Chapter 65

After teasing Situ Ye, Su Hailing was in a good mood, regardless of the gloomy expression of the people behind him, like a little leopard that would pounce on him at any moment.

"Hello!" After walking for a while, Situ Ye finally couldn't help shouting.

"What?" Su Hailing replied casually without turning his head.

"Do you really like that Mu Qingchen that much?" Situ Ye said, and came to her side a few steps after catching up.

Su Hailing was stunned, and the day and night of Xiaohanshan in the past three years suddenly appeared in his mind, and a gentle smile gradually appeared on his lips.

Seeing her expression, Situ Ye knew that there was no need to ask any more questions. This woman...maybe she didn't realize how deep and complex the feelings buried in her heart were.

"Qingchen, he is the person I want to cherish the most in my life." After a while, Su Hailing replied slowly.

That sword fairy with peerless grace, Mu Qingchen's heart is as clear as crystal, you can see the bottom at a glance, and what's inside is gradually her shadow.

In this world, only Mu Qingchen's heart for her is so pure that there is no trace of impurities.He... is worth protecting with a lifetime of love.

"What about Haoyue, what do you think of him as a plaything?" Situ Ye suddenly felt a strong sense of unwillingness.

"Situ, love is not a matter of blindly giving, nor blindly taking." Su Hailing was unaware of his sudden anger, but said indifferently, "You should ask Haoyue first, in his heart, put me As what? Lover, master, or something else? I am also a human being, and my heart... will be tired."

After finishing speaking, she ignored Situ Ye and quickened her pace.

The fight between Mei Junhan and Murong Zi didn't know what happened earlier. Although Mei Junhan was strong in martial arts, after all, he suffered such a serious injury last time. It is impossible to fully recover in just a few days, and Murong Zi... … Su Hailing frowned while thinking.

This woman, she can't see through.In short, very dangerous!

"Can't you slow down? If you don't see Mu Qingchen for a moment, you will die!" Situ Ye chased after him angrily.

"You think I only have men in my heart?" Su Hailing said.

"Aside from men, isn't it just Jiangshan?" Situ Ye raised his eyebrows, and said indifferently, "Dayong's throne should belong to you in the first place, and no one can say it's wrong if you want it back."

"Dayong's throne?" Su Hailing laughed.

"Why, you don't even look down on the throne?" Situ Ye asked in amazement.

"What is a mere Da Yong?" Su Hailing snorted coldly, "Situ, is your ambition so small?"

" want to..." Situ Ye opened his eyes wide with shock.

Su Hailing looked up at the blue sky left between the canyons, and remained silent for a long time.

Situ Ye opened his mouth, and wanted to spit out the words several times, but finally swallowed them back.

The two walked out of the canyon in silence all the way, and entered the medicine house through the back door.

In the living room, Mu Qingchen's actions were the same as when Su Hailing went out, except that there was an extra stack of organized medical books on the table.

"Qingchen, take a rest." Su Hailing covered his book with distress.

"I'm fine." Mu Qingchen looked at the Qingxin vine in her hand, and pulled another one over and pulled.

"Is this thing really able to cure Lan Yan's drunkenness?" Situ Ye asked.

"Qingxin vine is a medicine guide." Mu Qingchen said indifferently.

"Yao Yin..." Situ Ye looked at him as if he was looking at a monster, "Although the Qingxin Vine can be broken with the Slaying Evil Sword, how can you boil it into medicine? This thing is invulnerable to fire and water."

"Did I say it was for drinking?" Mu Qingchen raised his eyebrows with a calm expression.

Regardless of the two people who were fighting each other, Su Hailing came to the window and looked out.

I saw that the battle outside had ended, the purple silk of Murong's purple hair was picked off, and the black hair fell loose, but there was no anger and annoyance after the defeat on his face.

Mei Junhan on the opposite side could not see the expression on his face because his back was facing the medicine hut, but that straight and uniform back seemed to have an aura of being motionless under the pressure of a mountain.

Murong Zi seemed to say something, but he couldn't hear it clearly due to the distance.Qin'er next to her raised her brows upside down, and her eyes stopped her when she wanted to interject several times.

After a while, Mei Junhan and Haoyue turned around and came back, but Murong Zi led his disciples into the ten-mile sinking formation and went out of the valley.

"Jun Han, why did she leave?" Su Hailing went up to meet her and asked in puzzlement.

"I made an appointment with her for a martial arts competition, and the loser will withdraw from this place." Mei Junhan said.

"She actually agreed?" Su Hailing frowned.

