Chapter 114
After reading the letter, Lin De looked up at Lin Yi in disbelief and asked, "Father, is this all true?"

Lin Yi gritted his teeth and nodded slightly.Lin De also fell silent, Zhang Xin looked up at Lin Yi unwillingly and said, "Uncle Lin, then let's leave it at that? Not only did we see the girl being wronged like this, but we also had to send the girl back To be bullied by them?" Hearing Zhang Xin's question, Zhao Bing also looked at Lin Yi with struggling and expectant eyes.

Lin Yi stood up and walked around for two laps, then shook his head and said, "There's really nothing to do now, I can only ask the nuns to worry about it."

Lin Yi's words made Zhao Bing's eyes brighten and he said, "Why don't we invite Nanny Yang and Aunt Luo to discuss together? Didn't they come from the palace? They must be well-informed, and it would be good to say nothing." What's your idea?"

Lin Yi and Zhang Xin were taken aback by Zhao Bing's words, and then they both nodded.Lin Yi smiled and said: "This is true. After all, the two of you have stayed in the palace for so many years, you will always have some experience." After speaking, he paused for a while and then said: "Today is too late, and I will invite the two of them to come tomorrow at dawn. discussion."

Zhang Xin and Zhao Bing looked at the sky outside the door, and they could only nod their heads. It was indeed too late at this time, and Aunt Yang and Aunt Luo were women, so it would be inconvenient to discuss matters in the middle of the night.Zhang Xin hesitated for a moment and asked: "Nurse Sun and Nanny Chen stayed in Jia's Mansion in the early years, and I think they know more about Jia's Mansion, do you want to invite them too?"

After hearing this, Lin Yi nodded with a smile and said, "You're very right. After all, both of you are the old mothers next to the girl, and they both stayed in Jia's house. Maybe they will have some ideas." After finishing speaking, he said : "It's getting late, let's all go back and rest." After speaking, the three of them were ready to go back.

Lin De just sat there still a little bit stunned. As soon as the three of them arrived at the door, they heard Lin De ask: "Father, is the master okay? Are you going to report this matter to the girl?" Both Zhao Bing and Zhao Bing stopped and looked at Lin Yi.

When Lin Yi heard this, he also frowned, but after thinking about it, he shook his head and said: "You don't need to report to the girl. The master didn't say anything, so I don't want the girl to worry about it. Besides, Mr. Huang is also in Yangzhou, so he probably wouldn't." Something happened."

On the second day, Nanny Yang, Nanny Sun, Nanny Chen and Aunt Luo were invited to the side hall. At the same time, there were old butler Lin Yi and Zhao Bing and Zhang Xin.Linde, on the other hand, guarded the door.

Lin Yi is not a person who likes to beat around the bush, since he called several people over, he naturally wanted to speak clearly, so he cleared his throat and said directly: "We all know what Zhang Xin's family came back to talk about yesterday." Lin Yi's words alone made Aunt Luo's eyes blush, Nanny Yang frowned, Nanny Sun changed her face, and Nanny Chen turned her head away.

But what happened next surprised a few people.Lin Yi said in a deep voice: "But this matter must not be left alone! If the master is in the capital at this time, I'm afraid he can't let it go. If the wife is still there, I don't want the girl to suffer that humiliation again. .”

After speaking, Lin Yiying seemed to glance over everyone, only to see Nanny Sun's face full of bitterness, Aunt Luo also closed her eyes and shed tears, and Nanny Chen also looked helpless.Only Nanny Yang lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, "The old butler called us all over. He thinks he has an idea, why don't he just say it outright."

Seeing that Nanny Yang had a calm demeanor, Lin Yi felt relieved.Immediately, the old housekeeper Lin Yi cupped his hands to Yang Nanny, Yang Nanny was startled, she got up to avoid it, but she was a step too late.Then he said with an uneasy face: "Why does the old butler need to be like this? Just say what you have to say."

