Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 110 Brother and Sister-in-law

Chapter 110 Brother and Sister-in-law
When Zijuan returned to Linglong Courtyard, Daiyu had already rested.Worrying after all, Zicuckoo tiptoed to the bedside, saw that Daiyu was breathing deeply and was fast asleep, stretched out her hand to press down the quilt for Daiyu, and quietly retreated out.

When passing by Nanny Yang's room, Zijuan found that Nanny Yang was standing in front of the window, looking at Daiyu's room, frowning deeply for some reason.Thinking about it, she was also worried about Daiyu, so she stepped forward and saluted, "Mommy, go and rest, the girl is sleeping soundly, so don't worry about it, Mommy."

After hearing this, Nanny Yang sighed deeply, and then nodded to Zijuan.But the frown did not loosen, Zijuan looked up and saw the indelible self-blame in Mammy Yang's eyes. "Nurse..." Zijuan really wanted to say something to comfort her, but she couldn't find the right words, so she couldn't help but sighed too.

Seeing her like this, Nanny Yang smiled slightly, and said with a sigh: "Today's matter, in the final analysis, we, the people around the girl, did not do a good job. If we have been by the girl's side all the time, how could we Such a thing happened? Such a situation is always bad for a girl." After finishing speaking, Nanny Yang frowned again.

Zijuan didn't realize it at first, but now she is very self-blaming when she is said by Yang Nanny, but if she thinks about it, if she stays by the girl's side all the time, what can she say?doing what?Maybe you let Second Master Bao in, right?Didn't the girl get angrier?Maybe the girl will ruin her boudoir reputation because of this, and kick me out...

The more Zijuan thought about it, the more frightened she became, her face turned red and then white, and then she turned red again. At this moment, she lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Nanny Yang's expression, but suddenly she heard Nanny Yang say softly: "You also can't help but look at Yang Momo's face. You've been tired all day, go and rest. If I'm not here in the future, you will follow the girl closely."

Zijuan nodded gratefully and said, "I will take good care of the girl from now on." Yang Nanny smiled and said, "Go." As Zijuan returned to her room, she tossed and turned all night and couldn't sleep.

The turmoil, which was not big or small, finally subsided.But it didn't cause any waves, at least Yingchun thought about it, and finally went to Wutongju...

Seeing Yingchun coming at this time, Wang Xifeng was very surprised, but didn't ask, just raised her eyebrows and waited for her to speak.Maybe Xifeng has such a temperament, she always likes to put herself in a high position, and those who don't get her approval don't get her respect either.Of course, there are very few people who can get her approval. Apart from their parents, Jia Lian and Daiyu are probably the only ones.

Yingchun has always been shy and soft-spoken, although she has thought it through before, but at this moment she doesn't know how to speak.He looked up at Wang Xifeng several times but didn't say anything, Siqi watched from the side very anxiously, wanted to say it several times but held back.

Ping'er brought tea, seeing Yingchun and Siqi couldn't help laughing: "What's the matter with you two? Is there anything wrong with grandma?" After finishing speaking, Wang Xifeng looked at the pair of master and servant amusedly. .

Hearing what Ping'er said, Yingchun raised her head to look at Wang Xifeng again, but she still blushed and lowered her head. Siqi was in a hurry, and whispered behind Yingchun: "Didn't the girl come to grandma to talk about Miss Lin? Why? Don't talk anymore?"

When Wang Xifeng heard that it was not Yingchun's business, but Daiyu's, she couldn't help frowning and asked, "What's wrong with Miss Lin? Tell me about it." It was no longer the calm and breezy before.

Seeing that Yingchun was still bowing his head and not saying a word, Siqi couldn't help but walk up to Wang Xifeng and salute, "After grandma leaves today, Second Master Bao is going to break into Miss Lin's boudoir." As soon as he said this, Ping'er grew up. Whispering his mouth, Wang Xifeng's face also changed, he slammed the table and said, "What did you say?!"

Yingchun shrank her shoulders quietly, even Ping'er had rarely seen such an angry Wang Xifeng in the past two years, so she didn't dare to speak easily at this time.Yingchun and Ping'er were not directly angered by Wang Xifeng, but they were shocked, not to mention Siqi who was stared at and questioned by Wang Xifeng.

Although Siqi was usually more aggressive, at this time he was a little nervous. Seeing Wang Xifeng getting angry, he quickly said: "Grandma, don't be upset, Second Master Bao can't get in." The teacup on the table was flicking the foam gently, and the anger on his face had mostly subsided.

Siqi swallowed his saliva and continued: "Shi Nan and An'er stopped the second master Bao, Miss Bao and Miss Yun probably said something to them, Miss Lin heard it in the room, and after going out, Miss Bao and Miss Yun had an incident. There was a dispute, and our girl didn't notice it when she was reading in the room, and later Miss Xing called her, and our girl found out."

Wang Xifeng frowned when he heard this, and glanced at Yingchun, his eyes seemed dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything, just nodded, signaling for Siqi to continue.

Siqi naturally saw Wang Xifeng's expression in his eyes.After thinking for a while, he said: "Later, Miss Yun ran away crying because of some words, Second Master Bao and Miss Bao chased after her. Miss Lin also went into the room and started crying. She cried a lot and vomited."

