Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 109 1 play

Chapter 109 A play
After listening to Yingchun sighing, Yuanyang couldn't help but blame Xue Baochai in her heart.Going into the imperial concubine's couch again, the tears in the corners of Daiyu's eyes were still wet, and she leaned listlessly on the bed, Daiyu's originally fair skin reflected the moonlight, making her look even paler.

Seeing the mandarin duck, Daiyu struggled to sit up, and said softly, "Why is Sister Yuanyang here? Did grandma rest? Or..." Daiyu looked at the mandarin duck with watery eyes, and opened her mouth, full of tears. After hesitating for a while, he asked, "But what happened here disturbed my grandmother's rest?"

Yuanyang sighed and stepped forward to comfort him: "Miss Lin, don't think too much, the old lady sent me here in a hurry when she heard that you were crying. If you have anything else, it will kill the old lady." Yes. It is only decent to take care of yourself.”

After speaking, Yuanyang thought for a while and said: "The old lady knows that the girl has been wronged, and she feels uncomfortable. Now the girl is vomiting again, what should I do?" When Daiyu heard this, she quickly grabbed Yuanyang's hand and said : "Don't tell grandma, it will save her from worrying about me at such an old age."

Daiyu's hands were cold, which made Yuanyang secretly worried, but she still smiled and said: "Miss, rest at ease, don't think about anything. The old lady said before I came, let me tell the girl, she is not old enough. There are more and more irregularities in this mansion, when she is more energetic, she will rectify things properly, and she must not let others ruin the girl's reputation."

Daiyu's eyes were red immediately after hearing this, and she hurriedly lowered her head to cover it up, and said sullenly: "It's because I'm unfilial in the end, and I'm tired of my grandma." After speaking, tears fell down one after another.

The mandarin duck was in a hurry when he saw it, and while wiping Daiyu's tears with a silk cloth, he said angrily, "Look at my clumsy tongue! The old lady asked me to comfort the girl, but I couldn't imagine that the girl would shed tears." Here it comes. The old lady is going to see her, but she still doesn’t know what her heart feels like. Don’t cry, what’s the matter if you vomit after a while?”

Daiyu hurriedly turned her head away and quietly wiped away her tears.The voice was hoarse and said: "I'm fine." Yuanyang pulled Daiyu's slender body, bent down to look at her and said with a smile: "If it's really okay, then it's Amitabha! Don't cry anymore." Seeing Daiyu smile nodded.Yuanyang breathed a sigh of relief and stood up.

Yingchun and Xing Xiuyan also came forward, and they chatted and laughed, but Daiyu's mood improved a lot, and she was able to joke along.Seeing this, Yuanyang said: "Come on, miss, go to bed early, don't be too late to meet the girl, be careful, the lady is concerned. I have to go back, but I dare not leave the old lady for a long time, and the old lady will send a message if I can't find anyone for a while." temper."

Yingchun also got up and said: "Since that's the case, I'm going too. You should rest early and come to see you tomorrow." Daiyu nodded lightly, then pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I invited my sisters and sisters here today, but it's actually It is my fault that it has become like this. I will apologize to my sisters and sisters in another day."

Yingchun smiled very softly and said: "Where is it your fault? But don't take it to your heart." Yuanyang also said: "This is very true, girl, don't take everything to your heart, wouldn't it be wrong to embarrass yourself? Too much injustice? Why can’t you think about it? Isn’t there an old lady who cares about the girl?”

After saying that, she wanted to leave with Yingchun, but Daiyu suddenly thought of something and grabbed Yuanyang's hand and said: "My good sister, I dare not tell my grandmother when I go back. The grandmother in the province will bother her."

Yuanyang sighed and patted Daiyu's hand and said, "Don't be greedy for coolness, your hands are cold." After speaking, she said to Han Xiao with a smile: "Take care of Miss Lin, the old lady can't do without your kindness."

After saying goodbye again and again, Yingchun and Xing Xiuyan left hand in hand with the mandarin ducks.

After the three of them left, Daiyu lay down on the couch somewhat exhausted, waved her hands and said, "Get down, don't stay here." For a while, only Nanny Yang, Zhang Xin's family, and Hanxiao were left in the room.

Seeing that everyone had left, Daiyu smiled very easily and said, "It can be considered that they are all gone. Let's take it easy." Seeing Daiyu's appearance like this, Zhang Xin's family shook their heads in disapproval: "Girl Why bother doing this? You don't have to hurt your own body."

Nanny Yang looked at Daiyu with complicated eyes and didn't know what to say for a moment.But Daiyu laughed and said, "I can't do that either. I know Jia Baoyu's temperament. It would be good if this hadn't happened, but if it did happen, we can only make a big fuss. Otherwise, it will be endless." Gone."

After speaking, Daiyu also sighed softly, raised her head to look at Yang Nanny and said, "Does Nanny think that Yu'er did something wrong?" Her eyes were frank and clear.

But Nanny Yang didn't know how to explain it to her. Daiyu looked at Nanny Yang for a long while, then suddenly smiled and said, "Yu'er knows that Nanny thinks that Yu'er's behavior is very bad, but if it's not like this, next time I'll see you again." What should I do if I encounter it? Yu'er remembers that the nanny taught Yu'er, and she must continue to suffer from it. Now that Yu'er has done this, it is just to avoid future troubles."

After speaking, Daiyu frowned slightly in a depressed mood, and looked at the bright moon outside the window.Some erratically asked: "Yu'er knows that the mother is blaming Yu'er for lying. But don't they lie? Grandma really cares about me that much, does she care about me? If she really cared, how could Baoyu come here today? If you really care, how can you allow my reputation to be damaged?"

