Chapter 113 News
Lin Yi's family, as the old man of the Lin family, kept silent when everyone was excited and angry. She neither stood up to accuse anyone, nor came out to scold and scold. She didn't even make a sound. Many people even forgot her existence.She just sat there quietly with a straight face, and listened to everything from beginning to end.

When the crowd dispersed, Lin Yi's family followed everyone back to their small courtyard.Lin Yigang and his youngest son Lin De had just finished drinking and were chatting on the cool chair when they saw his daughter-in-law walking in with a dark face.Lin De quickly stood up, swept the chair he was sitting on just now with his sleeve, and said with a smile, "Mother, you are back."

As usual, Lin Yi's family always smiled and said: "I'm back, can I eat?" But today, Lin De obviously hit the gun.Lin Yi's family glared at her youngest son and said, "It's not that I'm back. Could it be that the person standing here is a ghost!" Lin De knew that his old lady was on fire. Although he didn't know what it was, the reason to run away was still got it.

Lin Yi has been leaning on the chair, seeing his daughter-in-law, scolding his youngest son and running away without saying a word.He squinted his old eyes and looked at his wife.After Lin Yi's family sat down on the chair, he asked in a deep voice, "Tell me, what made you so angry?"

Lin Yi's family opened their mouths to tell Lin Yi what to do, but they turned around and said: "Master, do you think we can stop the girl from going to Jia's house?" Lin Yi heard At these words, he frowned and said, "Why? What happened to the girl at Jia's house?"

Hearing Lin Yi's tone, the members of Lin Yi's family thought for a while and said, "I think it's better for the girls of our Lin family to stay in our Lin family. What's the matter with living in Jia's house?" Lin Yi squinted at her, thinking He also understood that something must have happened, but at this moment he was a little afraid to ask.

After thinking about it, Lin Yi sighed and said, "You know about the letter that elder brother sent yesterday. The situation there is not very good. Eldest brother told us to pay attention to the girl's safety. Be safe." After speaking, he sighed deeply again.

After hearing this, Lin Yi's family didn't know how to say it.He had no choice but to look up at Lin Yi, then lowered his head and sighed.After repeating this three or five times, Lin Yi was also annoyed, and he patted the table and said, "If you have something to say, just say it! What are you doing with a sigh? Can a sigh solve the problem?

Lin Yi's family was taken aback by Lin Yi's slap on the table.After thinking for a while, he said, "Boss, I told you not to lose your temper." Lin Yi glanced at her and snorted, "You said it."

Lin Yi's family took a deep breath before voicing out what Zhi'er said tonight in one go, without even a breath in the middle.After speaking, he looked at Lin Yi with red eyes and said: "The people in Jia's house are too bullying. After all, they didn't pay attention to us in Lin's house, so they can abuse our girl like this."

At this moment, Lin Yi's face was also purple with anger, his eyes were staring with a bloodthirsty light, his cheeks were clenched tightly, his fists and arms were all bulging with veins... But in the end, Lin Yi was no better than He's been with Lin Ruhai for decades, and he's traveled all over the world, so why hasn't he seen those women in the inner house?
After a long while, Lin Yi calmed down, and said with a serious face: "Lin De!" After waiting for less than three breaths, he didn't hear Lin De's voice, and shouted: "You son of a bitch! If you don't get out again, I'll break your legs carefully!" !"

I don't know if it was because Lin De heard Lin Yi's loud voice in the back room, or because the phrase "broken leg" frightened Lin De, but Lin De always ran out in a hurry, and asked quickly: "Dad, what's the matter?!"

Lin Yi didn't even look at Lin De, just squinted his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Go call Zhao Bing, Zhang Xin and the two will wait for me in the side hall!" After speaking, Lin Yi got up first, and patted the cotton on his body. Xia Pao, went out.

Lin De looked at the back of his father going out, then looked at his mother, and asked cautiously: "Mom, what's wrong with my father? I haven't seen this anger for many years." Lin De glanced, and said with a sullen face: "I told you to go, what are you still doing here? Waiting for your father to beat you?" Lin De hurried out after hearing this.

Zhang Xin had just finished taking a shower when Zhi'er came back with red eyes.When Zhang Xin saw it, he was surprised. He was chatting in the girl's room, why did he cry?Zhang Xin looked at Zhi'er puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.He wanted to ask, but he was afraid of making her cry again, so he hated women crying the most.

Zhang Xin thought for a while but didn't ask any more, poured a glass of water to Zhi'er and said, "It's hot, drink some water to cool off, I've saved some water for you." Zhi'er took the water glass with both hands, looking at Zhang Xin a little sad He asked eagerly, "Am I so useless?" Zhang Xin chuckled and said, "Where can it be! Go take a shower, don't think too much about it."

Before Zhi'er had time to take a shower, he heard Linde's voice outside the house: "Brother Zhang! Are you resting? My father asked me to come and find you." Zhang Xin looked at Zhi'er and grabbed a coat Said: "I'll go and have a look, you can take a shower and go to bed early." Said and walked out.

After a while they went to find Zhao Bing again.But before he got any closer, he heard Qi Luo losing his temper.Zhao Bing also had a dark face at this time, walking around the room.

Zhao Bing stopped suddenly and said, "Don't worry, I'll go to Lin Bo to ask, this matter can't be settled like this! The master handed the girl over to us, if the girl has something, how can I see the master?" ? If I turn around, I won’t be exposed by my uncle!" After speaking, he slammed the door open.

It just so happened that Lin De and Zhang Xin had just arrived at the door, and when they were hesitating whether to knock on the door, the door was pulled open by Zhang Xin, which made Lin De take several steps back in fright. I'm afraid I'll fall down.

