Daiyu of the Red Chamber

Chapter 116 Unexpected

Chapter 116 Unexpected
Mother Jia sat on the red sandalwood arhat bed with the invitation sent by Nanny Sun. She looked at the invitation for a while, wondering what she was thinking about.

Jia's mother narrowed her eyes and said in a hurry: "Yu'er also invited Huang Shilang's wife and daughter this time, so they can be regarded as her parents and sisters. Although I have nothing to do with the Huang family, I am the boss' immediate superior. I have to ask Xing to make friends with each other.Thinking of Xing's family background, Jia's mother frowned.Thinking about Xing's words and deeds in the past few years, he felt a little relieved.

As for the small county magistrate of Nawu County Wang, she was also invited, as Jia Mu had expected, Daiyu and the small county magistrate had a very close relationship, which was well known.But it is not known whether the Prince Wu's Mansion has a close relationship with the Lin family, or whether it is just the two girls who have a deep relationship.

Thinking of this, Mother Jia looked at the invitation again, and thought to herself: No matter what the reason is, Princess Wujun probably won't go, after all, the Lin family doesn't have a headed mistress.Thinking of this, Jia's mother concluded that the prince of Wu County must be the young county master attending the banquet alone, and couldn't help but think that if Sanchun could make friends with him, it would be a good relationship.

So Mother Jia ordered people to inquire about Nanny Sun, but she left, and the servants went back and forth, and she had already left.Jia Mu sent someone to invite the first wife and the second wife.

When the two arrived, Jia Mu hadn't set the meal yet, so she told the two of them, "I think the invitation has been handed over to you. Let Baoyu protect us and go with you. Don't be reluctant to give money to the three of you." It’s easy for the girl to tidy up, and the new clothes that should be prepared must be properly prepared, and if there are none, they must be rushed out, and the hairpin rings and other things must be properly prepared.”

Jia Mu said so much in one breath, and when she was thirsty, she stopped to take a sip of water, and then said: "This time, Miss Lin invited Huang Shilang's family as well as ours, and Huang Shilang is the boss' immediate boss. At this point, Mother Jia stared at Mrs. Xing and said, "Boss, you should make friends with each other, it will be beneficial to Boss."

After finishing speaking, Mother Jia looked at Mrs. Wang with a smile on her face and said, "I also invited the little county head of Wujun Wangfu. The Great Prince’s Mansion is different, it’s the royal clan. Then you have to greet the little county magistrate.” After speaking, he glanced at Mrs. Xing and said: “There will be a lot of contacts in the future.”

Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang both had a sudden change of heart at this time, and soon they both understood what Jia Mu said.Mrs. Xing even wrote down Jia Mu's words in detail, and discussed it with Wang Xifeng after returning home.Wang Xifeng helped put Yingchun back together again.

Wan Yu took Daiyu's invitation back to the princess of Wu County. The princess took a look and said with a smile: "It's such a delicate lotus flower, I'm afraid it was painted by her own hands. Looking inside, only Wan Yu was invited. He still smiled and said: "This heartless girl actually invited you alone, not me! "

Wan Yu laughed and said: "Mother Concubine's words are really unreasonable, how dare Sister Yu'er send you an invitation card? I just want to see you, and I'm afraid I have to wait for you to summon me! I haven't seen her return to Beijing for many days. Did you send a gift, but never come to see him?"

The concubine knew that what Wan Yu said was the truth, she glanced at Wan Yu and said, "You are helping her to speak!" After speaking, she laughed too, looked at the invitation in her hand and said, "That's all, I just thought I was going with you, and I went to see how this girl is doing now. It’s been a while since I haven’t seen you, and I’m panicking.”

As soon as I said this, she was wearing a palace dress with red and golden rose patterns.Stepping into the eyes of the princess, she smiled before saying anything: "It can be seen that Han'er and Auntie are in the same heart, and they came at the right time."

I saw this girl who called herself "Han'er", with rose red roses blooming on her cuffs, and a rose red palace sash locked around her waist.Walked over slowly.This Han'er is Han Yi, the daughter of the Fourth Prince's first wife, who was granted the title of Princess Wenhui.

