Chapter 96

Mei Junhan was in a good mood.

Finally cleared out the traitors in Xuanming Palace and reorganized the internal affairs, but it has been delayed for a long time.According to the news from Xuan Yu, she... is already in the capital.

Looking up at the sky, it is not yet sunset, but it seems that there will be no one else if we go any further.

Mei Junhan frowned slightly, and led the horse to knock on a nearby farmhouse.

"Who is it?" The door opened, and a white-haired old man walked out, who couldn't help being stunned when he saw Mei Junhan.

Although his face was covered, the horse, black clothes, and sword, even ordinary people who had never seen anything in the world, knew that the man in front of him was not an ordinary person.

"Don't be afraid, old man. I'm not a bad person." Mei Junhan said in a soft voice, "I have something important to do and I need to drive all night, but there is no one in front of me. Can you ask the old man to sell me some water?"

"It's just some water, so there's nothing for sale." The old man breathed a sigh of relief, took the water bag he handed over and entered the house, and after a while, it was filled with clean water and came out. The steamed stuffed bun came out, "Come, take it and eat it on the road. The mountain in front of you is very desolate, but you can't find anything to eat. There is nothing good in the mountain, so don't be disgusted, my lord."

"Thank you, old man." Mei Junhan took it and felt a little warmth, the common people are the most simple people.Originally, he wanted to leave some silver, but then thought that gold and silver might bring disaster to this simple farmer, so he only took a few copper plates, which were regarded as meals.

Continue to move forward, and run for a while, the sky is gradually darkening.

Mei Junhan took out a steamed stuffed bun, and with a turn of her internal energy, the steamed stuffed bun immediately burst out from the cold.Take a bite, the refreshing cabbage filling is delicious, and the cheeks and teeth are fragrant.

Sighing softly, it turns out that habit is such a terrible thing.I am used to her gentle care and the days with her by my side. Once I become a person, an unprecedented emptiness and loneliness hit my heart.Obviously...before I met her for nearly 20 years, I came here like this.

He looked at the western sky, and the sun had gradually disappeared below the horizon. He patted the head of his beloved horse lovingly, and said in a low voice, "Mo Ye, do you miss her?"

The horse neighed and shook its head.

Suddenly, there was a thunderous sound of horseshoes head-on, shaking the ground a little, obviously there were many visitors.

Mei Junhan frowned. She didn't want to cause trouble, so she reined in her horse and retreated to the side of the road, ready to let them pass.

After a while, more than a dozen women in strong attire came galloping on their horses, bringing up a big cloud of smoke and dust.

Mei Junhan couldn't help but turn cold. Although this mountain road is not narrow, it can only allow three horses to gallop side by side at most.If those well-dressed women slowed down, there would be absolutely no problem, but if they galloped like them, I'm afraid I would be forced into the ditch by the roadside.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, those people still did not slow down, but rushed straight at a faster speed.

Mei Junhan was not a good-tempered person in the first place, although he didn't want to cause trouble, but seeing their arrogant attitude, he was still angry.

When the distance was only two zhang, he suddenly jumped up from his horse, grabbed a femme fatale with one hand and threw it off the horse's back, and at the same time used his strength to back up, and landed steadily back on his horse.

This turn of events caught them off guard, and the team was thrown into chaos. After a while, they finally stopped.As for the person who was thrown off the horse, luckily Mei Junhan didn't intend to kill her, so he threw her far away, otherwise she would have been kicked and trampled to death by the chaotic horses. Now... it was just a flesh wound. .

"Who are you? Why are you provocative for no reason!" Several women shouted and cursed.

Hearing that the villain complained first, Mei Junhan raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "I'm self-defense."

A stern woman at the head waved her hand to stop her companions from shouting, stepped forward and said: "Leng Yufeng is in Xia'an Palace, under the order of my lord, he has to travel day and night because of urgent business, if there is any offence, Please forgive me, my lord. After the work is done, I will come to the door in person to apologize."

Prince An's Mansion?Mei Junhan's eyes couldn't help flickering.

Su Yuling is in Xijing, and these people who obviously come from the direction of the capital are all following the orders of King An?Even if Su Yuling wanted to employ someone, he wouldn't have to travel thousands of miles from the capital!When she was away from home, how could she not have someone capable of her confidant?
Unless...they rushed to Su Yuling's side for some special reason!

