Chapter 66

After spending most of the day, several people searched the medicine hut inside and out, but they didn't find anything that could be related to Linglong Jinding.

It was getting dark, Situ Ye took out a few candles and lit them, illuminating the wreckage in the house with a ghostly atmosphere.

Su Hailing pulled up a barely intact chair and shook it to confirm that it was still firm, before sitting down.

"What are we going to do tonight?" Situ Ye held up the candlestick and looked gloomily at the ruined house.

"It's not the first time I've slept in the open. What are you afraid of?" Su Hailing said indifferently, "How can I say that there is still a house in this valley that can shelter from the wind and rain, which is better than a few days ago."

"I'll go outside." Mei Junhan left without saying a word and walked out.

Su Hailing knew that he didn't like to sleep with others, and last night he avoided it by himself, so he didn't force him.

Mu Qingchen was still in a deep sleep after having his acupuncture points tapped, Su Hailing didn't want to wake him up, so he moved all the mess on the table and said, "I'll lie here for a while, you guys go to the inner room to rest. "

"Miss, I am..." Haoyue instinctively wanted to object.He is her bodyguard, how could...

"There is only one room to live in here, it's fine to be clean, but Situ is an unmarried man, how can he be with me." Su Hailing interrupted him lightly.

Haoyue couldn't help falling silent when she heard the words.

Su Hailing shrugged, and was speechless about Shangguan Xuanji.The only room belonged to Situ Ye, and Shangguan Xuanji... the other alchemy room was her bedroom, but it was filled with medicinal materials of unknown purpose, who knew how many of them could kill people seven or eight times s things?Even the daytime search was done by Situ Ye alone.

"Let's go." Situ Ye pulled Haoyue and walked into the inner room.

Su Hailing sighed again. Although he was tired all over, he was very clear-headed and didn't feel sleepy at all.

After rummaging through the sundries in the house, she casually sorted out some medical books and put them aside, preparing to take them away later.Turning around, through the half-opened window, one can see a cold moon in the deep blue sky, the waterfall not far away is shrouded in smoke and clouds, and the pool is as clear as jasper.

Pushing the door open, I saw Mei Junhan sitting on a stone by the pool with his sword in his arms, his black clothes seemed to blend in with the surrounding night, and a sad and contemplative aura slowly radiated.

Su Hailing's heart suddenly moved, and he walked over involuntarily.

"Why don't you sleep?" Mei Junhan moved, and she didn't relax until she found out.

"You'll catch a cold here." Su Hailing frowned disapprovingly as he looked at his hair and clothes that were soaked in the mist of the waterfall.

It was already cold, especially at night in the mountains, the clothes were thin and wet, did he really think that with internal strength, he would be invulnerable to all diseases!
"It's easy to wake up here and think about some things." Mei Junhan slightly raised the corners of her lips.

"Wait a minute." Su Hailing thought for a while, then quickly went back to the house, took out some planks and slats that were dismantled during the day, piled them up on the ground far away from the pool, poured some oil on them, and lit a bonfire.

"What are you doing?" Mei Junhan asked in surprise.

"Eat supper." Su Hailing smiled, pulled out the Xie Zhu sword, stared at the pool, stabbed quickly with a sharp hand, and when he retracted the sword, there were already two plump fish on it.

"You use Punishing Evil to stab fish, and you won't be afraid that the famous sword of the ages will be dusted." Mei Junhan frowned.

"Make the best use of everything." Su Hailing quickly cleaned the fish and put it on a branch, while taking out a small seasoning box from his bosom, and rubbing salt and pepper on the fish.

"Do you often sleep outdoors?" Mei Junhan looked curiously at her adequate equipment and skillful movements.

"Probably." Su Hailing smiled, put the branches by the fire and roasted them, then washed his hands in the pool, pulled Mei Junhan and walked towards the fire, "Come on, warm up the fire to get rid of the cold, and then eat something Hot food."

Sleeping outdoors?It's good to be able to "sit". When I was a soldier in my previous life, in order not to alarm the enemy, I had to eat raw grass roots, bark, and even snakes and insects many times.

Mei Junhan did not refuse, and silently followed her to sit down by the fire.

"If you have something to say, it will be more comfortable to say it." Su Hailing said while turning the fish body skillfully.

"You really don't look like a nobleman." Mei Junhan said.