As soon as Siqi said this, he saw Wang Xifeng put the teacup in his hand on the table suddenly, and the tea in the teacup splashed out, so he shrank his neck and said: "Grandma knows our girl's temperament, so she calmed her down for a while. Miss Lin didn't stop her tears, and it was only when Sister Yuanyang came. We left with Sister Yuanyang."

After hearing this, Wang Xifeng took a deep breath and said, "Okay, it's getting late, you guys go back, I already know about this, so you don't need to ask." After speaking, he took a sip of tea, Yingchun saw this Standing up, walked two steps and then stopped, finally said: "Sister-in-law, can you go and see Sister Lin?"

Wang Xifeng looked at Yingchun angrily and amusedly, and thought: Are you finally willing to talk?But he said in his mouth: "Go back and rest early, I have my own opinion." Yingchun nodded and took Siqi away.

After Yingchun and the others left, Wang Xifeng stood up and said, "Let's go and have a look too." After speaking, he left the door, but along the way Wang Xifeng felt something strange, but couldn't say it for a while.

Looking back carefully on the few months with Daiyu, I always feel that Daiyu is not the kind of soft and incompetent girl, how could she vomit herself?She was also afraid that Daiyu had just arrived in a new environment and was not familiar with it, so she quickened her pace.

Wang Xifeng hurriedly came to the outside of Linglong courtyard, but found that the inside had already quieted down.The lights in Daiyu's room had already been turned off, so she had no choice but to turn around and walk back.But the more he walked, the more Wang Xifeng felt that something was wrong. The more he thought about it, the more strange he felt about what happened tonight.

In the study room of the outer courtyard, Jia Lian invited the brothers in the mansion to come back from a banquet for Daiyu. Seeing that Wang Xifeng was fascinated by holding the teacup, it was very interesting, so he quietly approached her, and slapped her on the shoulder so frightened that Wang Xifeng even dropped the teacup. The ground shattered.

Hearing the movement, Ping'er hurriedly opened the curtain and came in, asking, "What's wrong with grandma?" But seeing the teacup shattered to the ground, Wang Xifeng stared at Jia Lian with a grim expression, while Jia Lian felt her nose shyly in embarrassment. Head, the two of them didn't speak, and they didn't dare to make a sound.

Jia Lian looked at the debris on the ground in embarrassment, coughed lightly and said, "It's nothing, I'll clean it up soon." After speaking, he turned and went into the back room.Ping'er didn't dare to ask more questions, so he quickly took the dustpan and came in to clean it up.Seeing this, Wang Xifeng glanced at the door curtain fiercely, then turned around and walked in.

Jia Lian thought that Wang Xifeng had come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, so he hurriedly said: "Grandma, don't be upset, it's just a joke. You scared grandma, and the boy is here to apologize to grandma." Saying this, he bowed to Wang Xifeng.Wang Xifeng was overjoyed all of a sudden, she pushed him with a smile and said, "In the eyes of the master, am I such a stingy person?"

Seeing Wang Xifeng like this, Jia Lian raised her eyebrows and said, "Didn't grandma come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime?" Wang Xifeng gave him a blank look, but said with a serious expression, "I'll tell you something, and you can analyze it for me." Seeing Wang Xifeng's serious expression, he knew that something must have happened, so he also restrained his expression and said, "Let me listen to what you tell."

After Wang Xifeng sorted out her thoughts, she explained the matter to Jia Lian in detail. Jia Lian frowned and thumped the kang table twice, saying, "I don't know why I'm going to entertain the brothers in the house all of a sudden, and Lian Huan'er has called me! It was caused by that bastard!"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Wang Xifeng's face when he saw this, and said: "Master, keep your voice down, and carefully pass it into Auntie's ears, your face and mine are ugly." Jia Lian raised her eyes and glanced at her, but turned her head without saying anything.

Seeing this, Wang Xifeng said angrily, "What kind of eyes do you have? What do you mean, you!" Seeing Jia Lian ignoring her, Wang Xifeng pushed him, staring at him and said, "Please tell me clearly, what do you mean by those eyes? Am I wrong? Or am I meddling in my own business?"

Seeing Wang Xifeng like that, Jia Lian also knew that he was angry, so he smiled wryly: "Grandma, don't be upset, it's my fault, you angered grandma." After finishing speaking, Jia Lian paused for a while and then said: "Don't say that my uncle and aunt have taken good care of me. , just talking about the brother-sister relationship these years, I can't let people bully her."

After finishing speaking, Jia Lian took Wang Xifeng's jade hand and said: "Look at me, grandma should take better care of her. It's not easy for my sister after my aunt has been away all these years."

Hearing what he said, and seeing his apologetic eyes, Wang Xifeng couldn't help pursing her mouth, and turned her head and said, "Come on! What are you doing in front of me? Could it be that our sisterhood is fake these days? Yu'er is not. My younger sister? Besides, when I gave birth, my younger sister was not less worried, and our brother was not less loved by her aunt."

After hearing this, Jia Lian laughed and said: "Yes, yes, I am talkative, I can't talk, how can my face compare to your sister's love?" He glanced at Jia Lian.

Jia Lian was also distracted at that moment, she got up and put her arms around Wang Xifeng and said, "Why don't grandma try to see if my master's mouth is oily?" Wang Xifeng pushed him with a blushing face and said, "It's business! Master can't be serious. Son?"

Jia Lian chuckled and said, "There is nothing more serious in this world!"

There are two updates today, and there will be another chapter later. O(∩_∩)O Thank you for your support and love for Gujing!

(End of this chapter)

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