"This person didn't try his best to fight me at all." Mei Jun said coldly.

"You said, she lost to you on purpose?" Su Hailing asked in surprise.

"Although she tried her best, I wouldn't lose to her, but she did intend to lose the competition." Mei Junhan affirmed.

"Traveling so much to come here, and then withdrawing out of nowhere? If there is no conspiracy, the devil will believe it!" Situ Ye sneered.

"Clang!" Just then, there was a loud noise of something falling behind him.

"Qingchen?" Su Hailing was startled and turned around quickly.

Mu Qingchen stood up, the chair fell to the ground, and he wiped all the medical books on the table that he had read on the floor.

"Master Mu, what's the matter?" Haoyue walked over to help him up the chair.

Mu Qingchen's face was very pale, and seemed to have a bit of fragility at the end of despair.

Su Hailing stepped forward to pick up the book spread out in front of him, and read ten lines at a glance.

"What, did you find a prescription?" Situ Ye leaned over.

"I found it..." Su Hailing murmured, but it was indescribably bitter.

"Show me!" Situ Ye snatched the book from her hand, but his smile froze after only one glance.

"What's wrong?" Mei Junhan said inexplicably, "I found the prescription, what expressions do you still have?"

"Linglong Golden Cauldron..." Mu Qingchen said blankly, "Only using Linglong Golden Cauldron can we make the antidote for lingering."

"What?" Haoyue was shocked, and the book she just picked up fell back to the ground.

The Linglong Golden Cauldron turned out to be the legendary Linglong Golden Cauldron...

Su Hailing came back to his senses, and scratched his hair with a wry smile.Is this any hope?The prescription for the antidote has been found, and the required medicinal materials are also easy to collect, but... Shangguan Xuanji specifically noted that the Linglong Jinding should be used as a container to refine the medicine, otherwise, the antidote will become a reminder.

"Mr. Situ, is there really no Linglong Jinding in the medicine hut?" Haoyue said.

"I've lived here for more than a year, and I didn't know there was such a precious thing?" Situ Ye rolled his eyes, and casually pointed to the small bronze tripod on the side shelf, "If you can call it a 'Ding' in the medicine house, ', that's all."

"I've seen it, it's definitely not gold." Su Hailing shook his head and stopped Haoyue's movements.

"However, there must be a reason for the groundless rumors." Mei Junhan pondered, "There are rumors in the world that the Linglong Jinding appeared in the Nianqing Mountains, even if this is the news deliberately released by the people behind the scenes for a certain purpose, but why is it the medicine house? Is it just a coincidence?"

"It's a big deal, you search." Situ Ye looked innocent, "Even if you dig the medicine house three feet into the ground, there will still be nothing there."

"Could it be that the senior evil doctor didn't tell you?" Su Hailing asked.

"I...I can't calm down." Situ Ye laughed a few times, "I have lived here for more than a year, except that the house has not been demolished, and every inch of land in this valley has been destroyed by me. .”

"No matter what, let's look for it again." Mu Qingchen slowly recovered his calm state of mind, "Come in, I'll help you practice your skills again."

"Yeah." Su Hailing nodded. Recently, her heartache would occasionally occur, and she could hardly suppress it with her own skill alone.

The bed in the inner room was also covered with dust, and Mu Qingchen lifted the bedding and sheets to the ground a few times, exposing the smooth wooden bed board.

The two sat cross-legged facing each other, with their palms together, they silently moved the Hanyu Heart Sutra.Their internal strength originally comes from the same source, and they are naturally in harmony.

There was a faint sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets outside, it seemed that those people really planned to search the medicine house again.

The inner breath with the coolness of ice and snow circulated in the body, and it really felt comfortable all over, and even the spirit improved a lot.

Letting go of his hand, Mu Qingchen's slightly pale face showed a trace of tiredness, obviously a lot of energy wasted.

"Qingchen." Su Hailing carefully hugged him into his arms, his fingers lightly brushed his brows and eyes, and finally landed on the water-colored thin lips.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine after a while." Mu Qingchen comforted.

"Qingchen, my Qingchen..." Su Hailing lowered his head and covered his lips, but didn't penetrate deeply, just rubbed gently and intimately.

"Outside...someone..." Mu Qingchen struggled and whispered.

"What are you afraid of?" Su Hailing said disapprovingly, "Haoyue won't let them in."

"But..." Mu Qingchen protested, but in the end he couldn't resist the body's faithful reaction, and could only sink into the fiery deep kiss...