Speaking of this, Daiyu smiled sadly and said: "She is my grandmother, but she is also the ancestor of the Jia family. She always cares most about the Jia family and Baoyu, not me. Between my interests and When Jia's interests conflict, she will abandon me without hesitation..."

Daiyu's words made Nanny Yang feel sad, how old is she?To face all this alone.Thinking of this, Nanny Yang couldn't help sighing: "Mommy didn't blame the girl." Hearing what Nanny Yang said, Daiyu turned her head suddenly, her eyes were a little moist, she bit her lip before asking: "Really?" The voice was also full of apprehension.

Mammy Yang looked at her and nodded, "Really! Mammy didn't blame the girl, she was just distressed and worried! Mammy was afraid that the girl would lose her heart and nature. That's true, everything is over!"

Daiyu looked at Nanny Yang earnestly. After watching for a long time, she thought a lot. She could see the disappointment and complexity in Nanny Yang's eyes before. Even the relationship of these years passed before her eyes.She knew that when she vomited before, Nanny Yang had seen the clues, but Nanny Yang didn't tell the truth.

Daiyu thought again if she really lost her true nature as Yang Nanny said... who should she be?Suddenly Daiyu was taken aback, and understood Yang Nanny's worry.Then Zhan Yan smiled and said: "Yu'er understands, remember!" After speaking, she walked up to Yang Nanny and threw herself into Yang Nanny's arms.

Yuanyang came back to Jiamu's courtyard and happened to meet Zijuan who had just come out of Shi Xiangyun's room, and asked, "Miss Yun, is everything okay?" ?But she wished nothing would happen.

Zijuan sighed and said with a smile: "It's okay, don't worry, I finally calmed down. I'll go back and report to the girl, so that the girl can feel at ease."

Hearing Zijuan mention Daiyu, Yuanyang hesitated for a moment before saying: "Go back and take care of Miss Lin, she doesn't look too well. Her hands are cold, she cried for a long time, and she vomited before."

As soon as Daiyu vomited, Zijuan was startled and asked, "How long has it been? Wasn't the girl well when I left? But did you call for a doctor?"

Seeing that Zijuan was so anxious, Yuanyang hurriedly comforted: "It's okay, it's okay, don't worry, it looks like nothing's going on now, I'll go back to the old lady in a while, you should watch it at night, don't worry." Just don’t catch a cold. Be careful, the old lady will call you to ask questions tomorrow.” Zijuan nodded gratefully, then turned around and walked out in a hurry.

Yuanyang watched Zijuan's figure disappear into the night before turning around and walking towards the old lady's room.She also needs to think about how to tell the old lady.

Entering the house, the old lady was still awake and waiting for her.

Seeing that Yuanyang had only come back at this time, Old Madam Jia knew that there might be something wrong. After thinking about it for a while, she was about to ask, Yuanyang walked behind Old Madam Jia and gently rubbed her shoulders, saying: " I told the old lady not to be in a hurry, otherwise I wouldn't say anything."

Mother Jia sighed and patted Yuanyang's shoulder and said, "Tell me, what haven't I seen at my age?" In Jia's mother's mind, Daiyu was a bit stubborn, but she was soft-hearted, and nothing could happen if she didn't see her. Son.

Who would have thought that Yuanyang's first sentence would be: "Miss Lin just vomited from crying." Before Yuanyang finished speaking, Jia's mother turned around and asked with wide-eyed eyes, "What did you say? Who vomited?"

Yuanyang was afraid that Mrs. Jia would be in a hurry, so she hurriedly said, "Don't worry, old lady, Miss Lin won't let me tell you, just because you are in a hurry!" After speaking, Yuanyang learned what Yingchun said before to Mrs. Jia Mrs.Old lady Jia squinted her eyes after hearing this and asked, "Did girl Ying tell you this, or did you ask her?"

Yuanyang didn't know what Old Madam Jia was suspicious of, so she said: "When I went, the maids brought by Miss Lin were all crowded at the door of the main room. The sweeping woman in the yard saw that it was me, so she told me it was me. Miss Lin vomited, and I was taken aback. When I entered the room, I saw that Miss Ying and Miss Xing were there, so I pulled her aside to ask questions."

After hearing this, Jia Mu frowned and nodded, but didn't say anything else. Yuanyang thought she was sleepy, so she persuaded: "If the old lady is sleepy, go inside and rest. Although it's hot, it's cool at night." But the mother just waved her hand and didn't speak.

Seeing that Mrs. Jia insisted on this, Yuanyang didn't want to say anything, and went into the back room lightly, took a thin blanket and put it on Mrs. Jia's waist and legs.He took the beauty hammer again, knelt at Jia Mu's feet, and beat it lightly.

The room fell into complete silence, and Mother Jia could even hear her breathing clearly.Only then did I think about Eryu. In Jiamu's mind, there was no one more suitable than the two of them. Their appearance, family background, and talent were all the best.

But now, they encountered the biggest problem.It wasn't Lin Ruhai, it wasn't the second wife, it was the rules learned by Miss Lin.

Do you want to say that Mother Jia values ​​those rules in her heart?Naturally, it is important. Lin Yatou understands the rules. On the one hand, she is happy, but on the other hand, she is very worried.

After thinking about it, Jia Mu felt that since Lin Ruhai entrusted Daiyu to her own upbringing and sent her to her side, of course it was her own decision.

So Mrs. Jia made a cruel decision to let Baoyu move to live in a separate small courtyard in front of the outer study, and go to the study every day to study hard.Lin Yatou has worshiped a famous teacher since she was a child... It's time for her master to find a good teacher for Baoyu.

Dear friends, it's three o'clock!Furui worked very hard!Count the votes~O(∩_∩)O~
(End of this chapter)

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