Chapter 52

Su Hailing paced around anxiously, seeing that the faces of the two were getting paler, and the dripping sweat had already soaked the ground under their feet.

Suddenly, there was a faint sound in the wind.

Su Hailing's expression tightened, if something happened at this time, Mu Qingchen and Mei Junhan would be in danger!
She jumped onto a high ground in a few steps and tried to look into the distance.

There didn't seem to be anything unusual in the pitch-black night sky, it was even a little abnormally quiet, and the insects that had hit my ears from time to time just now didn't even hear the slightest sound.

Su Hailing bit her lip, and her mind immediately became active.This place has a wide view, and there is no place to hide people at all, so it is naturally impossible to ambush in advance.What's more, even if there is a conspiracy, who is it aimed at?Mu Qingchen?Mei Junhan?or myself...

It's best not to be the last one, or you'll be in big trouble!
Looking back at the two people who couldn't stop, she weighed the pros and cons, and finally decided to separate them!

Although there is no movement yet, her premonition has never been missed.

However, to separate the two masters who are competing for internal strength, Su Hailing has no idea. Fortunately, they are also at the end of their strength, otherwise she would not dare to think so.

Taking a deep breath, her eyes sank, and she slammed her palms neatly on the joint of their palms.

"Boom!" The overflowing true energy caused the two of them to fall several meters backwards.

Su Hailing swallowed the blood rushing to his throat, rushed over and hugged Mu Qingchen into his arms, and asked anxiously, "Qingchen! How are you? Are you injured?"

"It's okay." Mu Qingchen pressed his chest, shook his head, paused for a while, and slowly stood up while supporting her hand.

Su Hailing saw that he was fine except for his pale complexion and some exhaustion of his true energy, so he was slightly relieved.Turning his head to look at the other one, he was surprised to see Mei Junhan lying on the ground with one hand covering his ribs, his face full of pain.

"It was evenly matched just now, I didn't hurt him." Mu Qingchen said.

Su Hailing walked over, squatted down, and patted his shoulder lightly: "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

"I... woo..." Mei Junhan was about to speak, but suddenly his face turned pale, and he bit his lower lip so hard that blood flowed from his beautiful thin lips.

"Mei Junhan!" Su Hailing was taken aback, and helped him sit up vigorously. Suddenly, he felt a burst of wetness on his hand, and when he raised his hand, it was actually covered with blood.

"You were seriously injured before you came here?" Mu Qingchen said emotionally.

"Where is the injury, show me!" Su Hailing pulled his hand away without any explanation.

Mu Qingchen also hurried over to help, and when he unbuttoned his coat, he found that half of his clothes were already soaked in blood. If he hadn't been dressed in black and the sky was dark, he wouldn't have noticed until now.

"Are you an idiot? With such an injury, you dare to compete with others in internal strength!" Su Hailing roared.

"I've been injured no matter how serious it is, I won't die." Mei Junhan took a few breaths, his face looked a little better, he pushed away her support, tore off a piece of clean cloth from his underwear, and wrapped it under his ribs Do a few laps and tie the wound tightly.

"Your wound burst for the second time, and you lost too much blood, you must take good care of it." Mu Qingchen frowned.

Mei Junhan twitched the corners of his lips, sort of smiled, but didn't speak. He stood up slowly and walked towards his black horse.

"Stop!" Su Hailing felt very uncomfortable.Inexplicably being taken from Xiaohanshan to Lvhaiyuan by a Broken Sword, there was an inexplicable fight, and inexplicably ended, she felt annoyed no matter how she thought about it.

"Did you leave half of the Chasing Waves Sword in Miaoxian Temple just to find Qinglian's heir to a duel?" Mu Qingchen said quietly.

Hearing this, Mei Junhan paused, turned around and said in astonishment: "Didn't you set up a green lotus sword formation at the entrance of Lengxiang Valley and invite me here?"

"What?" Mu Qingchen was also stunned, "When did I leave Xiaohan Mountain?"

"It's not you!" Mei Junhan's expression changed drastically.

"Wait!" Su Hailing also sensed that something was wrong, and quickly interjected, "Then what about Chasing Waves and Broken Sword? Shouldn't it be in your hands?"

Mei Junhan hesitated for a while, before saying: "Two months ago, the treasure house of Xuanming Palace was invaded, and some things were lost, including Chasing Waves and Broken Sword."

"The Xuanming Palace, known as the jedi of martial arts, was stolen?" Su Hailing said incredulously.

"Believe it or not." Mei Junhan snorted coldly.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but..." Su Hailing said in a deep voice, "Don't you think it's a coincidence? It seems that someone deliberately caused you to fight Qingchen."

"Someone is approaching this way!" Mu Qingchen said suddenly.

"How many people?" Su Hailing was surprised.

"A lot." Mu Qingchen frowned, with a serious look on his face, "A master."

"Tonight's duel is a well-planned trap, we must leave immediately!" Su Hailing said decisively.

"They're coming for me, you just need to go in the opposite direction to me and you'll be fine." Mei Junhan said flatly, getting on her horse.

"You can't die if you want to!" Su Hailing grabbed the rein of the horse.

"If you want me to die, you have to see if they have the ability!" Mei Junhan sneered proudly, "I have not been chased once or twice in the past few days, but I am still standing here, On the contrary, those who chase me will not be able to see the sun of tomorrow!"

In an instant, Su Hailing was not only overwhelmed by the powerful aura emanating from him, but also in this world where women are superior to men, there is such a strange man!

"No." Mu Qingchen said calmly, "Even if you are not injured, it would be very difficult to rush out, not to mention that you only have less than [-]% of your internal strength left."

"Besides, this place is wide open. Although it is not conducive to ambush, it is also not conducive to escape." Su Hailing continued.

"You..." Mei Junhan sighed, and said helplessly, "Why bother to meddle in your own business."

"It's not meddling in other people's business." Su Hailing's eyes flashed murderous, and he said coldly, "I, Su Hailing, hate being deceived and used the most in my life. If you dare to play me for fun, you have to pay the corresponding price! No matter what their purpose is, I will make them all come to nothing!"

"They are getting close again." Mu Qingchen said.

This time, even Su Hailing could hear the faint human voice in the darkness.

"Then what do you want to do?" Mei Junhan looked at the rein she was holding in her hand.

"Qingchen, where do you think is the best way to break through?" Su Hailing turned his head and asked.

Mu Qingchen hesitated for a moment, pointed to the direction Mei Junhan came from and said, "There seems to be a gap over there."

"But it may also be a deliberate flaw, a bait used to lure fish into the bait." Su Hailing said what he meant.

Mu Qingchen nodded, just looked at her, expressing his heart with a firm gaze——

But it's up to you.

"What does Mr. Mei think?" Su Hailing thought for a while, then raised his head and smiled.

Mei Junhan glanced at him, then turned his head to look at the dark night sky, and uttered a sentence coldly, "Put him to death and live later."

(End of this chapter)

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