, it was that kind of betrayal that made him what he is now.

Suddenly, Xing Siyi stood up, walked to Qin Shihan's side, gently put his arms around her waist, and said softly, "Shihan, what do you want from me?"

Startled by Xing Siyi's sudden change, Qin Shihan's pores all over her body opened suddenly, she kowtowed, took a deep breath and said, "My father's company went bankrupt, does it have anything to do with you?"

"Huh?" Xing Siyi frowned pretending to be innocent, let out a soft breath, and said, "Shihan, why do you always doubt me? Didn't I say it? This matter should be..."

"Okay, you don't need to talk!" Qin Shihan sighed slightly, Xing Siyi's reasons were indeed very good, and he couldn't ask the truth at all, but there was one thing... "Then my sister, falling into the sea has something to do with you, right?"

Xing Siyi looked at Qin Shihan suddenly, but then dodged it abruptly, reacting quickly: "What fell into the sea? What nonsense are you talking about, Shihan?"

Could it be that they have found Qin Shiyi's body?It's really amazing, that piece of sea, it's hard to find it if you fall into it.

"What's wrong with your sister?" After a long silence, Xing Siyi asked again.

Qin Shihan clenched her fists slightly, her eyes were moist, suddenly, she stretched out her hand suddenly, pushed Xing Siyi away beside her and said, "You really are lying to me!"

"Shihan!" Xing Siyi growled impatiently, you know, his patience is not good, if it is usually fine, but now, if you always ask him these questions, anyone will be angry, right?
Seeing Qin Shihan shed tears, Xing Siyi instinctively felt that she must know something.

"Xing Siyi, you hurt my sister, it was between you two, but my sister insisted that you caused my father's company to go bankrupt, I really don't know who to trust, both of you have treated me well, and you both... ..." As she spoke, Qin Shihan's voice became lower and lower, and finally disappeared.

Xing Siyi sighed helplessly. Didn't the meaning of Qin Shihan's words mean that Qin Shiyi is not dead yet?Damn it, that girl's life is really serious, and I don't know what to do with Dafeng Luoli, but she even survived!
When he was thinking, Qin Shihan suddenly walked in front of him, grabbed his collar, and asked fiercely: "Tell me, did you do it?"

No man can bear this, let alone him, Xing Siyi, the president of the dignified Feiyi Group, being forced to ask questions by a little girl by his collar, where is his dignity?
"Okay, I'll tell you!" Suddenly, Xing Siyi raised her eyebrows, stretched out her hand to lift her chin, and said calmly, "I did it, I made your father's company go bankrupt."

The strength in his hand disappeared, Qin Shihan's whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, and he lost his mind.

Xing Siyi's words kept echoing in her ears, like a nightmare, "Why, why did you do this?" Taking a breath, Qin Shihan asked as calmly as possible.



Just when Xing Siyi was about to speak, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang. He frowned, and impatiently reached out and pressed it.

"Okay, you don't need to explain!" Qin Shihan frowned, interrupted him suddenly, and sneered a few times: "Heh, I think, people like you may never care about others when they do things feeling."

Xing Siyi clenched his fist quietly, he really didn't have the patience to waste time with her like this, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly, "What do you know?"

"I don't understand!" Qin Shihan's body trembled again, "I don't understand, why do you have to fight against me, what's wrong with my father's company? I don't care about what you did to me , But, what you did to my family, I will never forgive you!"

"It's up to you!" Xing Siyi exhaled lightly. Sure enough, the woman went crazy like a wild beast, completely irrational.

"Xing Siyi, I hate you!" Gritting her teeth, Qin Shihan finally said these words, turned around and was about to leave, when she reached the door, she stopped suddenly, sighed, and took the card in her pocket Come out and throw it in front of Xing Siyi, "I don't need it anymore."

Seeing Qin Shihan's back going away, Xing Siyi was helpless for a while, he picked up the card on the ground and sneered a few times.

How could this woman just leave like this?Or leave with a misunderstanding of him. In the future, if she talks about him to others, won't she talk about how bad it is?

Turning on the phone, Xing Siyi didn't even look at the call just now, and directly called Nangong Jie, saying, "Bring her back to me."

"Who?" Nangong Jie was curious for a while, then turned to look at the window, only to find that Qin Shihan was about to enter the elevator, "Oh, good."

After hanging up the phone, Nangong Jie wanted to rush out and hold Qin Shihan, but when he thought about it, it seemed inappropriate for him to hold her like that, and besides, wouldn't it be okay if she didn't go with him?

Thinking about it, he smiled wickedly.

"Ding dong!"

The elevator door slowly opened, Qin Shihan wiped the tears stained on her face, and sighed, she would never forgive Xing Siyi, never again.

Thinking about it, she walked in without any nostalgia.

Reaching out to press the button on the first floor, Qin Shihan just waited quietly to go down. Suddenly, with two "clicks", the elevator stopped suddenly, and the lights in the elevator also went out.

It was dark all around.

Qin Shihan took a breath in fright, and complained in her heart: Is this the best company?Why did the elevator break down suddenly?Well, it really needs to be repaired, I really don't know how the president of this company is...

(End of this chapter)

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