Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 112 Good Day at Home

Chapter 112 A Thousand Days at Home

Back at Lin Mansion, it was getting late, but Daiyu was very excited, especially when she saw Jiner and others.Of course, everyone in the Lin family was very excited to see Daiyu. After all, they have never been separated in the past few years, and Daiyu's influence has penetrated into everyone in the Lin family.

The Lin Mansion, which had been quiet for a few days, suddenly became bustling with Daiyu's return, even though it was almost Haishi.

I just came back to Lingyuan, hello, I greet you girls and women one by one, Daiyu doesn't feel bothered, instead she greets them one by one in a happy mood.It wasn't until the third quarter of Hai hour that the crowd dispersed.Daiyu was able to have a good talk with Jin'er and the others.

Seeing that Daiyu was so loved by everyone in the house, Mother Yang was also very happy, and she didn't urge Daiyu to rest.

Daiyu drank the tea brought by Jin'er, ate the snacks just brought by the kitchen, and slowly breathed a sigh of relief: "No wonder the ancients said: Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles! I don't understand what it means: a thousand days at home." After saying that, Daiyu smiled sweetly.

But after hearing this, Nanny Yang and Hanxiao sighed deeply, and the rest of the people were stunned for a moment, and seeing the affection between Nanny Yang and Nanny Yang, their eyes turned red, and they thought to themselves: I don’t know where the girl is How much wronged Jia's family has suffered to express such sentiments.

In fact, Daiyu really didn't suffer any grievances in Jia's mansion, she just felt that she was not as comfortable as at home, but Mammy Yang didn't think so, because in Yang's eyes, many places in Jia's mansion were really out of order.Especially the peeping eyes of Jia Baoyu every day made Mammy Yang frown, but she couldn't attack.Naturally, I feel that this alone is already a great grievance.

Thinking of this, Mammy Yang sighed and said: "It seems that Mammy is still wrong, if I had known this, I should have brought either Qiluo or Jin'er, even Zhixuan would be good. "

Before Daiyu could react, Jin'er had already opened his mouth and said, "How do you say that? Could it be that Hanxiao or Zhang Xin's family were lazy?" Jin'er glared at Hanxiao.Smiling for a moment, she felt aggrieved, but she didn't know how to explain it.But Jin'er looked at her with a smile and said, "Could it be that you were squinted by the wealth of the Jia family too!?"

Yang Momo didn't expect that Jin'er's hair would explode with her exclamation, so she hurriedly explained: "It's good to smile! You can't wrong her. It's just that she has a soft temper." Jin'er heard this Then, he frowned and said with a smile: "For the sake of the girl, even if forced, I have to twist my temper."

Hanxiao didn't know what else to say, so she could only bow to Jin'er and said, "What sister said is that the girl was wronged by Hanxiao's poor performance." As she spoke, her eyes turned red.

Daiyu didn't realize it at first, but when she did, why did she think it was so funny?At this time, seeing that Hanxiao's eyes were red, but he couldn't keep his mouth shut, so he cleared his throat and said, "Where is it like what you said? It's just a sigh that the family is good. Is it possible that I am not happy?" Can't bear you?"

After finishing speaking, Daiyu laughed and said: "I really didn't suffer any grievances. It's true that I acted in a scene and annoyed Mammy. Although Baoyu was annoying, after all, she didn't bother her anymore. , why should we care?"

Daiyu got up and pulled Nanny Yang to sit beside her, but she refused, saying: "How can a girl sit next to me? There is no such rule!" Daiyu said Listening helplessly said: "Yu'er doesn't regard Nanny as an outsider, in Yu'er's heart, Nanny is Yu'er's elder, even if she sits on the head, so what?"

Although it was not the first time Nanny Yang heard this, it moved her very much every time.It is also because of this that Nanny Yang is extraordinarily attentive to Daiyu.Daiyu said with a smile: "Don't worry about who sits down, please sit down, mother!"