As soon as the princess saw her, she smiled and said, "You don't want to be notified when you come. Does your concubine know about it?" After that, the woman walked up to the concubine, bowed gracefully, and said, "Concubine mother knows that I am coming." Aunt is here." While talking, he pulled Wanyu and stopped her from saluting.

Seeing that the princess was holding an invitation card in her hand, she raised her eyebrows and smiled and said, "It's because Han'er expresses the wrong love, and my aunt is not thinking about Han'er." After speaking, she smiled and said, "I don't know who can make my aunt miss you so much. Comparing Han'er?"

The princess didn't take it seriously, and handed the invitation to the girl who called herself Han'er, and said with a smile: "You are also good at painting flowers and birds, how about this lotus flower?" Han'er took a look, her eyes widened. Liang said: "What a clever layout, what a delicate coloring, it seems to be alive." After speaking, he opened it and saw that the signature was: Lin Hui, the daughter of Lin Hai, the doctor of Lantai Temple.

Han Yi tilted his head and thought for a while and asked: "Is Lin Hai, the doctor of Lantai Temple, the same person as Lin Ruhai, the Yanzheng of Yangzhou?" Princess Wujun laughed when she heard her question, "Look at your tongue, my head I'm all dizzy." But he still replied, "Of course it's one person."

Han Yi heard that it was one person, so he remembered that day outside the door of the fourth concubine, he heard his father and mother talking about this person.

The fourth prince said: "That Lin Ruhai is so lucky to have given birth to a good girl with all kinds of ingenuity! It's a pity that he is not a man, otherwise he must be the pillar of my heavenly power." These words are not without sighs.

The concubine smiled and said, "Wouldn't it be better to ration De'er in the future? Why do you have to sigh so much?"

What was said later, but Han Yi didn't listen.Being discovered is no fun.At this time, I heard that the one who sent the invitation card was the girl who was highly praised by the father and the king, and was said by the mother and concubine to be assigned to her elder brother in the future, and she came to the interest for a while and said: "Why don't you take Han'er with you, auntie?"

Wan Yu was greatly surprised by Han Yi's words, even Princess Wu Jun was taken aback.Han Yi seemed to have made up his mind to go, so he deliberately pouted and said, "Could it be that Auntie doesn't want to take Han'er with her?"

Princess Wujun gave Wanyu a smile and said to Hanyi, "You have found the wrong person!" Wanyu also covered her mouth and smiled as she listened, Hanyi asked in bewilderment: " What did your aunt say?"

Princess Wujun didn't answer, she just looked at the invitation card that Han Yi was holding at this time, Hanyi immediately understood, opened the invitation and saw that it was not for Princess Wujun.He couldn't help laughing and said: "I really invited the wrong Buddha! My aunt didn't say it earlier." After speaking, she turned her head to look at Wan Yu and said, "I will go with my sister then."

Wan Yu looked at Princess Wujun, then at Princess Wenhui, put her hands together in a funny way and said, "Amitabha, I hope that sister Yu'er can prepare the food for concubine mother and sister Han. Why don't we bring our own How about eating?" After saying this, all three of them laughed.

After thinking about it for a while and returning to her room, Wan Yu still wrote a note and had someone send it to Dai Yu.It didn't say that the princess and the county chief were going, only that they had to bring two more people.Daiyu didn't take it seriously.After all, she expected that both Shi Xiangyun and Xue Baochai would come.I was also afraid of not having enough food, so I prepared a lot.

Other families wanted to bring more people, but the Huang family couldn't come with that many people. Needless to say, Mrs. Huang didn't like to move. After all, Daiyu was only a junior, a student of her youngest son, a grandchild of.Besides, neither the hostess nor the hostess of Lin's house are here, and only a little girl is at home, so it's not good to go by yourself.

Mrs. Xiaohuang entrusted the younger daughter to Mrs. Dahuang to take her with her because her eldest daughter was not ready to marry, but she herself did not want to go.In this way, there are three fewer people in the Huangfu, which is indeed what Daiyu did not expect.

