Forcibly take the wife, the president is ruthless and domineering

Chapter 75 Isn't it about how stinky it is?

Chapter 75 Isn't it about how stinky it is?

Recruited, Qin Shihan's eyes widened, CEO?Isn't the president of this company Xing Siyi?She actually forgot.

The elevator will stop suddenly, maybe Xing Siyi did it too?That man, enough is enough!
Qin Shihan groped in the dark, slammed on the elevator door, and yelled, "Xing Siyi, you've gone too far! Let me out!"

I thought that Xing Siyi must be standing outside, but Qin Shihan slapped her for a long time, but no one came to open the door for her. Now, she was a little panicked, what if no one opened the door for her?
At this time, Xing Siyi was waiting impatiently. Didn't he just ask Nangong Jie to bring the woman back? Why did it take so long?

Frowning, Xing Siyi suddenly walked out the door, he should find the woman by himself.

Walking to the elevator, Xing Siyi pressed it without thinking.

Suddenly, the elevator creaked, and then the elevator door slowly opened. Xing Siyi's eyes were fixed on the opened door, and Qin Shihan's figure gradually came into his eyes.

Taking a breath of cool air, Xing Siyi couldn't help being a little surprised, this woman is back again?

"Shihan..." Xing Siyi held back the little joy in his heart, and just about to call her name, he received a slap from Qin Shihan without warning.

"Xing Siyi, is it fun?" Maybe it's because I cried too many times today, Qin Shihan's eyes are a little swollen, and her voice is trembling terribly, think about it, if you are locked in a dark elevator alone , can you not be afraid?

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Xing Siyi frowned in confusion, no woman dared to hit him, and Qin Shihan was the first one, although she was not strong at all and did not hurt him, but for a man , This is a great insult.

"Xing Siyi, are you pretending?" Qin Shihan was even more annoyed. Unexpectedly, Xing Siyi was the kind of person who dared not admit it after locking her in the elevator for so long.

"Pretending?" Xing Siyi smiled coldly, and couldn't help shaking his head, "You really took the wrong medicine today. I, Xing Siyi, why are you pretending? What do you think of me, huh?"

"Then let me ask you, why are you here?" Just as Qin Shihan said this, she was interrupted by a series of footsteps. At this moment, Nangong Jie realized that she had done something wrong.

Xing Siyi didn't speak, so he wouldn't tell her that he came out to find her.

"Well, Yi, there seems to be some misunderstanding between you..." Stopping, Nangong Jie panted slightly, and whispered something in front of Xing Siyi.

"En!" Xing Siyi nodded calmly. Now, he can't control so much anymore, taking a breath slowly, Xing Siyi took a few steps forward, almost getting close to Qin Shihan, "Then let me tell you the truth."

Qin Shihan was taken aback, then raised her head to look at him in surprise.

"You are not a child of their family at all. I ruined their company. What does it have to do with you? You are just a street child adopted by them. Otherwise, your so-called sister would not dare to marry you to me. "

Heart, as if it was hit hard.

Qin Shihan was stunned, "I don't believe it, you are lying to me."

"Hehe!" Xing Siyi smiled coldly, "Why did I lie to you? You have seen your sister, didn't she tell you? Or, she decided to continue using you?"

Swallowing her saliva, Qin Shihan thought about what her sister said to her and her attitude towards her before, and suddenly, her mind became a mess.

"Do you have any evidence? My sister and I look so alike, why do you say I'm a vagrant?"

"Evidence..." Xing Siyi took a deep breath and thought about it carefully, "That's not true, but it is indeed what your sister said."

Nangong Jie at the side looked at the two of them and felt baffled, this Xing Siyi was really full of many things for them, otherwise, why couldn't he understand a word they said after standing here for a long time?
He just wanted to tell Xing Siyi that he accidentally locked Qin Shihan in the elevator.

Now it seems that I am really unnecessary.

Qin Shihan lowered her head, tears were still flowing, she really didn't know who to trust anymore.

In my heart, I just feel hard to breathe.

Originally, she thought that Xing Siyi would treat her well. She could not think about the past, maybe, as time went by, she would gradually forget it.

However, good times don't last long, no, in just a few days, Xing Siyi did another thing that she couldn't forgive.

Looking up at Xing Siyi, she suddenly clenched her fists and said, "Xing Siyi, don't you have any humanity at all? Are you a cold-blooded animal? Hmph, so what if I'm a stray adopted by them? They adopted me After so many years, even if I don't know how to report, I will not hurt them."

"Shihan, they hurt you!" Although he knew that Qin Shihan might not be able to understand Qin Shihan's explanation now, but Xing Siyi felt that it was better to explain.