"Then what do you think a nobleman should look like?" Su Hailing smiled and said slowly, "I am a nobleman, but I am also a normal person. I have hands and feet, so I don't need others to worry about my basic necessities. I I have flesh and blood, I have the seven emotions and six desires, I have my love and my hatred, they all say that the heights are too cold, and that the emperor is selfless, but everyone has forgotten that even if he stands above thousands of people from now on, the emperor... ...First of all, people. Everyone has feelings, otherwise they are not as good as animals."

"Your very strange." Mei Junhan laughed.

"Really?" Su Hailing asked indifferently.

For a while, both of them fell silent, and the smell of grilled fish floated in the air, making people salivate.

"By the way, there is one thing I'm curious about, but...if it's not convenient to answer, you can pretend you didn't hear it." Su Hailing said suddenly.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Mei Junhan said in a daze.

"Where did you know about the Linglong Golden Cauldron?" Su Hailing said, "I have also read a lot of books in the palace, and there are many rare books in Xiaohanshan Qingchen, but why have I never heard of it?" What is the legend of 'the one who wins the exquisite golden tripod wins the world'?"

"The Qin Dynasty split 300 years ago, and many secrets have been lost since then. It is normal for the royal families of the Three Kingdoms to not know about it." Mei Junhan said indifferently.

"Although the Xuanming Palace has a long history, such secrets should not be left in the rivers and lakes." Su Hailing said, "This time, all the factions of the Southern Chu Wulin gathered in the Qingnian Mountains, and most of them are indeed for the purpose of increasing the number of people. The Nine-Turn Golden Elixir of Jiazi’s skill came, but people like Murong Zi, Yao Ji, Xia Yi, etc., might look down on this mere Nine-Turn Golden Elixir. Their reason for coming... should be the Linglong Golden Cauldron.”

"The ancestors of the Xuanming Palace... have a deep connection with the pre-Qin imperial family." Mei Junhan was silent for a while, then said slowly, "There are many pre-Qin secrets hidden in the palace. Last time the treasury was stolen, except for the Chasing Wave Sword, There is account book that records the treasures of the Inner Palace in the pre-Qin period, and there is a legend about the Linglong Golden Cauldron in it."

Su Hailing was greatly surprised when he heard this.Unexpectedly, the evil heretics that everyone shouts and beats in the martial arts world is the real root Zheng Miaohong!
"So, I didn't come here all because of you." Mei Junhan glanced at her, and said, "The person who plotted against Mu Qingchen and me last time should be the main messenger who released the news of Linglong Jinding. I didn't Reasons to sit idly by."

"No matter what you are for, in short, we also accept your favor." Su Hailing thought for a while, then hesitated, "You tell me all the secrets of Xuanming Palace, is it alright?"

"We are collaborators, at least we should trust each other, shouldn't we?" Mei Junhan raised his eyebrows and said with a half-smile, "Should Ms. Su show a little more sincerity?"

Su Hailing was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help laughing.

"Why, you can't trust me?" Mei Junhan said.

"How could it be?" Su Hailing pulled up the scorched fish, gave him one, and said, "I have always believed in employing people without doubting others, not to identity, I think even if I don't tell you, you will Are you guessing right?"

"I just want to hear you admit it yourself." Mei Junhan stared at her tightly.

"Dayong 'former' Princess Ruiqing, Su Hailing." Su Hailing smiled and said without any concealment.

"You are Dayong's most noble bloodline, the direct descendant of Empress Qin Sheng." Mei Junhan said.

"So what if I am? So what if I am not?" Su Hailing sarcastically said, "In the genealogy of the Dayong Emperor, I am nothing more than a dead person. No matter how noble my blood is, I am no match for the emperor."

"Isn't this a situation you deliberately created?" Mei Junhan raised his eyebrows.

"Oh?" Su Hailing stared at him with great interest, wanting to see what kind of surprise this unusual man could give her.

"Leaving the imperial palace and the capital, the sea and the sky will be brighter from now on, you can advance and attack, and retreat and defend. On the contrary, it is Her Majesty the Empress who will have to sleep restlessly every night from now on." Mei Junhan said.

"Do you believe that I will succeed?" Su Hailing bit the hot fish and said while blowing, "Now I have no power, no power, and I can fight against a country by myself. Don't you want to laugh at me as wishful thinking?"

"If you are rich and powerful now, would you still need me?" Mei Jun said coldly, "I'm not stupid, there are no pies in the sky, what you want to get depends on what you are willing to give. What about the icing on the cake? Is it comparable to sending charcoal in the snow?"

