Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 115 Forest House

Chapter 115 Forest House
Daiyu didn't expect that Nanny Sun would go to Jia's mansion to deliver the invitation in person.Although he was puzzled, he didn't think much about it.

When Mrs. Jia first heard that Daiyu was not allowed to return today, she was very displeased.Then Nanny Sun handed over the invitation card written by Daiyu herself to Mrs. Jia, which was still a delicate picture of lotus flowers. Just looking at the painting, Jia's mother liked it very much.

Thinking of Daiyu being able to manage the banquets of the Lin Mansion independently at a young age, she felt that she was right.He can also think of sending invitations to himself alone, which shows that he is a good, filial and courteous child. Although the rules are a bit outdated, he is very suitable as the mistress of the family.

Mother Jia asked Grandma Sun if she had enough staff and everything.Are those people invited?

Sun Nanny smiled and said: "Old lady, there are enough people. There are quite a few people going to Beijing with the girl."

After thinking for a while, Grandma Sun said: "Because she wanted to invite the young magistrate of Wujun Prince's Mansion, Miss Xue came from a merchant background, so it was inconvenient, and Miss Xing's status was also lower, so even Miss Shi didn't invite her." , only invited three girls and two grandmothers from the mansion.

Mother Jia was very happy when she heard that she was going to invite the county magistrate, but she also heard that because of Xue Baochai and Xing Xiuyan, even Shi Xiangyun was not invited. relative!I don't have to implicate my mother's family.But Mother Jia secretly decided to take Shi Xiangyun with her.

Hearing that Nanny Sun said that she still had to go to Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang's courtyard, she felt very boring, so she sent Nanny Sun out and said, "Go ahead and tell Yu'er that if there is anything missing, just come to me." If so, don't embarrass yourself." Sun Nanny should be the last before withdrawing.

Grandma Sun met Mrs. Xing according to the order of seniority and sent invitations to Mrs. Xing and Yingchun Wang Xifeng.

Mrs. Xing was very happy when she saw that it was Daiyu who came to invite her. She asked who else was there?But she needed her daughter-in-law, Wang Xifeng, to come and help her, and Nanny Sun said goodbye before leaving.

Before leaving, Nanny Sun whispered in Mrs. Xing's ear again: "My uncle and wife forgive me, because the girl didn't invite Miss Xue's family, so I didn't post to Miss Xing, and I was disappointed when my uncle and wife said One or two, don't let the two sisters separate because of this because of the love of the girls."

Mrs. Xing nodded with a smile and said, "Tell Miss Lin, don't worry about little things. At other times, I'll bring that girl from Xiuyan."

Grandma Sun said again: "Young lady said, she must invite Grandma Lian to bring her brother to kiss." Although Mrs. Xing knew that Wang Xifeng and Daiyu were also very close, she was curious and surprised by such a special explanation.However, Nanny Sun didn't know, so she had to smile in response.

Grandma Sun went to see Mrs. Wang at last. Madam Wang looked at Grandma Sun and suddenly remembered that someone came to find relatives that year. She originally planned to train her to become a confidant, and then sent her to Jia Min's side, but she didn't know How did he disappear again.

Mrs. Wang thought of the two missing people, so she looked at Nanny Sun and asked, "But is there a distant relative who has gone to seek refuge with you?"

This matter was done by Jia Min and Dai Yu, and Nanny Sun didn't know about it, so she shook her head blankly and said, "Why did the second uncle and wife ask this question? Does this old slave have any distant relatives? If there are any, they are all in this mansion. ” Mrs. Wang saw that she didn’t look like she was lying, and she was secretly surprised: Could it be that she was deceived?I don't know what the details of those two are.

After all, this was only an old incident a few years ago, Mrs. Wang thought about it for a while, and then she put it aside and never mentioned it again.

After receiving the three invitations handed over by Nanny Sun, Mrs. Wang's complexion was not very good.The top one is of course for Mrs. Wang, but the bottom two are not for Baochai, but for Tanchun and his eldest daughter-in-law Li.Mrs. Wang's face darkened slightly: "How can Mrs. Li go out to be a guest because of festivals? Miss Xue lives in our house now."

Nanny Sun naturally understood what Mrs. Wang meant, and she had already thought of an excuse, she replied calmly with a smile: "Second uncle and wife, don't be angry, the girl said, the future will be long, this time I only invited three people from the mansion A girl surnamed Jia."

When Grandma Sun said this, although Mrs. Wang was angry, she couldn't say anything, so she sent her out.He secretly said in his heart: I gave Tanchun an invitation and asked her to go to the banquet. I am afraid that there will be a gap in Bao girl's heart, so why not just say that I have been invited, and then I will take the two of us with me.

I have to say that Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Jia are really in the same line in this respect!Even the idea of ​​pie is exactly the same.

