Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 107 Whispering

Chapter 107 Whispering
Xue Baochai didn't know that Daiyu had a master, so he was very curious.After serving the table, he hurriedly asked Shi Xiangyun, how could Shi Xiangyun know?They knew that Xing Xiuyan and Daiyu had known each other before, and it happened that Xing Xiuyan was sitting next to them, so they asked her again.

Unexpectedly, Xing Xiuyan shook his head and said, "When I met Miss Lin in Gusu, I never heard her say that she has a master." Naturally, Shi Xiangyun didn't believe it, and Xue Baochai also looked at Xing Xiuyan and said, "Sister Yun, why bother to embarrass Miss Xing? I'm afraid it's Miss Xing who can't tell." Xing Xiuyan hastily explained: "I really haven't heard of it."

Xue Baochai laughed but said nothing after hearing this, and Shi Xiangyun also grinned when he saw this: "It's just that there is a master who doesn't know where he came from, and he pretends to be mysterious." Although his words were full of disdain, they couldn't hide the strong acidity. meaning.

Xichun looked at everything from the side, but she just smiled coldly and lowered her head to eat her own food.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Mrs. Jia saw that she was almost done eating, so she smiled and said, "It's not fun to just eat. Let's have some fun with dice." But Baoyu said: "The old ancestor My sister and sister are all here today, why don't we take advantage of the name." Jia Mu laughed and said, "This thing is also very good."

There were no such things in Daiyu's room, and she said, "Who of you sent someone to fetch them? I don't have these things here." After a while, the servant went back and brought a bamboo stick with ivory flowers in it. Xiren also went back to get the box containing the dice.

Wang Xifeng said with a smile: "I don't know how to do these things, my ancestors don't make things difficult for me, just let me watch and be a commander." Jia Mu laughed and said: "That's up to you, it's just for fun. .”

The mandarin duck took the ivory flower-signed lottery tube, shook it, and put it in the middle.He took the box containing the dice, opened it for everyone to have a look, closed it again, shook it, opened it again, and there was seven o'clock inside, counting to Baochai.

Baochai said with a smile, "I was the one to go first, and I don't know what to catch." Then, he shook the stick and pulled out one. When everyone looked at it, they saw a peony painted on the stick. , inscribed with the four characters "Beautiful Crown Qunfang".Just looking at the first one, Baochai was on the wheel. Daiyu didn't have any ideas yet, but she still had a deep memory of this signature!

Didn't Baochai draw out this stick in the original work of the previous life?Look at the following Tang poem: "Even if it is ruthless, it is touching." Daiyu couldn't help turning her head to look at Baochai, secretly surprised.When everyone saw it, they also noted: "Let's congratulate each other for a cup. This is the crown of the crowd. Order people at will, regardless of poetry and sarcasm. One of the words is wine."

Although Daiyu also had a drink with her, she was a little absent-minded, but no one except Jia Mu noticed.At this time, everyone was chatting and laughing, but someone said, "Coincidentally, you are also originally married to peony flowers." But it got into Daiyu's ears.

Daiyu looked up and saw that it was Baoyu. Sitting beside Baoyu, Jia's mother could hear it more clearly. She couldn't help but frowned, but she still joked with everyone.Baochai rolled the dice for seventeen and counted to Tanchun.Tanchun smiled and said, "I don't know what to get."

I saw Tanchun reach out and take out one casually. After looking at it himself, he threw it on the ground. He peeked at Jiamu and said with a blushing smile, "This thing is not good. This order should not be followed. This is a man outside." There are a lot of nonsense in the orders we have issued."

Everyone was puzzled, Yuanyang quickly picked it up and handed it to Jiamu.I saw an apricot flower on it, and the red letter said "Yaochi Xianpin", the poem said: "Red apricots are planted against the clouds by the sun." Have a drink."

Jia Mu laughed and said, "What am I talking about? This lottery was originally a play in the boudoir. Except for these two or three people who said this, there is no nonsense and no hindrance. We already have a princess in our family." Said Here he raised his head and said to Tanchun: "If the third girl also becomes a princess, that would be great joy."

