Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 108 Break up

Chapter 108 Break up
Yingchun and Xing Xiuyan wandered around Daiyu's house, then went to the study to find their favorite books.Accompanied by Daiyu, Xichun admired Huang Jiyun's paintings in the hall.Suddenly hearing noises coming from behind, they couldn't help but look back.

Through the gauze curtain, I saw Shinan and An'er blocking the door, blocking Baochai Xiangyun from the door.Daiyu couldn't help frowning, and thought to herself: I don't know when it happened again?I don't know if it's because of fate, or if I offended these two people somewhere, they are targeting me everywhere.

Although Daiyu was unhappy, she had to go out at this time.Originally, Xichun didn't want to participate in it, but at this time she couldn't avoid it, so she had to go out with Daiyu.Only Yingchun and Xing Xiuyan were concentrating in the study at this time, but they didn't notice any movement outside the house.

When Daiyu came outside, although Shi Xiangyun was secretly shocked at her master, he glared angrily at this moment, and Xue Baochai also looked at Daiyu with a smile but said nothing.

Seeing Daiyu coming out, Shinan hurriedly saluted without waiting for Daiyu to inquire: "Girl, it's not that this servant is trying to stop the two girls, but that Master Bao wants to go in with the two girls. It's not easy to enter, so I stopped Master Bao, but Miss Smith said that this is Jia's mansion, there is no guest to stop the master."

As soon as Shinan's words came out, Shi Xiangyun secretly regretted that he had spoken recklessly just now, but at this time he couldn't show weakness, so he could only raise his chin and said, "Did I say something wrong? Sister Lin just came to visit our ancestors like us Yes, Brother Ai is the master of the mansion, how can there be any reason for a guest to block the master?"

Daiyu didn't know what to say for a while, she bit her lip and stared at Baoyu with frowns.Baoyu hurriedly explained in his heart: "It's not the fault of the two sisters. I didn't make it clear. I just want to see what sister Lin lacks..." Baoyu couldn't help but whispered afterward. .

At this time, Daiyu smiled coldly and said, "I lost my mother and stayed at your house, so I was so poor that I lacked food and clothing? What else do you need to care about me? The reason why men and women have different seats at seven years old, I told you last time. I’ve already said that now it’s just because of the old lady’s sake that it’s hard to get to the bottom of it, yet you still want to break into my boudoir and ruin my reputation? What’s your intention?!”

Daiyu's eyes turned red as she spoke, and she continued: "Could it be that my mother has gone and my father is not around, so you can bully people like this?"

Hearing what Daiyu said, Shi Xiangyun was also very sad when he thought of himself, so he couldn't help but fell silent, his eyes were red and he lowered his head.Xue Baochai smiled gently at this time: "My brothers and sisters, why bother?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Baoyu, who was in a hurry to get angry, but could not speak, and said: "Besides, who can pass on the matter of our boudoir? Brother Bao is not such a careless person."

Hearing what Baochai said, Daiyu sneered in her heart, isn't she the kind of person who doesn't have a sense of propriety?If it is not true, then how could the poems written by the Fuzhong sisters first come to the game in the original book get out?If there is a sense of propriety, how can you break in when the girl in the boudoir is asleep?Even if the maids don't try to stop them, they should avoid them by themselves!
On the other hand, Daiyu said coldly: "I don't know what is inappropriate. I only know that everyone knows that a girl's boudoir name is very important. The Lin family is a scholarly family with calligraphy and calligraphy. I can't ruin my reputation because of me, otherwise I will lose my reputation." Even if my mother is alive, she will never forgive me, and I have also become a sinner of the Lin family!"

When Shi Xiangyun heard this, he felt that Daiyu was alluding to her. She didn't look like a lady, which ruined the reputation of the historian.Immediately, she also said angrily: "You are the lady of the family, and we are all mud legs! If so, we don't have to go to her door anymore, and we can't afford to go to her door!" After speaking, he turned and ran out.

Shi Xiangyun felt very wronged in his heart, even if he had offended her before, why did she say that about herself?Thinking of the death of both my parents, there are rumors that my parents were killed by force.Sadness came from my heart for a moment, and I started crying while running.