"Useless stuff! Don't get up yet!" After Leng Yufeng finished speaking, he yelled at the woman who was thrown out.

"Yes!" The woman was startled, and hurriedly stood up reluctantly, grabbed the frightened horse, and rolled over.

"Go!" Leng Yufeng shouted heavily.

"Wait." Mei Junhan kicked the horse's belly, and Mo Ye channeled the psychic, and walked slowly to the middle of the road.

"Young master, what advice do you have?" Leng Yufeng frowned.

"Did I tell you that you can leave?" Mei Jun said coldly.

"Then what do you want?" Leng Yufeng asked after being taken aback.

From the method of catching and throwing people just now, she can see that this masked man is very good at martial arts, but he is also a first-class master in the palace, and he has a team of guards. Can't stop them all?

Mei Junhan looked her up and down for a while, before saying after a while: "Since none of you can ride a horse, then leave the horses behind and get out!"

"What did you say?" A murderous look flashed in Leng Yufeng's eyes.

"I said, leave the horse, get out! Didn't you hear?" Mei Junhan repeated.

"You..." Leng Yufeng was so angry that he couldn't speak for a moment.

"Those who dare to rob Prince An's Mansion, are you impatient?" A younger girl next to her scolded.

Mei Junhan just looked at Leng Yufeng quietly, not even looking at her.

"Your Excellency, have you made up your mind?" Leng Yufeng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Whispering." Mei Junhan spit out two words.

When it came to this point, no matter how good-tempered they were, they might not be able to bear it, not to mention that the guards of Prince An's Mansion were usually the object of everyone's flattery, and all of them had their eyes high above the top, and the crowd suddenly became angry.

"It seems that Your Excellency intends to make things difficult for Prince An." Leng Yufeng said slowly.

"Having trouble with the prince? What a serious crime!" Mei Junhan said with a slight smile, "I just have trouble with you, my lord, or...are you Prince An?"

Leng Yufeng couldn't help but change his face. If this word got out, with King An's disposition, he would definitely be more suspicious of himself from now on, and suddenly he wanted to kill him to silence him.

"You want to kill me? That depends on your ability." Mei Junhan said indifferently.

His thoughts were seen through, and Leng Yufeng's murderous intent flourished.

Mei Junhan sneered, and before she could make a move, she jumped up into the air, unsheathed her sword in mid-air, and pointed at Leng Yufeng's head trickily.

Leng Yufeng snorted angrily, and raised his knife to meet him.

There was a crisp sound of "Dang", and the horse under Leng Yufeng's crotch let out a mournful cry and fell down.

Mei Junhan took advantage of being condescending, and drifted away to eliminate the counter-shock force, and Leng Yufeng received the sword, and finally part of the power was transmitted to the horse.

Leng Yufeng reacted quickly, and immediately jumped off the ground with his strength.

But Mei Junhan made a turning point in the air and jumped into the group of guards.

This move was beyond everyone's expectations. Originally, everyone thought that he and Leng Yufeng would be the first to decide the outcome. After all, he was outnumbered, and he had never seen the one with the few take the initiative to ask others to besiege him. !
Everyone drew their knives hastily, but because of the chaos just now, the queue was crowded into a mess, and swinging knives would inevitably hurt their own people, and their hands and feet were bound.

However, Mei Junhan didn't stop, and went around the crowd with extreme lightness. When Leng Yufeng ordered to disperse, he was already on top of one person, using his strength to retreat, and fell back on Mo Ye.



With a burst of exclamation, all the horses fell down unexpectedly, and a few people who were slow to dodge were immediately crushed under the horses.

"You!" Leng Yufeng turned pale with anger.

Mei Junhan clapped his hands lightly, shook the reins, and rushed towards the stumbling crowd, just as arrogant as they came.

"Get out of the way!" Leng Yufeng yelled and dodged aside.

That man's martial arts are terrifying!It seemed that a dozen horses were all killed in an instant.

"What I can't get will be destroyed, and no one else can get it!" Mei Junhan said, Mo Ye had already run a long way, and when he said the last few words, he had already used his internal force to send them back far away up.

Leng Yufeng's fists were clenched tightly, and he was speechless for a long time.

After Mei Junhan stretched his muscles, he felt better.