As she spoke, she pushed Nanny Yang hard on the armchair, and then said to Jin'er and the others: "You also found chairs by yourself, let's sit and chat for a while. These days make me miss you to death." Dai After Yu finished speaking, everyone laughed.

Daiyu said again: "Go and call Qinghe and the others, bring us comfortable chairs, let's sit and chat together, we've never talked like this before." Seeing this, Nanny Yang didn't stop her , actually sat down in Daiyu's head seat.

For a while, the maids were very happy, some moved chairs, some fetched preserved fruits and melons, some boiled water to make tea, it was very lively.Daiyu suddenly remembered something, and said to Qinghe who had just cut the cold melon: "You run fast, go and invite Aunt Lin to have a fun." Qinghe hurriedly ran out in response.

Seeing that Daiyu wanted to invite Lin Yi's family, Nanny Yang smiled and glanced at Daiyu with a kind look on her face, then glanced at Jin'er, her eyes were full of jokes, but she didn't say anything Bring tea to eat.

Qi Luo and Zhi'er naturally knew that Daiyu had asked someone to tell Lin Yi's family about Jin'er, and Lin Yi's family had already agreed to it, and they were only waiting for Jin'er to come through.Thinking of meeting mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for a while, everyone smiled and looked at Jin'er, Jin'er said angrily, "What are you doing? Don't you guys know Aunt Lin?" After speaking, she also blushed.

Qi Luo jokingly replied: "Aunt Lin? Isn't that your mother-in-law?" After speaking, everyone laughed.Jin'er was already blushing, but at this time everyone laughed and stood up in embarrassment, stomping their feet and saying, "I won't talk nonsense to you!" After Jin'er finished speaking, she turned around and wanted to run away, but Zhi'er grabbed her one is right.

Just as Jin'er was being pricked with the needle, Nanny Yang patted Qi Luo and said, "The girl is still here! She dares to say anything, she is really a naughty girl!" Then she smiled at Jin'er: "Sit down quickly. , it's just a joke." Jin'er Fang followed Zhi'er's strength and sat back.

Seeing Jin'er sat back, Nanny Yang said to Hanxiao and Zhixuan: "You two have worked harder, and invited Nanny Sun and Nanny Chen, and Aunt Luo to see if you have rested. They were invited too, but we all got together here, your Aunt Lin invited them all, but I forgot about them."

Daiyu hurriedly nodded and said: "Mama's words are very true, it's all my fault that I forgot! Then you two will have to work hard." Han Xiao and Zhixuan hurriedly stood up and responded in unison: "Slaves are not hard, but girls can't Eat up all the delicious food, and don't wait for others."

Daiyu covered her mouth with a smile and said, "I didn't expect you to be foodies all these years with me! Go quickly, your food is indispensable." The two went out together with a smile.

At that moment, Nanny Sun, Nanny Chen and Aunt Yang all came one after another, and they were very happy to join in seeing everyone present. Daiyu saw that Qinghe, who had gone first, hadn't come back yet, so she couldn't help but muttered curiously: " Why hasn't Qinghe come back yet?" As he was speaking, Qinghe followed Lin Yi's family into the courtyard.

When everyone saw that Lin Yi's family had just entered the courtyard, Jin'er stood up and laughed again, but now Jin'er was blushing and lowered her head, neither stomping her feet nor running away.Seeing Jin'er's appearance, when Lin Yi's family came in, Qi Luo smiled and said: "Aunt Lin must be quick to welcome our girl Jin'er back, so there is no need to wait."

When Jin'er heard this, her neck turned red with shame, she glanced at Qi Luo, and didn't speak to Lin Yi's family, she just squatted down slightly to salute, and then suddenly turned away.Seeing this, Lin Yi's family also smiled and said: "I want to welcome back earlier, isn't this waiting for the girl's instructions?" After speaking, he looked at Daiyu expectantly.