Lin Yi smiled bitterly and said: "If you really have any ideas, why invite you all to come? It's just that you have no direction, so I invite you to come and discuss it. I just hope that you can brainstorm for the sake of the girl."

At this point, Lin Yi sighed and didn't wait to speak. Nanny Chen took the lead and said, "We are just fools in the inner house, so how can we do anything? But it is according to the orders of Butler Lin."

Lin Yi glanced at her, but didn't speak. He turned his head to look at Nanny Sun and Aunt Luo, and finally fixed his eyes on Nanny Yang and said, "Since I want to ask you to think of something for the girl, naturally I can't do it." Keep it a secret from a few of you."

After speaking, Lin Yi took out the letter from Yangzhou and handed it to Nanny Yang.Mother Yang wanted to be polite when she heard what Mother Chen said, but after reading the letter, she frowned and didn't know what to say.

Lin Yi bowed to Nanny Yang and said, "If it wasn't for this, I would definitely have taken the girl back, and I would have to bear the master's punishment in the future, but I dare not take the girl in such a situation. risk your own safety."

Mother Yang sighed and said: "Old housekeeper, don't be like this, you have really broken the old lady, let everyone read this letter, listen to everyone's opinions, and find a way, then It’s not for venting, and a similar situation can’t happen again.”

After finishing speaking, Nanny Yang handed the letter to Nanny Sun.From Nanny Yang's point of view, Nanny Sun is the only one who can think of a way for Daiyu, after all, she is really for Daiyu.

Grandma Sun didn't know why the old steward and Nanny Yang said that. Seeing that Nanny Yang handed the letter to herself instead of Aunt Luo who also came out of the palace, she couldn't help being a little more cautious, and she felt anxious for being valued. Happy.

But when Grandma Sun read the letter, her face turned pale instantly, and she opened her mouth slightly to look at Grandma Yang. When Nanny Yang nodded to her, the hand holding the letter trembled. The letter also fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Nanny Chen quickly picked up the letter paper to read, and after a while she handed the letter paper to Aunt Luo. After Aunt Luo took it, she looked at the old housekeeper Lin Yi and said, "Old housekeeper, I Regardless of other things, I only know that Yu'er has formally worshiped me as a teacher, and is my disciple, my student. I will definitely protect her."

After speaking, Aunt Luo got up and put the letter paper on the big round table in the middle of the room, and continued: "If Yu'er is really in danger, I can take her away and hide her name!" Lin Yi immediately retorted: "Mr. She is the jewel in the palm of my Lin family, how can she live outside? Still keep her name incognito? I can't say this anymore!"

Aunt Luo said in a cold voice: "I don't care who she is, I just know that I can't watch her get into trouble, and I can't watch her being bullied!" Naturally, it is to protect the girl, and not to be underestimated. If someone really wants to hurt the girl, they must first step over my body, Lin Yi!"

Seeing that the two of them were angry, Nanny Yang hurriedly dissuaded her: "I know you are all for the sake of the girl, and don't let your own people quarrel first, as it won't solve the problem." After finishing speaking, Nanny Yang looked at Grandma Sun.

But Nanny Sun shook her head and said: "I can't do it now, if there is no such thing, I have to keep the girl in the mansion for the sake of my wife, but I dare not." Everyone fell into silence for a while. .

Zhao Bing frowned and asked, "Don't the mothers have any way to let the girl stay in Jia's mansion, but the people in Jia's mansion dare not bully the girl?"

When Zhang Xin heard this, he sneered and said, "Brother Zhao, don't talk about it, everyone in the Jia family has eyes for wealth and honor. When I went to send my wife's obituary, I was almost thrown out by them. If it wasn't for Xinger Passing by, I stopped for fear that I would not see their old lady, even when I entered the mansion later, I was stopped by a woman, and I was delayed for a long time."

Zhang Xin hadn't really said this to anyone, even Zhi'er, who forgot about it later, but now suddenly remembered after being stimulated.Everyone was shocked when they heard Zhang Xin's words, and hurriedly asked: "Is there such a thing? I haven't heard you say it!"

