Chapter 53

Looking at the dots of flames behind him, Su Hailing couldn't help laughing bitterly: "It's really... a big battle!"

"Unexpectedly, my head is really valuable, and even the officers and soldiers are dispatched!" Mei Junhan sneered, and then coughed while clutching his chest.

"Are you okay?" Su Hailing looked at him worriedly, fearing that he would fall off the horse if he became unstable.

"You should worry about yourself first." Mei Junhan cast a sideways glance at her, "Walk with me, the big devil of the evil sect, those heroes who slay demons and protect the way will not show mercy."

"Big devil? What bad things have you done?" Su Hailing shrugged his shoulders, nonchalantly said, "Did you rob someone's wife, kill someone's parents, or dig someone's ancestral grave? Let's hear it!"

"You!" Mei Jun gasped in cold air, lowered her head and coughed violently again, and said after a while, "Sooner or later, I will be mad at you to death."

"You will be mad at me because you can't see it." Su Hailing smiled lightly, tightened Mu Qingchen in his arms, and said leisurely, "What is decent? What is evil? They are all murderers, so the so-called The righteous killing is to eliminate demons and defend the way, but the evil killing becomes a lot of evil?"

"Then what do you think?" Mei Junhan asked unconsciously, startled.

"Without him, those who win are righteous, and those who lose are evil. That's all." Su Hailing said plainly.

"Who are you?" Mei Junhan turned his head, his black jade-like pupils gleamed under the night sky.

"My name is Su Hailing." Su Hailing said.

"Su is the surname of Dayong, you are not just a nobleman of Dayong." Mei Junhan said in a deep voice.

"Didn't you already guess this point?" Su Hailing raised his eyebrows and said coldly.

"What is your purpose in finding me?" Mei Junhan said.

"Well, it's really just a coincidence." Su Hailing smiled slightly, and glanced at Mu Qingchen in his arms.

Mu Qingchen closed his eyes and silently mixed his breath in order to restore his skills as soon as possible, but he turned a deaf ear to their conversation at all.

"How did you get your injury?" Su Hailing asked suddenly.

"Ever since I entered the Xuanming Palace, I've been hunted down all the time. I don't even remember which bastard gave these two knives." Mei Junhan laughed.

"That's not right." Su Hailing frowned, "How would the people who chased you know your whereabouts? If you are besieged every time you go out, I'm afraid you won't have enough lives!"

"There are traitors in Xuanming Palace, I know." Mei Junhan's face turned cold, "I suffered a loss three years ago, but they hid it too well. This time... I don't believe it is still flawless! "

"Be careful!" Mu Qingchen suddenly opened his eyes, and pressed Su Hailing's hand holding the rein.

At the same time, Mei Junhan also felt the danger, and grabbed the sword hilt at his waist with his fingers.

On the originally empty road ahead, a few more figures suddenly appeared like ghosts and ghosts. They were all in black clothes and black scarves, with only two eyes exposed.

Su Hailing's heart was shocked. There is absolutely no place to hide nearby. Could it be that these people came out of the ground?
"Who is it?" Mei Junhan said condescendingly, still sitting on the horse.

"As long as Palace Master Mei obediently follows us, we will naturally not make things difficult for you." A man in black on the left said coldly.

is her!Su Hailing was taken aback for a moment, and then exchanged glances with Mu Qingchen.

She would never hear this voice wrong, it was the silver-masked woman who kidnapped Yun Mo that day!So, these people are the killers of the Phantom Gate?The meaning here is worth pondering. Wulin Zhengdao and the Nanchu government joined forces to encircle and suppress the evil head of the evil sect, and the Phantom Gate, which was also classified as an evil sect, actually came to intervene?
"There are already traps around Green Sea Plain, and this road..." The silver-masked woman continued, "You should also imagine that the one waiting for you in front of you is Mrs. Suyu from Miaoxian Temple. If you don't come with us, you will die There is no way out."

"They are the killers of Phantom Gate." Su Hailing reminded in a low voice.

"Since I'm already in the net, how can you guarantee to take me out?" Mei Junhan ignored her and sneered.

"This, we have our own solutions." The silver-masked woman said confidently.

"What do you want." Mei Junhan stared at her closely and said, "Mei Junhan has known since childhood that there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. Help me through this calamity. What benefit do you want from me?"

"I just want to ask the young master to marry our sect master." The silver-masked woman let out a chilling laugh.

"Dream!" Mei Junhan's face changed, and there was infinite murderous intent in his eyes.

"Since that's the case, we can't say, we have no choice but to act forcefully." The silver-masked woman clapped her hands crisply as she said.

In an instant, more than a dozen masked men dressed in black surrounded them.

"Qingchen, we seem to have been forgotten." Su Hailing coughed dryly.

"I'm afraid that in the eyes of others, we are already dead." Mu Qingchen said lightly.

"It's none of your business." Mei Junhan got off the horse and walked towards the silver-masked woman without looking back.

"Do it!" The silver-masked woman took a step back and shouted coldly.

Without any hesitation, more than a dozen sharp steel knives were woven into a dense knife net, enclosing the three men and two horses together.

"Looking for death!" Su Hailing burst out two words, floated up from the horse, drew his sword in mid-air to meet the knife net, and protected Mu Qingchen behind him.

Following the "ding ding ding ding" sound of intensive sword collisions, Su Hailing deflected all the steel knives attacking her with ease, and even had time to fight back, which was easier than Mei Junhan's.

Although he lacks experience in duels, I am afraid that no one is more handy than those who are from the army in fighting mixed battles!

Mu Qingchen had already grasped the sword, but seeing that she didn't feel any difficulty, he temporarily let go of his heart, drove the two horses to the side, and approached Mei Junhan's position.

"Qingchen, take him away, I can handle it!" Su Hailing took the time to drop a sentence.

"You don't need to meddle in your own business!" Mei Junhan scolded angrily, and with a backhand sword, even Mu Qingchen was shrouded in the power of his sword.

"Want to leave, it's not that easy!" Almost at the same time, the silver-masked woman waved her hand, and the men in black immediately stepped back, then squatted down, grabbed something on the ground, and yanked hard——

"Be careful!" Mu Qingchen grabbed Mei Junhan's left arm, tapped the steel knife of a man in black with his toe, and retreated violently.

At the next moment, a large pitch-black net rose from the ground and rolled under the two people's feet with a slight difference.

"Qingchen, back!" Su Hailing shouted anxiously as he forced the enemies around him back with a sword.

Without hesitation, Mu Qingchen swung his sword back without looking.

"Chi—" A large net was cut in half, and the six men in black who pulled the net also fell out.

However, when one hit was missed, the two large nets suddenly dispersed by themselves, becoming several small nets pulled by three or four people, covering them from all directions.

"Despicable!" Su Hailing gritted his teeth, trying to get closer to Mu Qingchen.

"In the great formation of heaven and earth nets, the gods can't even think about getting away!" The silver-masked woman also became a little impatient.

Originally intercepting Mei Junhan, who was seriously injured and had exhausted his skills here, he would surely be able to catch him, but he never expected that the descendant of Qinglian would meddle in the deadly enemy's business!
(End of this chapter)

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