Qin Shihan didn't look at him. After a long time, she walked back into the elevator and said helplessly, "Xing Siyi, is this the end of our relationship? You already know that I'm not Qin Shiyi, so there's no need for you to pester me, hehe, of course , you are not pestering me at all."

After saying this, Qin Shihan took a deep breath, and pressed the elevator as if she had made up her mind.

Seeing the elevator door slowly closing and narrowing, suddenly, a pair of strong hands forcefully opened it, and Xing Siyi said with an evil smile: "You go first? If you want to end the relationship, end it." ? What do you think of me?"

Qin Shihan was startled, and when she realized it, she had already been pulled out by Xing Siyi.

"Let me go!" Qin Shihan struggled to shake off his hand.

To be honest, Xing Siyi really didn't feel this way in his heart, this was the first time, and now he was really holding back, and suddenly shifted his gaze to Nangong Jie, Xing Siyi coldly ordered: "I have something to go out, Lock her up for me."

"Oh!" Nodding helplessly, Nangong Jie really regretted coming here. Fortunately, Xing Siyi gave him another bad job, and most importantly, he still couldn't refuse.

Thinking about it, he walked up to Qin Shihan, shrugged and said, "Well, come with me?"

Qin Shihan was stunned for a while, and did not speak. It was not until Xing Siyi left that she begged in a low voice: "Nangongjie, can you let me go? I have to go and see my father, don't lock me here, please."

Nangong Jie frowned, and glanced at Xing Siyi who was going away. It was not good to go against his will, and it was not good to reject Qin Shihan, so he had to wonder: "But, you also know, who dares to go against Xing Siyi? Don't look at me His brother, but if he gets angry, he won't let me go."

Qin Shihan sighed, and glanced at the elevator next to her secretly. If she ran in while he was not paying attention, she might still be able to escape, but this is their company's elevator, as long as he messes with her, her elevator will be gone. Stop immediately, if you run the stairs, no, no, no, she can't run Nangong Jie at all.

Just when Qin Shihan was thinking about how to escape, Nangong Jie had already seen her thoughts clearly, no matter how long he'd been around for so long, he still knew how to read her words.

Alas, since you want to escape, then I have no choice but to...

Suddenly, Nangong Jie stretched out his hand, directly knocked Qin Shihan unconscious, and then carried her to the top floor. That place is where Xing Siyi rests when he is tired, and there are usually no people there.

After putting Qin Shihan on the bed, Nangong Jie walked out.

I couldn't help but think in my heart: It's better to keep this kind of thing in the future!
Xing Siyi thought that the plan he had in mind must be perfect, but now he feels that it is not...

He originally wanted to keep Qin Shihan by his side and let her follow him all the time. He wanted to hide her from her and avenge her, but he never thought about it, as if he had become a donkey's liver and lungs.

What if the family adopted her?In the end, didn't she get scarred?
Holding back the anger in his heart, Xing Siyi drove the car directly to the place where Feng Luoli lived. It was a pretty nice villa with beautiful surroundings and fresh air.

With a sound of "Boom!", Xing Siyi kicked open the door of the villa, Feng Luoli inside was eating at this time, and was slightly surprised when he saw Xing Siyi, "Why are you here?"

After saying this, Feng Luoli realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere, frowned, he stood up, and immediately became serious, "Yi, did something happen?"

Imagine that in the past seven years, Xing Siyi has been able to visit in person, which time is not because of a major event in the company?As the saying goes, there are many people who are popular, and Xing Siyi can make his company rank first, so naturally there are many. event.

Xing Siyi remained expressionless, but narrowed his eyes slightly, reflecting cold rays of light. Suddenly, he reached out and took out a dagger from his pocket, aiming at Feng Luoli.


Feng Luoli gasped, looked at Xing Siyi in disbelief, and said, "Yi, why are you pointing the knife at me? Did you point the finger at the wrong thing?"

"That's right!" Xing Siyi said sharply, then twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled playfully, "Li, I want to know if you violated my wishes?"

"What do you mean?" Feng Luoli still couldn't figure it out, hadn't he been searching desperately for the background information of that woman these days?Could this also provoke Xing Siyi?
Just as he was about to explain something, Xing Siyi interrupted him directly, "Let me tell you, Qin Shiyi is still alive and lying in the hospital right now."

Think about it, if it weren't for Qin Shiyi, Shihan wouldn't know anything, let alone doubt what he said, but at the beginning, he clearly asked Feng Luoli to kill her...

(End of this chapter)

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