Daiyu smiled and said: "Aunt Lin's words are so unreasonable. Your family asked to marry my sister Jin'er, and instead of coming to propose marriage, you blamed me. Is it possible that I have to send it to you?" Lin Yi When the family heard this, they all smiled and said: "I'm not confused? If there is a girl, I will bring a betrothal gift tomorrow."

After a chat and a laugh, everyone asked about Daiyu's life in Jia's mansion. Nanny Yang sighed deeply and remained silent. Zhi'er looked at Nanny Yang and then at Daiyu and said, "Nurse Yang and Miss Don't say anything, I'll say it!" After speaking, he glanced at Yang Nanny and then turned to look at Daiyu.

Seeing that everyone looked over, only Nanny Yang was eating tea in a somewhat awkward manner, while Daiyu was kneading the melon seeds, she smiled and said, "You talk while you want to talk, what do you want me to do?" Hearing what Daiyu said Zhi'er then told in detail what she met in Jia's mansion.

When it comes to Baoyu going to grab her hand when she saw Daiyu for the first time, not to mention that Aunt Luo was so angry that her face turned pale, Qiluo widened her eyes in anger, Zhixuan lowered her head, bit her lip and frowned, staring fiercely. He closed his eyes with a smile.Even Nanny Sun slapped the table and stood up, exclaiming angrily, "The old lady doesn't care?" Zhi'er sighed and shook her head slightly.

Seeing this, Grandma Sun became even more furious: "Could it be that you just watch the girl being bullied like this?!" After speaking, she turned her head and looked bloodthirsty at Grandma Yang, and was about to say something, but was pulled away by Nanny Chen He said at once: "Old sister, don't worry, sit down and listen to it first. Isn't the girl doing well?"

With red eyes and hot tears, Grandma Sun took several deep breaths before she sat down heavily.Even the chair creaked under the weight.

She respects Mrs. Jia, and often talks about the days when she was in Rongguo Mansion, but after all, she is Jia Min's nanny, and she watched Daiyu grow up. In her heart, she is facing Jia Min and Daiyu!
Grandma Yang didn't expect Grandma Sun to be so angry. While being moved, she nodded and said inwardly: I usually misunderstood her.

Zhi'er saw that Nanny Sun had already become so angry when she heard this, and thought to herself: Then I dare not say anything about it!
Thinking of this, Zhi'er looked at Daiyu again, saw that Daiyu was smiling with no abnormal expression on her face, she couldn't make up her mind for a moment, then turned her head to look at Yang Nanny, just happened to be seen by Sun Nanny, who immediately scolded her Said: "Why don't you say it?"

Zhi'er bit the corner of her mouth, opened her mouth and was about to continue, when Shinan muttered in a moderate way: "Fortunately, sister Jin'er didn't follow, otherwise I might tear my face apart."

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional.When Shinan said this, Zhi'er remembered that Jin'er was not there, and thought to himself: How dangerous!Fortunately, Jin'er is not here!So he decided to finish talking quickly, lest Jin'er come back.I'm afraid it's not easy to clean up.

When Zhi'er said that Mother Jia had ordered her wife to tidy up Linglong's yard before she got married, and then took out the whole set of huanghuali wood furniture that she brought as a dowry, Nanny Sun's face looked better, and she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, thinking that Mrs. Jia The wife still takes care of the wife and the girl.

Unexpectedly, Zhi'er went on to talk about Daiyu hosting a banquet for the girls and sisters of the Jia family. Nanny Sun knew about it. Sent.

But apart from Nanny Yang and Hanxiao, no one thought that Zhi'er would say that the second master of Jia's family was going to force his way into Daiyu's boudoir, so that Aunt Luo wouldn't faint from anger!Aunt Luo grabbed Nanny Yang's hand and cried, "Auntie, is it okay if we don't go to Jia's mansion? This is going to destroy Yu'er!" scroll down.

Grandma Sun couldn't sit still, and was about to get angry when she heard a loud "bang bang".Jin'er's face was pale, her chest heaved rapidly, she pointed at Zhi'er and said, "This! This is the girl's life in Jia's house!?"

