Chapter 97

Lady Zi Ye sneered, she drew her sword to meet her, and said, "Master, this person may have heard our conversation, so he must not stay!"

The man in black tore open the cloak with a knife, without saying a word, but obviously acquiesced to her words.

Being besieged by the two of them, Mei Junhan gradually became a little impatient. Fighting alone, neither of them is his opponent, but the combined force of the two is not weaker than him. If he is not careful, he may still suffer.

It seems that it is really not easy to capture them under such circumstances.

In a flash, he changed his tactic suddenly, he just tried to parry the man in black, but his sword never left the purple-clothed woman's head and face.He always had a feeling that this so-called Holy Emperor's blood that suddenly appeared was definitely hiding some huge conspiracy!

Soon, the two also discovered his intentions. They glanced at each other, their bodies staggered, and suddenly spread out to both sides, each choosing a direction and galloping away.

Mei Junhan was slightly taken aback, then immediately abandoned the man in black and chased after the woman in purple.

It doesn't matter who the owner of the Phantom Sect is, Su Hailing will catch them all anyway.But the blood of the Holy Emperor is different. As long as she is caught, most of the problem will be solved.As for the master who has lost his assistant, the blood oath alone is enough for the Phantom Sect.

The lightness skill of the purple-clothed woman is not weak, and Mei Junhan really couldn't catch up with her in the dark as she walked left and right in the woods in the dark.

Sometimes when the distance is close, the woman in purple will stop suddenly, and then throw out a hidden weapon, break the person back, and continue to run.

Mei Junhan was not in a hurry either. When the hidden weapons were always used up, there was a moment when the physical strength was exhausted. Compared with endurance, that woman was definitely not as good as him.

The woman in purple stopped abruptly and raised her hand.

Mei Junhan dodged out of habit, but unexpectedly discovered that it was a cover, and there was no hidden weapon at all.

Run out of hidden weapons?Mei Junhan was taken aback, but this gap made the distance between the two of them a bit further.

The woman in purple seemed to become agitated, and even picked up sand and stones on the ground to smash them.

Mei Junhan was never in a hurry, and followed her slowly, deliberately waiting until her physical strength was exhausted.

"Look at the hidden weapon!" The woman in purple raised her hand again.

Mei Junhan didn't hide, Baojian brushed aside a few fresh branches casually.

However, at this moment, a thin gust of dark wind mingled with the branches, unexpectedly arriving first.

Mei Junhan was startled, but the throwing knife had already reached his chest, and it was too late to dodge it. He gritted his teeth, turned his body forcefully, and the flying knife stuck into his left shoulder.

The woman in purple sneered, turned around and shot out a handful of steel needles.

Anger flashed in Mei Junhan's eyes, the sword danced impenetrably, and the steel needles as thin as a cow's hair were all absorbed by his internal force on the sword, forming a dense canopy.

The woman in purple was also taken aback, she didn't dare to take advantage of it, and hid in the woods without looking back.

Just as Mei Junhan wanted to continue chasing, the wound on his shoulder felt numb.

Knowing that the flying knife was poisonous, he had no choice but to stop. He pulled out the flying knife and threw it on the ground. He tore open his clothes, and saw that the area around the wound had already turned into a deep purple-black, swollen and high. The blood that flows out is also black.

Gritting his teeth, he swung his long sword horizontally and slashed the wound open. Immediately, purple-black blood flowed out, until the blood gradually turned red, and the skin next to him was not as purple-black and swollen as before. Only then did he crush a detoxification pill, sprinkle the powder on the wound, and tie it tightly with a cloth strip.

After doing all this, he breathed a sigh of relief, and just as he took a step, his head became dizzy for a while, so he had to sit down against the tree.

"This time I'm really too careless." Mei Junhan smiled wryly and shook his head. Sure enough, he hadn't met an opponent for a long time, and his vigilance was relaxed, which is not very good.

Although the poisonous blood has been drained away, there are still some toxins left in the body after all, not to mention the sudden release of so much blood, the body can't take it anymore.

It's a pity... Although Mei Junhan is not as invulnerable to poison as Mu Qingchen, but because of the strange poison of Tianshui Biqi in his body, the effect of ordinary poisons on him will be much worse, unless it is the cold poison. class will have a noticeable effect.Therefore, although there are still some residual toxins, it is not a serious problem to him.

In the distance, Mo Ye's neighing sound could be heard.

Mei Junhan couldn't help smiling slightly, picked up the poisonous throwing knife again, carefully wrapped it in a cloth strip, put it in his arms, then got up and let out a low whistle.