Zhang Xin smiled indifferently and said, "What a big deal. After returning from the capital, I have been busy with my wife's funeral, then Aunt Bai's affairs, and then I went to Gusu. How can I remember?"

After hearing what Zhang Xin said, Nanny Yang said: "In this way, to gain a foothold in Jia's mansion, we must first have our own confidence, and then we must let the people in that mansion know that we have confidence." Butler Lin Yidao: "Old butler, what is said in the letter must not be spread out! This is very important, just limit it to the seven of us, and don't spread it any more!"

Lin Yi has also been in the world for many years. When Nanny Yang said that there was still something she didn't understand about this, she immediately nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mammy, I can wake up from this matter." Nanny Yang nodded and turned to Sun The nanny said, "I don't know if the old sister has any good ideas?"

Sun Nanny smiled bitterly and said: "If you want to talk about confidence, there is no one who is more confident than our girl. If you don't talk about anything else, everyone knows that the master has already given it to the girl. How much dowry does the girl have in her hands? I'm afraid only the girl and Jin'er know about it. But these things can't be talked about!"

Aunt Luo nodded and said: "How can anyone talk about it with their own property? There is no such thing."

Zhang Xin heard that they had discussed for a long time but did not reach a result, so he couldn't help but anxiously said: "Can't we invite them to come and see our house? Take a look at our garden?"

Zhang Xin hit the right button. This remark made everyone in the room open their eyes. The old housekeeper Lin Yi even patted him on the shoulder and laughed, "You boy can do it! Hahaha!" After speaking, he laughed loudly.

Nanny Sun rolled her eyes, saw the palace lantern hanging on the roof, and said with a smile, "You can also ask them to know about the noble people our girl has befriended." Seeing everyone looking at her again, she didn't agree. Pointing to the palace lantern on top of his head without delay, he said: "Is it necessary to invite this one too? If I invite someone else to forget her, I'm afraid the girl will not agree."

Now that the solution has been decided, it is natural for them to go back and prepare.Grandma Sun and Grandma Yang went to Daiyu's room together. At this time, Daiyu had just finished washing and getting ready, and went back to Jia's mansion after lunch.

Grandma Sun smiled and said, "Don't worry, girl. Now that we've returned to the capital, our mansion is almost cleaned up, and many places have been rectified according to the girl's wishes. Do you have to invite old friends from the capital to sit down?" , so we can tell others that our Lin family is back?"

Daiyu didn't expect Nanny Sun to come suddenly to tell her this, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Nanny Yang, and Nanny Yang also smiled and said, "Since the girl wants to live in the capital, she naturally needs to integrate into the circle of the capital. At these times, it’s time to host a banquet.”

Daiyu tilted her head and smiled and said, "But who do the mothers want me to invite? Could it be possible to set up a table and invite sister Wan alone?" Mother Yang nodded Daiyu's forehead and said, "Could it be? Shouldn't the girl have invited all the girls from the Huang family? Even if Mrs. Huang doesn't want to go out, the two Mrs. Huang should also be invited!"

Grandma Sun also immediately interjected: "There are also your grandmother's eldest uncle, second uncle, two aunts, and sisters and sisters-in-law. They should all be invited to recognize the family."

Daiyu understood what Grandma Sun said, but she didn't point it out. She just lowered her head and thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, then send someone to report to grandma, saying that I won't go back today. By the way Send the invitation together to my grandmother and the two aunts. Ask Qi Luo, Jin Er, and Aunt Lin to come over and discuss with me the dishes and the layout of the house."

Seeing that Daiyu quickly comprehended and made arrangements calmly, Mother Yang felt very comforted and had more confidence in the future.

Dear friends~ Third watch~ Gujing is working hard, right? O(∩_∩)O~ Give some encouragement~ Gujing will continue to work hard~~haha
(End of this chapter)

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