Along the crack of the door, both Zhang Xin and Lin De saw the broken porcelain pieces all over the place in the house, and they knew that Qi Luo might have lost his temper. Among these sisters, Lin De was most afraid of Qi Luo, she was not like other The elder sister is so gentle, thinking of Qi Luo losing her temper, Lin De looked at Zhao Bing sympathetically, and said in his heart: Fortunately, my mother ordered Jiner for me.

Zhao Bing originally wanted to go out to look for the old housekeeper Lin Yi, but seeing that Lin De and Zhang Xin came to look for him at this time, he couldn't help being taken aback, and asked, "Why are you two here together?" After thinking about it, he said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow, I have to go to Lin Bo."

After Zhao Bing finished speaking, he walked out without giving them a chance to talk, but he stopped after taking two steps, turned back to Lin De and asked, "Is Uncle Lin at home?"

Lin De grinned and said, "Not here." Zhao Bing frowned and asked, "Do you know where Lin Bo has gone? Has he left the house?" Lin De was about to speak, when Zhang Xin said, "Dezi!" Lin De heard When Zhang Xin spoke, he immediately shut up.

Zhao Bing turned to look at Zhang Xin again, Zhang Xin shook his head and said, "Brother Zhao, Lin Bo asked Dezi to tell us, let us go to the side hall to find him. I'm afraid he will be waiting in the side hall now." After Zhao Bing heard this, he nodded and said, "Then let's go quickly. I also have something to discuss with Lin Bo." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and nodded Lin De, who shrank his neck and laughed.

Seeing Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin walking away, Lin De immediately ran up to follow them to the side hall.

Lin Yi had been waiting in the side hall for quite a while, his face seemed calm, but careful observation revealed that the fists formed by the backs of his hands were all whitish, and his footsteps were also very anxious.

Seeing that Lin De came with the two of them, Lin Yi didn't push him out, but let him down too.Linde was very surprised, this is a treatment he has never had before!Just as he was about to joke, he heard Zhao Bingyi bow and say, "Uncle Lin..."

Before Zhao Bing finished speaking, Lin Yi raised his hand to stop Zhao Bing, and said in a deep voice, "Listen to me to finish the business first!" Then Lin Yi told the things that Lin De's mother went back tonight, I said it exactly.

Hearing this, Zhang Xin gritted his teeth, and said angrily, "Why didn't Zhi'er tell me when she came back? I stayed in Jia's house all those days!" Zhang Xin suddenly felt extremely humiliated.For a moment, he was furious and said: "I'll kill that little bastard!" As he said that, he wanted to rush out the door.

Fortunately, Zhao Bing grabbed him and yelled, "Calm down! This matter is not over! Since Lin Bo has asked us to come here, he will not ignore it." After finishing speaking, Zhao Bing looked at Lin Yi with cannibalistic eyes If Lin Yi said "don't pay attention" at this time, he might be ripped off by the two of them.

And Linde also felt his veins throbbing when he heard it, and thought to himself: No wonder my mother looks so ugly when she comes back, and my father is also full of anger!The Jia family doesn't care much about the Lin family!
Seeing the expressions of the three of them, Lin Yi felt a little comforted in his heart, took a breath and said, "Not to mention anything else, here is a letter, please take a look." Then he picked up a letter from the table The letter that had been opened was handed over to Zhao Bing.

Zhao Bing looked at Lin Yi suspiciously before accepting the letter.He took out the letter paper and only glanced at it.Zhao Bing's expression changed, and Zhang Xin hurried over when he saw this.After the two had finished reading the letter, Zhao Bing sat down at the table and asked, "What does Uncle Lin mean?"

Seeing that he could calm down so quickly, Lin Yi nodded appreciatively and patted him on the shoulder, saying, "As expected of Brother Song's cultivation!" This made both Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin blush, especially It was Zhang Xin, thinking about what he had just done, he lowered his head and dared not speak.

Lin Yi thought for a while before sitting down and said: "At this time, it can be big or small. If you think it's small, it's because Jia's family education is too bad, and the people in the house don't understand the rules. If it's big, it's because Jia's family doesn't have generals. Our Lin family saw it, so we humiliated the girl, or wanted to show off the girl! Or An's other thoughts, we don't know for the time being."

Lin De saw that Lin Yi stopped here for a while, and hurriedly poured tea for the three of them, and Lin Yi picked it up and took a big sip.I think I left in a hurry, and waited anxiously in the house for a long time, and I am a little thirsty now.

After drinking the water, Lin Yi went on to say: "If there is nothing wrong with the master, now that the girl is back, it is also feasible for us to keep the girl in the mansion. But now," Lin Yi raised his head, looking at the three with eagle-like eyes. Humanity: "We don't have enough manpower to protect the girl! The master has Brother Song and Brother Zhang, and there are many yamen servants! The master still..."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi was a little sad and could not continue, and Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin also lowered their heads very sadly.Lin De didn't know what was going on, so he picked up the letter on the table and saw that it was from his uncle.

Lin Yi only glanced at Lin De without stopping him. After thinking for a while, he continued, "Now, if we want to protect the girl, we can only rely on Jia's Mansion. Jia's Mansion has a lot of people, so it's not easy for people to succeed, and Jia's Mansion There are quite a few people who are about the same age as the girl. Those villains don't even know the girl, so the girl is much safer."

Looking at the content again, it turned out that Lin Ruhai had been assassinated five times in a row in the past half month!Although most of them saved the day, they were finally injured half a month ago.The injury is not serious, and there is no serious problem, but it always makes people worry.Lin Zhong was worried that those villains would set their minds on Daiyu, so he wrote this letter to remind Lin Yi to be more vigilant.Linde couldn't help but change his face.
It's a bit late, sorry!It will be normal tomorrow! O(∩_∩)O~
(End of this chapter)

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