"What do you want?" Su Hailing paused before saying, "If I can give it, I will give it to you, and I will never break my promise. If I can't give it, I won't lie to you."

"What I want is very simple." Mei Junhan said indifferently, "I want the disciples of Xuanming Palace to walk in the sun in an upright manner, and not be hunted down everywhere as soon as they announce their names."

"You don't want much, but why me?" Su Hailing asked puzzled, "With the power of Xuanming Palace and those treasures from the pre-Qin period, I believe that any emperor will agree to your conditions."

"How do I look?" Mei Junhan asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Su Hailing was stunned, his fingers unconsciously touched the still hot sticks of skewered fish, he screamed and jumped up.

"Are you okay!" Mei Junhan hurriedly pulled her hand over to examine it, and found that it was only slightly red, so she took out the medicine bottle, dipped some transparent ointment on it, and tied it tightly with a silk scarf.

"Thank you." Su Hailing looked at his movements stupidly.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Mei Junhan said.

"This..." Su Hailing looked at him with shame.Due to bandaging the wound, Mei Junhan had almost sat beside her, so close that his eyelashes could be counted...

To be honest, Mei Junhan's appearance is naturally the best choice, it seems that Zi Mo's exquisiteness, Mu Qingchen's delicacy, and Haoyue's handsomeness are all integrated together, and that fierce aura is easier to arouse A woman's desire to conquer.

"It's beautiful." After a while, Su Hailing struggled to utter two words.

"It's not that I want to be born as a man, nor is it that I want to grow into such a face." Mei Junhan lowered her eyes slightly.

When Su Hailing heard the words, he immediately understood what he meant.'s not that he hasn't tried, but...

"I've met many women, but you...are the only one who turned a blind eye to me." Mei Junhan's tone was very strange, and it was hard to tell whether it was more admiration or more annoyance.

"I like fine wine, delicious food, beautiful scenery, and beauties." Su Hailing said with a slight smile, "But in the world, if you don't like it, you have to be imprisoned by your side. Sometimes, admiring it from a distance is also a kind of happiness."

"You are indeed a very different woman." Mei Junhan said, taking a bite of the fish.

"Have a drink." Su Hailing handed over a gourd.

When searching the medicine hut during the day, she also found a few jars of good wine. After Situ Ye identified it as non-poisonous, she poured it into a gourd to keep out the cold at night.

"If you pour a man with such spirits, aren't you afraid that people will think you have malicious intentions?" Although Mei Junhan said this, he quickly snatched it from his hand, pulled off the lid and took a long gulp. .

"Anyway, one is willing to fight, and the other is willing to suffer." Su Hailing shrugged, only eating fish.The wine was too strong for her liking.

Mei Junhan is very chic, with a sip of wine and a sip of fish, without the slightest coyness of a woman respecting a country man, there is a chic demeanor in every gesture.

"Drink less, you will get drunk." Su Hailing couldn't help but said.

"Which one of the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes has never been drunk?" Mei Junhan laughed loudly, raised the gourd and poured it vigorously.

The crystal wine flowed down his chin to the front of his clothes, and the clothes that had been dried just now were soaked in a big piece again, and the night wind blew through them, chilling his bones.However, the hot spirits flowed down the throat into the stomach, but it exploded in the body like a cluster of flames, the scalding heat spread from the inside, and the flushed drunkenness gradually surfaced on the cheeks.

"You really drank too much." Su Hailing frowned, pressed his hand, and regretted giving him the wine.

"Is there anyone in this world who is not drunk and dreaming of death?" Mei Junhan smiled wryly, and let her snatch the wine gourd.

Su Hailing sighed slightly, it could be seen that there was too much bitterness and hatred buried in his heart.How difficult it must be for a man to live with his head held high in this world of female dignitary.

For Mei Junhan, although she didn't feel love, she admired her from the bottom of her heart.

She and him may be more like comrades-in-arms in the previous life.Although we have known each other for a short time, we can't even talk about understanding each other, but inexplicably, there is a sense of trust.

"It's late at night, you go back." Mei Junhan said suddenly.

"Okay." Su Hailing hesitated for a moment, then stood up.

She understood that Mei Junhan's heart was firmer than anyone else, he didn't need her sympathy and company, it would only hurt his self-esteem.

After walking a few steps, looking back, I saw the moonlight and the firelight together, setting off the slightly drunken face, the beauty is picturesque.

(End of this chapter)

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