On the second day, before the night faded, the gate of the Lin Mansion was opened, and the servants came out in an orderly manner, or sprinkled water, or swept the floor, or rinsed... When the sky was pale, the Lin Mansion had already been wiped out. A large section of the road in front of the gate was swept clean.

Daiyu once guessed that Wanyu might be the first to come, but when Wanyu said that she would bring two people, Daiyu knew that she might not come so early, so she guessed that the person who came was from Jia's mansion, But I didn't expect Mrs. Huang to come first.

From a distance, Lin Yi saw a two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage with an autumn color roof and green curtains, escorted by a young man in brocade clothes riding a tall horse, slowly stopping in front of the Lin residence.A gray-topped and gray-draped carriage followed.There is a sign of the Huangfu on the carriage, knowing that this is the arrival of the people from the Huangfu, although he didn't expect that there was only one carriage, but he still walked forward quickly.

Seeing Lin Yi coming forward, the young man in brocade clothes jumped off his horse and handed over the invitation card, saying: "I'm here, Huang Bingyuan, to send my mother and sister-in-law over to the banquet for my junior sister." Seeing his extraordinary demeanor, Lin Yi also heard him call Mrs. Huang his mother and Daiyu. As a junior sister, I know that this person is the young master of the Huang family.

Lin Yi wanted to welcome him in from the east side door, and said with a smile: "The master is no longer in the mansion, if there is any negligence, I will look at Haihan." Unexpectedly, Huang Bingyuan smiled gently: "Master Lin is no longer in the mansion, Bing Yuan Don't dare to bother me. My mother and sister-in-law's kits have been delivered, so Bing Yuan bids farewell."

Lin Yi was about to say something more, but Huang Bingyuan had already turned to the carriageway: "Mother, Lin's mansion has arrived. Mr. Lin is not in the mansion, so the boy will leave first. You send someone to inform me, and Bingyuan will come to pick you up with you and your sisters at that time. "

As soon as Huang Bingyuan finished speaking, Mrs. Huang's voice came from inside the car: "Go ahead, Uncle Chen will send us back." Huang Bingyuan is a very straightforward person, so he turned over and rode away.

Lin Yi had no choice but to go forward and personally lead the coachman to drive the carriage to the east gate. After the woman sitting outside the carriage jumped out of the carriage, she knew that the wife and daughter were about to get off the carriage. He looked down at the ground, not daring to raise his head at will.

With the help of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Huang stepped on a stool and got out of the car. She was very satisfied when she saw that the servant in front of the door was holding his breath, standing with his hands down and his head bowed.After the two girls Huang and the maidservants got off the carriage, they were led by Lin Yi's family into the door to Yimen. Lin Yifang asked the servants to lead the carriage to the carriage and stable, and the rest of the servants carried the carriage. start.

When Daiyu heard that Mrs. Huang was coming, she rushed out to greet her. As soon as she arrived at the Yimen Gate, she saw two Miss Huang supporting Mrs. Rhubarb, and they walked away slowly surrounded by maidservants.Daiyu hastily knelt down to salute. When Mrs. Huang and the girls met, she couldn't help speeding up her pace.

As soon as Huang Yuehua arrived at Yimen Gate, Huang Yuehua smiled and said, "Hui'er, why don't you get up soon?" Said that she hurriedly took two steps forward to help Daiyu, Daiyu looked at her with a smile and said, "Why didn't Sister Yuping and Third Mistress come? "

Mrs. Huang smiled and said: "Your elder sister Yuping is waiting to be married, how can you go out easily? Your third aunt is also busy with her dowry, so I brought their sisters here with the aunt of the master. Why is Hui'er not happy?" ?”

Daiyu laughed quickly and said: "How could that be? I just thought that Yuping's sister is good at playing the piano. I have a good piano here that my master gave me, and today there is another person who is good at playing the piano. He happened to recommend it for me, but I didn't expect to come here I can't." After talking, the few people arrived at the main hall of the inner courtyard.

Daiyu invited Mrs. Huang to take her seat, and she sat down next to two young girls.

(End of this chapter)

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