Not to mention Zhi'er, even Daiyu was frightened by Jin'er's appearance now.Look at Aunt Luo who was about to faint from crying; look at Grandma Sun who was beating her chest, biting her lip, and crying with her eyes closed; there was also her forehead at the door, her neck was covered with blue veins, but her face was pale and her eyes Jin'er congested... Daiyu didn't know what to do at this time.

Look at the rest of the people are all angry.Especially Yang Nanny and Zhi'er, who followed Daiyu to Jia's mansion, became the target of public criticism at this moment!
Daiyu stood up abruptly, panicked for a moment, she never thought that what she thought was just a trick and was easily solved would cause such an uproar in the mansion!
But Zhi'er quickly calmed down, greeted Jin'er, and said to Nanny Chen, "Mommy Chen, please persuade Nanny Sun, don't get so angry!" Then she glanced at Daiyu.Daiyu also came to her senses and hurried to support Aunt Luo and said, "Don't worry, Auntie, Yu'er is fine! Shinan and An'er stopped him outside the door."

Daiyu's voice was high and urgent, but it was heard clearly by the few people who were almost out of control. Aunt Luo let go of Nanny Yang and grabbed Daiyu's arm and said, "Really? Yu'er, don't Coax Auntie!" Seeing Daiyu nod her head, Jin'er's breathing became much more stable.

But Nanny Sun suddenly covered her face and began to howl, while Nanny Chen didn't know what to say, she just kept stroking her vest for her.

Nanny Yang knew what Nanny Sun was thinking, she stood up and walked to her, and said with red eyes, "I know you are disappointed and sad. How could I not blame myself for being sad at the beginning? It needs the upbringing of the old lady of Jia's mansion, so you can't tear your face!"

When Sun Nanny heard this, she felt even more sad, she was overwhelmed and threw herself into Yang Nanny's arms and began to cry. When Daiyu and the others didn't know what to do, Yang Nanny shook her head at Daiyu .

Grandma Sun cried for a long time before she said in disbelief: "That's the girl's grandmother! My grandmother!" "The madam only has a little flesh and blood like the girl! How can she bear it? How can she!? "

Seeing this, Daiyu hurried forward to comfort her and said, "You don't have to be like this, grandma treats me very well." When Sun Nanny heard Daiyu's voice, she turned around and hugged Daiyu fiercely, saying, "If Madam knows, I don't know why I'm so sad!" Then he said: "When my wife was here, the three festivals and two birthdays were not sent to the capital by big carts and boats, but now..."

For a while, I only heard Nanny Sun rambling and whispering sadly.Everyone doesn't know what to do.Daiyu also sighed in her heart.It turned out that Nanny Sun came from Jia's house, and she always turned to Jia's house, maybe her father Lin Ruhai thought the same way, right?I never thought that he would take care of himself like this.

Seeing the grief and indignation of everyone, Daiyu felt warm in her heart, this is her home, her root.These people are the ones who really love her, spoil her, and protect her...

Thinking of this, Daiyu suddenly felt that her whole body became transparent, she smiled and wiped away the tears on Sun Nanny's face and said, "Yu'er is not wronged, Yu'er is loved and protected by the nuns, and Jin'er My sister and others are with me. Yu'er feels very happy." At this point, two lines of tears of happiness also fell from Daiyu's eyes.

 Thanks to Dong Yansheng, Qiaoge Muyong, Fengtian Dance Sword Zhizhen, Wenwen 1975, miaozi123, yzakrr, Parrot Shadow, Lei Linglong, kkecho, Lanniaofei, fullmoon and other friends for their support and encouragement, and thank you for more Friends who give Gujing more support and encouragement will not be listed here! O(∩_∩)O Thank you for your love for Gujing and "Daiyu in the Red Chamber" all the time! O(∩_∩)OThank you
(End of this chapter)

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