After saying goodbye to Mrs. Wang, Nanny Sun did not go to the Linglong Courtyard, she knew in her heart that if Daiyu was willing to take her there, it would only be a matter of time.If you don't want to, you can go without authorization, which will make Daiyu displeased.

But Nanny Sun came here to deliver the invitations in person this time, not to meet Jia's mother or the two wives of Jia's mansion, but to meet another old friend, this person is Zijuan's mother.

Nanny Sun and Hanxiao found out that Mrs. Jia had arranged Zijuan next to Daiyu. Nanny Sun was well aware of Mrs. Jia's usual tricks, so she asked who Zijuan belonged to child.

Unexpectedly, I asked several people in a row, but they didn't know.In the end, Nanny Yang, knowing that she was asking, quietly told her.At that time, Nanny Sun sighed in her heart: After all, she came out of the palace, and there are so many people who can't match her alone.

Although Zijuan's father said that he was in charge of the old lady's crops, and the farm was naturally in the suburbs, but her mother took care of her in the mansion.

Coincidentally that day, Zijuan and Mammy Yang mentioned going home to take a look, and Nanny Yang asked one more question, and Zijuan explained: "My mother is not feeling well these days, I will go back and have a look and be back soon."

Because Zijuan said that her mother was recuperating at home, Nanny Sun specially brought a branch of ginseng to see her this time.

When Sun Nanny came to Zijuan's brother's house, Zijuan's mother no longer recognized Sun Nanny, and Sun Nanny only remembered what happened back then.

Zijuan's mother was also a wit, so she hurriedly invited Nanny Sun to sit in her room, and said with a smile: "It's a coincidence that my old sister married my aunt and wife as a dowry, but now my girl is also in front of Miss Lin. Waiting."

Now that it's up to here, Grandma Sun didn't beat around the bush, and said straight: "It's my girl who heard from Zijuan that you were sick. I heard that you took on this job and brought you the medicinal materials."

After finishing speaking, Nanny Sun opened a small gray silk bag in her hand, took out a lot of medicinal materials, and finally handed a wild ginseng to Zicuckoo's mother.

When Zijuan's mother saw that the wild ginseng had all the tails, she knew it was a good thing, so she thanked her repeatedly.Grandma Sun smiled and said, "Thank you for what? Letting your girl take care of the girl is the best thank you!"

Zijuan's mother realized instantly, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, old sister, don't you know what kind of person I am? That child Zijuan is as honest as I was back then." Nanny Sun also laughed and said, "That's right. Because of her kindness, the girl rewarded you with this mountain ginseng, but other people don't have this blessing."

Zijuan's mother thanked Daiyu with a smile, and then talked about other topics.After the two reminisced about the old days, Nanny Sun saw that the matter had been settled, so she said goodbye and returned to the Lin residence without further delay.

Nanny Sun went to Jia's mansion to deliver the invitations, so she arranged for Hanxiao and Zhixuan to deliver the invitations to Wujun Prince's Mansion and Wanyu in person, and then ordered Zhixuan to go to Huang's mansion.

When the three returned to the mansion.The whole Lin family has already started to get busy.Although there are still three days before the banquet.But Daiyu also made a lot of arrangements after Daiyu went around the Lin Mansion.For example, the plaque, Lingyuan will be renamed: Yuancui.It was stolen.The Guange was renamed as Range Rover.All these are always arranged geometrically.

Because there is running water passing through the garden in the mansion, Daiyu even dug finely divided lotus ponds around the corridor bridge, regardless of shape, or surrounded by pebbles, or half-covered with Taihu stones, or planted ivy on Taihu stones, Or a variety of rhododendrons nearby.

There are also jasmine, gardenia, rose, daylilies, tuberose and other flowers dotted around.If it weren't for the wrong season, Daiyu even wanted to plant fruit trees, so that when the flowers bloom, she can enjoy the flowers, and when they bear fruit, she can taste the fruits.

But those flowers that Daiyu asked for made Linde a lot of work, and he ran all over the flower and bird markets in the capital before finding them.Because they are all finished products, they can be viewed after planting, so Daiyu also spent a lot of money.Of course, this high price cannot be compared with when Jia's mansion built the Grand View Garden.

When Nanny Sun and Zhixuan returned home with smiles, Daiyu was discussing with Nanny Yang and others about the dishes, fruits, soup, refreshments, etc. on the day of the banquet. It is good to grasp this degree.

Seeing the three of Nanny Sun coming back, Daiyu didn't ask any more questions, but said, "It can be regarded as someone who has come to help me, so I invite the two nuns to discuss this matter with Zhao Bing's family, Zhang Xin's family, and Jin'er." , let me know the result.”