When Cuilu saw Shi Xiangyun running out like this, she naturally followed closely.Even Baochai hurriedly asked Ying'er and others to chase after him to see if something happened.Jia Baoyu looked at Daiyu, stomped his feet and said, "Sister, why do you do this? Is it possible that I will become that disciple? See if you are mad at Sister Yun!" After speaking, he also chased him out.

Such a big movement has already alarmed Sanchun. Tanchun came from a distance. I don't know if he was watching from a distance from the beginning?It was because he had to leave earlier and was unable to stay with Baochai and the others, but now he rushed over.

Xing Xiuyan was woken up early, but she felt that she had no room to speak, so she could only worry inside the house. Seeing that there was more commotion outside, she hurriedly woke up Yingchun, but Siqi said: "How can the girl participate in such things? No way. Get into trouble. Miss Lin is protected by the old lady, but who can protect the girl? Even if the wife has the heart, she is probably powerless."

Siqi's words made Yingchun hesitate for a moment, but then she remembered what Jia Lian had said before, so she made up her mind to go out and have a look, no matter what, even a few words of persuasion would be good.So Xing Xiuyan hurriedly followed out.

Seeing that Sanchun had already gone to Xue Baochai to learn the things just now, he was fairly impartial, but in the end he said: "Sister Lin has Sister Lin's considerations, but after all Baoyu didn't do anything out of the ordinary, why bother?" How did you make it look like this?" After speaking, he shook his head and sighed and walked out.

Seeing that Baochai had also left, Tanchun thought for a while and said to Daiyu, "Sister Lin, don't be angry, Baoyu is not evil." Seeing that Daiyu also turned her head to the side and shed tears, she sighed and said to Yingchun. "Second Sister, persuade Sister Lin, I'll go and see Yun girl." After speaking, she also took her servant and left.

Daiyu didn't wait for Yingchun to speak, so she said to Zijuan, "Go and see girl Yun, don't be angry." Then she turned and went into the room.He lay down on the imperial concubine's couch and began to cry.Seeing this, Zijuan stomped her feet, and was very embarrassed for a while. She wanted to go into the house to persuade Daiyu, but Daiyu told her to visit Shi Xiangyun.

At this time, Zijuan didn't know what to do. Seeing this with a smile, she said softly, "Sister, let's go. If you don't do what the girl ordered, wouldn't you feel even more unhappy? I'll go in and have a look at the girl." .” After speaking, he glanced at Yingchun Xichun and Xing Xiuyan, bowed down, turned around and entered the room.

Seeing this, Xichun didn't want to join in the process, sighed, turned around and left with Ruhua.But Yingchun couldn't leave like this, so she looked at Xing Xiuyan, and went into the house with her.

Not far away, Zijuan thought that Shi Xiangyun lived in Jiamu's yard. I am afraid that Jiamu already knew about it at this time, so it would be better to go to Jiamu's room and explain it first, so she went straight to Jiamu's room.

When Jia's mother heard that Shi Xiangyun came back crying, she frowned, feeling her brows throbbing, thinking to herself that something might have happened.Just wanting to ask the mandarin ducks to find out clearly, they heard someone come to report to Zijuan for a visit.Old lady Jia raised her hand and rubbed her swollen eyebrows, "Let her come in and answer."

For a moment Zijuan came to Mrs. Jia and knelt down.Mother Jia asked with a cold face: "But the sisters were annoyed after I left? You tell me the whole thing." Zijuan hurriedly said: "The servant girl came here to ask the old lady to make the decision."

After talking about Zijuan, Baoyu was going to Daiyu's house just now, but was blocked by Daiyu's little maid, Shi Xiangyun saw it as just arguing with the little maid, and after Daiyu came out, he learned all kinds of remarks carefully from old lady Jia again.

After listening to Mrs. Jia, she felt more pain between her eyebrows, and unconsciously raised her hand to rub the center of her eyebrows.Seeing this, Yuanyang quickly stepped forward to help Mrs. Jia rub her forehead and temples, and asked, "Is the old lady uncomfortable there?"

The old lady Jia sighed and said: "There is no one to worry about. Girl Yun looks good, but unexpectedly she has such a temperament. That girl Lin is also stubborn. Miss Xue, hey, don't worry about it! After saying that, Mrs. Jia leaned on the pillow and began to think.