After a long time, Su Hailing stood up and stared at the person on the bed whom she had tapped the Sleeping Point.

Mu Qingchen exhausted a lot of energy while looking for those medical books, and then used kung fu to detoxify her. Even if his kung fu is strong, he would not be able to sustain it. If he didn't use this method, he would definitely not want to rest.

Su Hailing sighed slightly, looked at the pile of gray bedding on the ground, took off his coat and covered him.

When I walked outside, I saw that there was no place to stay in the house. All the things had been moved out, all the furniture had been moved, and even the cabinets had been dismantled into planks and strips.

"You guys are..." It took Su Hailing a long time to realize, and he couldn't help the black lines all over his head, "Did you find anything?"

"I found a lot of good things!" Situ Ye casually threw a picture scroll over, "It was hidden in the dark compartment of the bookcase. I found it after dismantling the cabinet."

"Oh?" Su Hailing became interested when he heard the words.What was Shangguan Xuanji hiding?Is it the Poison Sutra, or some secret book?
"Miss, this is..." Haoyue seemed to want to stop her, but she blushed and couldn't speak.

Su Hailing was taken aback for a moment, looked at him inexplicably, and unfolded the scroll.

Situ Ye couldn't help turning around and letting out a muffled laugh.

Haoyue looked embarrassed and at a loss, Mei Junhan patted him on the shoulder, spread her hands, and shook her head endlessly.

Seeing their reactions, Su Hailing was even more confused, his eyes lowered and landed on the scroll.

"This is……"

"Hahaha..." Situ Ye finally laughed out loud.

Su Hailing let out a low curse, and his face couldn't help turning red.It turned out to be...

Erotic figure!
On the three-foot-long scroll, there are small pictures painted one after another. The little people in the pictures are all naked, with various postures and everything.And what's even more surprising is...the expressions on each little person's face are drawn vividly, which can be called the best!
However, the biggest problem here is that Shangguan Xuanji, a majestic evil doctor, actually hid a... erotic picture in the dark compartment of the bookshelf?

If this spreads to the Jianghu, the name Shangguan Xuanji will change from a strange person of a generation to a laughingstock of the ages!

"Xiaoxiaoxiao, laugh again! That's your master!" Su Hailing rolled up the painting scroll and hit Situ Ye's head hard. After cursing, he couldn't help laughing.

"We also found this." Haoyue said, holding a small jade bottle in both hands, but her expression was very nervous, as if she was holding a poisonous snake in her hand.

"What is this?" Su Hailing didn't pick it up.

"Lan Yanzui." Situ Ye replied.

"Lanyanzui?" Su Hailing's expression changed immediately, "Where did you find it?"

"In those medicine bottles." Situ Ye shrugged, and said helplessly, "I just wanted to see what Master was throwing away as junk, and I found this."

"Lanyanzui, is it difficult to configure?" Su Hailing asked.

"Of course." Situ Ye nodded without hesitation, "Few people know the prescription of Lan Yanzui, and some of the herbs are very rare and almost extinct. Even if you know the prescription, it is difficult to prepare it. .”

"So..." Su Hailing's eyes fell on Haoyue's hand, and he said in a deep voice, "The Lan Yanzui that Her Majesty the Empress of Nanchu is looking for is probably passed down from the medicine house?"

"This..." Situ Ye also restrained his smile, frowned and thought for a long time, then shook his head, "The relationship between Master and His's impossible to get drunk with blue face on her."

"You said last time that the empress can be regarded as your senior sister. What's going on?" Su Hailing said.

"Hmm..." Situ Ye hesitated for a while, then sighed, "Anyway, Master is gone, so I shouldn't care if I gossip about her behind her back. Actually... Her Majesty the Empress traveled all over the world when she was young. When my Master met her, I don't know which tendon was wrong, but I insisted on accepting her as an apprentice."

"Why do senior evil doctors always look for apprentices like this?" Mei Junhan looked Situ Ye up and down.

"She is the empress, so it's not good for her to be a formal apprentice. After being entangled, she became a registered disciple." Situ Ye paused for a while before continuing, "Later, once the master was drunk, I listened to her To put it in a nonsensical manner, it is because the Queen's temperament is very similar to her lover."

Su Hailing couldn't help being silent, she had never heard that Shangguan Xuanji had a lover, I'm afraid... it was another sad love.

"What are you thinking?" Mei Junhan asked.

"It's nothing." Su Hailing shook his head, looked at the rubbish on the ground again, and said helplessly, "Even if there is something there, it may not be inside the house. Go outside and look for it."

(End of this chapter)

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