After Daiyu finished speaking, she drank her saliva and said: "I'm relieved to leave this matter to you. Smiling Zhixuan, you go and call Shang Ruizhu and Lue, let them put down their things, and go to Luohe together with me." Where is Auntie, let's discuss about the desks, doors, windows, etc. in the mansion, and the laying of curtains and curtains."

Seeing this, Nanny Yang had no choice but to laugh with Nanny Sun: "You have to work hard before you can go to rest." Nanny Sun also smiled and said: "It's hard work wherever it is, only the girl." Saying this At that time, Grandma Sun was also full of love, and Nanny Yang naturally had a clear view and was very happy in her heart.

Within two days, the mansion was fully furnished. After Daiyu led the crowd to walk around again, she was so tired that she couldn't lift her arms, she lay down on the roof, and missed her fairy dream house even more.

As soon as Daiyu lay down, Mother Chen came over to reply, and seeing Daiyu lazily lying on the roof, she smiled and said, "Miss is careful to catch the wind, so I dare not be so greedy for coolness." The blanket was put on for Daiyu, but Daiyu sighed in her heart: There is no air conditioner, and only a few pots of ice are not enough for me to eat. How can it be cold?

Seeing that she came, Daiyu knew that she had something to do, so she stopped lying down, got up and sat down, and said, "If you have something to do, please tell me. I've been very tired these two days, and I'm afraid I will have to rest soon."

Mother Chen bowed and replied: "The melons and fruits that the girl arranged to buy, because we have a Zhuangzi at home, the housekeeper Lin sent someone to the Zhuangzi to pull two carts back, and they were all complete. The ones that are missing have been kept alive in living water according to the girl’s instructions, or have been processed and marinated. Chickens, ducks and geese are also prepared according to the girl’s requirements.”

Speaking of this, Nanny Chen stopped for a while, feeling that it was hard to say.Because of the people in the house, only the errands in her hands could not be done according to Daiyu's requirements, but after thinking about it, she felt that Daiyu was a little bit embarrassing for her.

When Nanny Chen was frowning and thinking about how to speak, Daiyu asked: "Madam has encountered some difficulties, just talk about it, why bother to hide it?"

Chen Nanny thought that Daiyu was annoyed, so she put away her thoughts and said, "Everything else is fine, except that pigs and cows are a little troublesome, and the one thing is that pigs who don't have festivals and festivals go into the water..." Speaking of which, Chen Nanny was very upset. It was the one who frowned in disgust and pursed his mouth before continuing: "These are only those who go to the countryside and can't afford meat."

But Daiyu said with a smile: "Don't worry about these things, as for the large intestine, stomach, and kidney, you just deal with it according to my instructions. Remember, the intestines and stomach must be washed vigorously with green salt. Rub it with fine salt after two coats of water. Wash it clean."

After Chen Momo nodded in response, she continued: "Since these girls have given orders, this old slave will naturally follow the girls' orders. As for the cow, this old slave really has nothing to do! The countrymen hold their treasures, and the imperial court doesn't care. It's strict. It's for plowing... Even if it's in our village, Lin Yi didn't give it to me, so he asked me to look for it outside..."

Daiyu was taken aback for a moment, feeling that ancient people didn't eat beef?But Daiyu thought it wrong, there are also braised beef for sale outside, so she said coldly: "According to Mammy, where does the braised beef in the market come from?"

Seeing that Nanny Chen didn't answer, Daiyu said again: "Don't think I didn't know that my father and master bought snacks for me back then, and my mother liked to eat them when she was around. Even my elder brother bought them too, so it's not difficult Buy. Now you are so evasive, what is the reason?"

Jin'er just heard Daiyu's words outside the door, smiled and walked in and said: "Miss, you have wronged Madam Chen, the beef in the market just died for some reason, there is Tete who slaughtered the farm cattle Come to eat?"

When Daiyu heard this, she suddenly felt her stomach churn and her face turned pale.Jin'er smiled and said, "Girl, don't think too much, it was delicious when you ate it back then." While talking, she stretched out her hand for Daiyu to run along her chest.Nanny Chen also hurriedly brought tea over to Daiyu.

It took a while for Daiyu to calm down, and she stared and said: "Don't mention it soon, let's not mention it in the future!" Jin'er smiled and said: "I heard that Qi Luo said that Zhao Bing said that the north Beef outside the Great Wall is common, and it’s not worth anything. Maybe you can look for it there.”

But Daiyu frowned and said, "I'm afraid it's too late now. Besides, if it really exists, I'm afraid it's not new. If it doesn't exist, then it won't. Just remember, don't mention it again in the future!"

Gujing would like to mention here that from today onwards, there will be two changes every day, which will still be between 7:00 and 8:00 in the old time.Let's see each other O(∩_∩)O~
(End of this chapter)

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