Mrs. Jia closed her eyes and thought for a while before she suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Zijuan and asked, "You just said that Miss Lin was also crying, why didn't you stand aside to comfort me, but came to me instead?"

Zijuan replied respectfully: "Go back to the old lady, the girl is worried that Miss Shi will get sick and something bad will happen to her, so tell me to comfort her." When Jiamu heard what Zijuan said, her eyes brightened and she smiled. : "I said that Miss Lin is sensible, but you still don't believe it."

Yuanyang and the others heard Mrs. Jia's words, and when they saw Mrs. Jia's face was full of color, they quickly complimented: "Who said it wasn't? That's the granddaughter of the old lady. The aunt was raised by the old lady. Lin The girl was brought up by her aunt, how could it be so bad?"

When Jia Mu heard this, she felt even more joyful, and said to Zijuan a lot more gently: "Since your girl told you to go and see Yun girl, you should go quickly. Don't waste time with me."

After Zijuan heard this, she hurriedly retreated, and then Mother Jia looked at Yuanyang and said, "This Lin girl has a good heart, she was only taught by her father to be a little bit twisted, but she just cared about the rules, and she was more careless than those who have no rules. I don't know how much better it is, but this Yun girl is getting worse and worse, and I called her to come to me later."

After saying that, Mother Jia got up and walked to the inner room. Yuanyang naturally responded with all her mouth, and hurriedly followed Mrs. Jia.Old lady Jia went back to the inner room, thought for a while and said to Yuanyang: "Girl Lin is weak when she is small, so go and have a look at her, don't be fooled."

If Jia's mother knew that Daiyu was crying at this time, she was sad and exhausted, and she didn't know what she would think.When the mandarin ducks came, Zijuan hadn't come back yet. As soon as she entered the courtyard, she saw Daiyu's little maids standing at the door of the main room, but no one noticed her arrival.

On the other hand, the woman Sansao who was standing far away saw the mandarin ducks, and hurried over and said to Qian'er, "Why did the girl come here all of a sudden? But the old lady asked the girl to come and see Miss Lin?" The son also knew that he was assigned to Daiyu's courtyard, and the honor and disgrace would follow Daiyu in the future.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the main room, and said in a low voice: "It's really a mess, the girl just vomited just now. The people in the courtyard are in a hurry." Although they knew Helping Daiyu, but also knowing that they can't afford to offend anyone in this house, so they don't mention anything else.

When Yuanyang heard that Daiyu was crying and vomiting, she was startled and hurried inside.When they came to the gate of the courtyard, those little maids naturally knew her, and they knew that she was someone that Mrs. Jia could use, so they were very polite.

Yuanyang saw the smiles on their faces, but couldn't hide the anxiety in their eyes.Heart Road: broken!He didn't ask them any more questions, and hurried into the house.

Seeing that the room is not busy, but the atmosphere is depressing.Seeing that Yingchun and Xing Xiuyan were also there, she called over and asked, "What's the matter? Just now the old lady heard that Miss Lin was crying from anger, so she asked me to comfort her. Why did she come here because she heard that the girl vomited?" ?”

Yingchun also sighed, and she didn't expect Daiyu to vomit, so she said, "It's just that Baoyu didn't know what to do, and insisted on breaking into Sister Lin's boudoir. Sister Lin didn't allow it because she was afraid of ruining her reputation. It was said that Baoyu didn't go in." , and it’s over. Unexpectedly, Miss Bao said that her brothers and sisters don’t need to be like this.”

Zijuan had said this just now, and Yuanyang knew it, so she hurriedly asked, "Why did you vomit afterwards?"

Yingchun said: "Who knows that Miss Bao somehow said again, 'Baoyu can't tell it.' Sister Lin was worried that Miss Bao's description would become darker and darker. She was so angry that she said two heavy words, but she ran away in anger Yun girl, you are so angry and annoyed that you started to cry. Cai'er ate, wouldn't you vomit after crying?"

Chapter 2!date? 11:30, see you there, okay? O(∩_∩)O~
(End of this chapter)

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