Hearing the master's voice, Mo Ye's neighing became a little more cheerful.

After a while, I saw it running from the night.

Mei Junhan touched Mo Ye's neck, turned on the horse, and controlled the reins with his right hand.

After a while of chasing, it was not completely fruitless, at least he found the familiar official road, and he didn't have to spend the night in the forest because of getting lost.

But at this moment, there is another sign in the capital...

"Your news is correct?" Su Hailing's face was gloomy.

"There is absolutely nothing wrong." Yue Qing nodded affirmatively, "I'm afraid the Queen's days are only two days away. We managed to bribe a small handyman from the Imperial Hospital, stole a copy of the Queen's prescription, and studied it again. After a long time, this is simply a medicine for tigers and wolfs, and it is used for the final survival under no other means."

Su Hailing pondered, tapping his fingers unconsciously on the table of the desk.

"What is Miss going to do?" Le Qing asked.

"Deacon Le, is there any hidden stake in Xuanming Palace?" Su Hailing asked after a while.

"Yes, but they are all handymen, servants of the cold palace." Le Qing said helplessly, "The Great Lama Palace employs extremely strict personnel, and the Xuanming Palace has spent countless efforts, but they can only be placed in a few inconspicuous positions." A few people can't play a big role at all."

"If... I want to go to the palace, is there anything you can do?" Su Hailing said slowly.

"This..." Le Qing frowned, and said for a long time, "What does Miss want to enter the palace for?"

"I want to see Su Xueling." Su Hailing said.

"What?" Le Qing was really shocked by her decision.

"Based on what I know about Su Xueling, she will definitely not just sit and wait for death." Su Hailing sneered, "Is critically ill? Don't say she is only critically ill, even if she dies, if there is nothing left behind, I will definitely not will believe it."

Le Qing's face was full of embarrassment. After thinking about it for a long time, she still felt that it was too risky.

"Don't worry, I don't want to do anything." Su Hailing smiled, and said again, "Pretending to be a palace maid or something, as long as you are careful, there will be no serious problems."

"Miss, this subordinate has received a letter that the Palace Master will come to the capital in the future, but..." Le Qing wondered.

"Just what?" Su Hailing was taken aback, intuitively having a very bad premonition.

"The Palace Master is injured." Yue Qing said.

"Injured?" Su Hailing raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Who is it? Who has the ability to hurt him?"

The traitors in Xuanming Palace have all been wiped out, and Mei Junhan has always acted carefully, so it is impossible to attract many famous martial arts figures to besiege him like last time, but if he encounters an enemy by chance, there are really few who can beat him.

"Master of Phantom Shadow." Yue Qing gritted her teeth authentically.

"It's the Phantom Gate again!" Su Hailing slapped the table angrily, causing the pen, ink, paper and inkstone to throb, "How is the injury? Does it matter?"

"Miss, don't worry, the palace lord said that it's just a flesh injury, it won't hinder you." Yue Qing said.

Su Hailing couldn't help rolling his eyes, a flesh injury?If it was that guy, even if he pierced his whole body with a single sword, as long as he didn't die, he would say that it was just a flesh wound, so how could she rest assured?
"However, the words of the palace lord's biography this time are not detailed, it seems that there is something inside." Yue Qing said again.

Su Hailing nodded. She also didn't believe that Mei Junhan would be the opponent of the Phantom Sect Master. After all, the Phantom Sect has been ranked under the Wunian Sword Sect for many years. Her martial arts are definitely not as good as Murong Zi, and at most they are comparable. It's really far from hurting Mei Junhan.

But... what's going to happen?
Su Hailing frowned, his heart moved slightly.Could it be...

"Miss?" Le Qing called out.

"Let go of those who enter the palace first, and wait until Jun Han arrives." Su Hailing shook his head and said, "How much do you know about the Phantom Gate?"

"The Phantom Gate has always been mysterious, and has always recognized money but not people, acting as if it has nothing to do with the court, so we didn't pay attention to them before." Le Qing said helplessly, "I'm afraid we know as much as Murong Zi told Miss. .”

"Hmm..." Su Hailing pondered, "Is there any news about Murong Zi and Haoyue?"

"Not yet." Yue Qing also said strangely, "There are signs that they have arrived in the capital, but their subordinates are incompetent, and they have not been found."

"It's not your fault." Su Hailing chuckled.

After all, since Murong Zi has inherited the Holy Emperor's will, even though she is living in Southern Chu, she will never give up on burying her nails in the capital. The 300-year relationship is deeply rooted. owned.