When Daiyu heard this, she just felt that the matter was being dragged by something, and she felt panic and uneasiness in her heart.As if something is about to happen again, but I don't know where it should be!Can't help but recall what happened before Jia Min was alive.

After another two rounds, it was Daiyu's turn, but everyone saw Daiyu frowning and thinking deeply, not knowing what to think, so some people joked and some laughed.Daiyu came back to her senses and said with a smile: "I haven't seen such a lively scene for many years. From time to time, I think of my mother who was so happy when she was alive."

After finishing speaking, Daiyu didn't look at Jiamu's slightly sad expression after hearing this, took the stick and shook it, stretched out her hand and pulled one, only to see a hibiscus painted on it, with the words "Dongfeng Zhuyi" written on it, There is an old poem on the other side, which says: "I don't look at the red and the green." Note cloud: "Drink a cup by yourself, and drink with the peony."

It was rare for Daiyu to smile when she saw it, and everyone also laughed and said, "This is very good. No one else is worthy of being a lotus except him." But they didn't know what Daiyu was laughing at.When Baoyu saw Daiyu's smile just now across Jia's mother, he was a little crazy, and said in a daze, "Let's all have a drink together."

When everyone heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and then they all laughed. Shi Xiangyun said for no reason: "Look, Sister Lin got a son-in-law earlier than Sister Tanchun!" Xing Xiuyan sat aside and listened to this. , then pulled Shi Xiangyun, but Shi Xiangyun turned his head and waved his hands and said, "Why are you pulling me?!" Xing Xiuyan was very embarrassed for a while.

Mother Jia was also full of joy at first, especially Shi Xiangyun's words, which reached her heart, but Daiyu stood up, gave Shi Xiangyun a cold look, took a drink, and turned to leave.Unexpectedly, Xue Baochai also hurriedly got up and had a drink with her with a smile.He smiled and said, "It's just a joke."

As soon as Xue Baochai said this, Jia's mother knew something was wrong!Sure enough, Daiyu stopped turning around, and said with a cold face: "At least there are outsiders here! Even if they are cousins, they are all grown up, and the rules of that family are such a joke!?"

Xue Baochai froze for a moment and blushed.Shi Xiangyun also said to himself angrily: "It's so sharp!Seeing this, Mother Jia sighed, took Daiyu's hand and patted it: "Don't be angry on a happy day! Otherwise, I should be angry." Daiyu couldn't help but took a few deep breaths before sitting down again.

When Baoyu saw that everyone was no longer smiling, he got up and bowed to everyone, saying, "It's my fault, sisters and sisters, don't lose your happiness because of me, that's my fault. "As he spoke, he bowed to everyone again.

Sanchun, Xing, Xue, Shi and others hurriedly stood up and avoided, but Daiyu sat motionless and said: "It was a women's dinner party, but you want to come and squeeze in the middle, I don't know what you are thinking!" After finishing speaking, I will not say anything else.

Wang Xifeng saw that the atmosphere was really bad, and Daiyu was the host, so he patted Daiyu's arm and laughed, "That's true! It's your fault, how can you only invite sisters but not brothers?"

Daiyu also knew that this matter should not make a big fuss, so she gave Wang Xifeng another look and said, "It's my fault that I invite you to drink with such kindness, and I will never dare to do it in the future."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to Zhang Xin's family: "Go, take the silver and give it to Zhang Xin, and invite Cousin Lian to accompany me, organize a table of banquets for the brothers in the house, and call Brother Huan and Brother Cong. , and then go to see if Lan'er is there, and if so, please let me know. There is no need for people to say that I don't understand the rules."

Zhang Xin's family hurriedly went to the house to get the money. Although Wang Xifeng knew that she was angry, she said indifferently: "Look? You have just instructed me, and now you have instructed my master again! It can be seen that both of us are angry. She's talking!" As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to pinch the corner of Daiyu's mouth, but Daiyu hid it with a smile.

Daiyu hid and said, "Who asked me to call you sister-in-law?" Seeing that Zhang Xin's family really took out the money, Jia's mother stopped her and said, "How can you say that? Don't embarrass your brothers."