There are no big towns in this generation, so many people died in Leng Yufeng, and there is nowhere to go for a while, even if they can rob farmers, or just buy a few horses in a small town, it is still impossible. These are rough horses, nothing compared to the fine horses in Prince An's Mansion.When they arrive in Xijing, it will be at least a few days later than before. If there is something really urgent, the day lily will be cold by the time they arrive...

But... soon, his good mood disappeared.Because...he found out...that he was lost!

The sky was already dark, and I couldn't see my fingers in the woods, but it was a starless and moonless weather, and I couldn't tell the direction.

Alas, if I knew this earlier, I might as well spend the night in the village and set off again in the morning. Fortunately, I brought enough water and a few buns, so I won’t be hungry.

With 12 points of helplessness, he could only find a sheltered place to spend the night before making any plans.

Climb up a big tree, lie down on the thick trunk, and you'll get through the night.

Suddenly, the cold night wind gently sent a few human voices.As for Mei Junhan, he was used to Feng Dao Shuang Jian in the world, and he could sleep anywhere, but today, for some reason, he didn't feel sleepy at all.

The sound was getting closer and clearer.

"It's true...Su Hailing..."

"Don't worry... Flame Madness..."

"The young master is really thoughtful...but..."

Although he couldn't hear it clearly, Mei Junhan caught Su Hailing's name.

After pondering for a while, he resolutely turned over and got down from the tree, telling Mo Ye to go further away so as not to disturb the man, and then sneaked towards the source of the sound.

Leaping lightly onto a big tree with lush branches and leaves, the black clothes and the darkness of tonight perfectly concealed it.Looking down from the gap, Mei Junhan couldn't help being startled.

Among the two in the forest, one was masked in black. Although he couldn't see his face, he was dressed in the familiar Phantom Gate Killer's outfit, but he added a black cloak.The other one was wearing a purple robe, but she was wearing a bamboo hat. The black veil hanging around the bamboo hat covered her face, but she was a young woman by hearing her voice.

The closer the distance, the voice can be heard clearly.I just heard the woman say: "At the beginning, I never thought that Su Hailing and Mei Junhan would come together. It's not easy for the two of them to deal with each other."

"Hmph! The sky and the earth can't catch them, what a fate!" the man in black said through gritted teeth, his voice was deep and hoarse, and he couldn't tell the difference between men and women.

"This time I got these three 'flame madness', I hope the sect master won't let me down." The purple-clothed woman's tone revealed a hint of sinisterness.

Mei Junhan couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, door master?Could it be that this person is the owner of the Phantom Sect?Then this young master... Murong Zi said, another bloodline of the Holy Emperor?
"The people in this seat were careless last time, but this time the arrangement was extremely proper, and there will never be any mistakes again. Don't worry, young master!" the man in black assured.

"Well, since the sect master is sure, I naturally trust it." The woman in purple nodded and waved to him.

"Young master, don't forget what you promised." The man in black reminded.

"Of course, after killing Su Hailing, Mei Junhan is your man. What I want is the throne, should I still compete with you for a beauty?" the purple-clothed woman said impatiently.

Mei Junhan was stunned at first, then furious.Unexpectedly, the Phantom Sect Master still has such thoughts for him?Wasn't the lesson Phantom Gate received in Luhaiyuan last time not enough?
"Young master really doesn't care about beauties?" the man in black said indifferently.

The woman in purple was obviously taken aback, and said displeasedly, "What do you mean?"

"I'm just reminding the young master that the emperor is heartless and ruthless, that man... is always a disaster!" the man in black said coldly.

"You don't need to meddle in my private affairs. Remember, don't hurt him!" the woman in purple said angrily.

"Young Master, as long as you know what you're doing." The man in black stopped talking, and obviously didn't want to say any more.

Seeing that they had almost reached the end of their conversation, Mei Junhan couldn't help hesitating when she expected to hear nothing more valuable. Should he catch these two now, or let them go?After a while, he gritted his teeth and finally decided to put a long line to catch big fish.He was about to leave, but unexpectedly, in annoyance, the hem of his clothes caught on a branch, making a clear and crisp sound of silk tearing.

"Who!" The two looked up at his hiding place almost at the same time.

Mei Junhan yelled inwardly, took off the cloak with one hand, and shook with infuse energy, the cloak covered the man in black like a giant black bird.Almost at the same time, the sword made a long silver arc and went straight to the purple-clothed woman's hat.

Now that it has been discovered, let's just take a look at what the so-called Holy Emperor's bloodline looks like!
(End of this chapter)

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