"Deacon Le, prepare a greeting card for me. I'm going to visit Lord Situ, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment tomorrow." Su Hailing said.

"Yes." Yue Qing agreed, and seeing that she had no other orders, she quietly retreated.

Su Hailing stood up, stretched his waist and loosened his muscles and bones.

In the past two days, I finally read through those materials roughly, and I have a more thorough understanding of the current situation.

Opening the door of the study, the moonlight filled the small courtyard, making it look peaceful.

"Hello, Miss." In the flower garden, a woman straightened up and greeted her with a silly smile when she saw her going out.

"Sister Hong, haven't you rested so late?" Su Hailing asked in surprise.

"Miss is not still busy?" Mrs. Hong raised the scissors in her hand to signal, and said with a smile, "I planted all the flowers and plants in this garden, and there are a few twilight flowers that survived with great difficulty. Only by watering and pruning in the moonlight will they survive."

"There are such delicate flowers?" Su Hailing walked over curiously.

I saw a few clumps of flowers and plants growing here and there under a magnolia tree. Small white flowers the size of fingernails were blooming on them. The tender petals were clearly patterned and radiated with moonlight-like light. Dotted in a piece of green.

Mrs. Hong picked up the scissors, carefully cut off a few bouquets of flowers, tied them together with grass leaves and handed them over: "Twilight Flower is also called Moonlight Grass. It has a faint fragrance and is good for sleep. The young lady took it and put it on a wooden tree. It's good for him in the son's room."

"Thank you Sister Hong." Su Hailing took the flowers and said, "Sister Hong cherishes these flowers very much."

"Twilight flowers only bloom at night, and they will wither at dawn, and new ones will bloom tomorrow night." Aunt Hong smiled, and continued to prune the flower branches seriously.

Seeing this, Su Hailing didn't bother her, and went back to his room with flowers in his hands.

An oil lamp, Mu Xin was carefully embroidering something on a piece of red silk, but Mu Qingchen was leaning on the bed and staring blankly.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Su Hailing asked while inserting the Mu Yan flower into the vase.

"I slept too much during the day, so it's not very comfortable." Mu Qingchen said indifferently.

"You've lost your appetite again?" Su Hailing sighed, sat on the edge of the bed, and looked at his somewhat pale face with pity.

As the pregnancy got longer, Mu Qingchen's nausea reaction became more and more serious. Apart from lethargy, she almost vomited whatever she ate. Mu Xin made a big bag of sour plums and took it with her, but it didn't see much effect. .

Countless tonics and supplements go down every day, in fact, not much is eaten in the stomach, and most of them are vomited out.

"As expected of your child." Mu Qingchen sighed.

"What do you mean?" Su Hailing was stunned.

"Know how to torment people!" Mu Qingchen glared at her and said angrily.

Mu Xin next to him couldn't help but burst into a "puchi" laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Su Hailing walked over and looked at the things in his hands curiously, "What are you doing?"

"Miss's clothes!" Mu Xin raised the red silk embroidered with phoenixes in his hand, and said with a smile, "It's not clean outside, so let me make it slowly."

Su Hailing smiled wryly. Although she has been in this world for more than three years, she is still not used to seeing men embroidering with needles...

"Okay, young lady and young master should go to bed early." Mu Xin said, quickly packed up his things, picked up the bamboo basket and went out.

"You really don't have to wait for me." Su Hailing sighed with a smile.

"I..." Just as Mu Qingchen uttered a word, his stomach suddenly churned again, and he lay on the edge of the bed retching, but he couldn't vomit anything.

"Qingchen!" Su Hailing quickly picked up a sour plum and stuffed it into his mouth, while hugging his body, patted his back lightly to comfort him.

It took a while for Mu Qingchen to calm down, and his tense body slowly relaxed, and he leaned softly in her arms.

"Situ Ye, a quack doctor, what did he do!" Su Hailing cursed in a low voice.

"You..." Mu Qingchen couldn't help laughing, "The genius doctor can't control the pregnancy embarrassment."

"It doesn't matter, it's his fault!" Su Hailing hugged him and said.

Sigh... For the thousandth time, she regretted that she didn't pay more attention to the medical skills of fertility in modern times. However, she has been in the army for many years, and she has never had children around her, and she has no experience at all.

Gently kissing the cool skin of the person in his arms, Su Hailing whispered: "Qingchen, no matter what happens, you will be fine..."

(End of this chapter)

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