Daiyu didn't have time to open her mouth, so she heard Mother Yang laughing and said, "It's just the girl's wish, it's just the girl made a mistake. It's time to invite a brother as an apology." Seeing this, Mother Jia couldn't say anything more. .

Sitting for a while, Jia Mu became a little tired. Seeing that Daiyu was in harmony with everyone and felt at ease, she was sent away by the people, accompanied by mandarin ducks and amber.

After Jia's mother left, the girls chatted separately, no longer confined to their seats.Daiyu then asked someone to vacate the remaining seats and come here in exchange for fragrant tea.He saluted Wang Xifeng again and said: "The old sister-in-law took so much trouble to produce so many dishes." Wang Xifeng raised her head and raised her eyebrows and said, "What's the point of thanking you? You don't have to show any sincerity."

As soon as Daiyu heard this, she knew that Wang Xifeng had her eyes on something again, so she didn't care and said with a smile: "If my sister-in-law is interested in something, just take it, why bother talking about it?" Wang Xifeng heard Daiyu like this Speaking of it, he said unceremoniously: "I tasted the wine today and it is very good. Bring me a hundred and eighty altars."

It just so happened that Zhang Xin’s family who just came back listened to these words, and said with a quick smile: “My good grandma, don’t make things difficult for my girl, this wine was brewed by the girl herself when she was in Gusu, and she only got ten dollars in total. A few jars."

After speaking, afraid that Wang Xifeng would say everything, he hurriedly explained: "Master Wan got six altars, and I heard that I will share them with the princess when I go back. The girl only has nine jars left, and I left two jars for the master. Six altars were opened. Where are the one hundred and eighty altars?"

Wang Xifeng ignored Zhang Xin's words and said: "If that's the case, then send me the remaining jar." It happened that Yingchun Xichun and Xing Xiuyan came over and heard it, and Yingchun hurriedly asked with a smile: "What? It’s a good thing, and my sister-in-law asked for it?” Zhang Xin’s family taught the three of them again, and they all laughed.

Before Xue Baochai and Shi Xiangyun inquired about Master Daiyu, Tanchun also heard about it, but had no chance to tell it.Now everyone spread out to talk and laugh, and Yingchun and others were not around, so he said with a smile: "I'm afraid you don't know, Sister Lin worshiped Huang Zhuangyuan as her teacher in her early years, she is really a learned person."

Baoyu listened to him and said disdainfully: "What is it that you are educated but not educated? You are just a fool, and you have harmed sister Lin as well." Baochai thought to himself, "I'm afraid it's some poor family who is currying favor with Lin Ruhai.He asked softly: "What is Huang Zhuangyuan, let's talk about it." Although Shi Xiangyun didn't think so, he looked over curiously.

Tan Chun explained again in detail, when he heard that he was not a poor family scholar, but the son of the former head of the Imperial Academy and the younger brother of the Minister of Rites, Xue Baochai felt very unbalanced, but he didn't show it.

Shi Xiangyun was often in Beijing, so he naturally knew better that Huang Jiyun was not just the youngest son of the former head of the Imperial Academy, but also the younger brother of the Minister of Rites.She clearly knew how many princes and nobles in the capital were flocking to Huang Jiyun!I couldn't help being alert in my heart, secretly regretting the embarrassment I had with Daiyu before.

Xichun originally came here for the lotus painting on Daiyu's post, and Xing Xiuyan also wanted to borrow Daiyu's book to read, so the group of people walked into the house.But Daiyu thought that the little guy had been away from his mother for a long time, and she was probably thinking about it, so she persuaded Wang Xifeng to go back.Wang Xifeng also missed her son and got up to leave.

Tanchun and the others saw Daiyu go into the house, and Shi Xiangyun wanted to repair the relationship, so he hurriedly said, "Why don't we go in and take a look? I didn't get the reason why Sister Lin didn't even enter the house here." Tanchun and the others I think it is very special, especially Baoyu has been curious about Daiyu's house for a long time, and wanted to go in and have a look. Now Shi Xiangyun's words just fulfilled his wish.

Thank you for your support and love!It's Chapter 1 today! Chapter 2 will be released on time at the old time of [-]:[-] pm!
(End of this chapter)

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