Chapter 117
Not long after Mrs. Huang arrived, everyone in Jia's residence was already on their way.The difference from Huang's Mansion is that Jia's Mansion has more than a dozen horse-drawn carriages.Jia Mu was alone in the car and walked at the forefront.Followed by the second wife, Mrs. Wang, at this time Baochai was joking with Mrs. Wang in the car.

Mrs. Xing originally agreed to take Xing Xiuyan with her, but Xing Xiuyan refused: "Ms. Lin will definitely not just invite the girls from the mansion. There may be no distinguished guests. I'm afraid it's inappropriate for me to go. Auntie will just bring Sister Yingchun." , I will not go. "After persuading Xing Xiuyan twice, she still persisted, and Mrs. Xing stopped persuading her.

Now Mrs. Xing and Yingchun are sitting in the same carriage, followed by Wang Xifeng with Ping'er and Brother Chun. This brother Chun is the nickname Jia She gave to the little guy.Since the little guy was born in Huachao, Jia She felt that this name was very good, and the plan for a year lies in spring.Jia Lian didn't think anything of it, it was just a nickname, so he never objected.

Li Wan followed Wang Xifeng's carriage with Tanchun.Mrs. Wang originally wanted to prevent Li Wan from going, but when Mother Jia heard about it, she was dissatisfied and said, "Since I have given her special invitations and accepted invitations from other people, how can I not go?" Mrs. Wang couldn't help it. I had to take her with me.

Li Wan was happy in her heart, but she also knew that Mrs. Wang didn't like her, so she didn't dare to show it. Now sitting in the carriage with Tan Chun, she leaned slightly and opened the door. A small corner of the curtain, looking at the street scene outside through the window screen, sighing in my heart, this scenery I have never seen before.

Tan Chun sat beside Li Wan, but her heart was extremely complicated.Naturally, she knew from Yingchun and Xichun that they had received invitations, even Wang Xifeng had more formal invitations than last time.But Mrs. Wang said that even the eldest sister-in-law followed her, and she and others had no invitations.Yingchun naturally didn't believe it, but so what?
The carriage of Xichun and Xiangyun followed Li Wan and Tanchun.Since the incident of Baoyu breaking into Daiyu's boudoir, Jia's mother did not know what she said to Xiangyun, but now Xiangyun is quietly walking away from Baochai.It was only two or three days before Baochai was busy going to the banquet in Lin's mansion, so Baochai didn't notice it.

But Shi Xiangyun also didn't like Xichun's temperament, firstly, he was several years younger and couldn't play with him, and secondly, his temperament was too deserted.

Shi Xiangyun didn't talk to himself, and Xichun didn't care. He just held the invitation card in his hand, and carefully traced the lotus flower on it with his fingers. A flash of resentment.

If it wasn't for Xue Baochai, the daughter of a merchant, and his own daughter, how could there be no invitation?The more Shi Xiangyun thought about it, the more angry he became, but he still lifted the curtain with a smile on his face, and looked at Baoyu riding a pony outside.

After Baoyu rode with him for a while, he was called by Jiamu to the front carriage, and went into the carriage to chat and laugh with Jiamu.Thinking of Sister Lin, who I haven't seen for several days, I will see her soon, and I am very happy, laughing all the way.Even Mrs. Wang in the carriage behind could hear it.

Mrs. Wang was very happy when she heard that Mrs. Jia was willing to let Baoyu move to the outer courtyard, but later she heard that it was because of Daiyu that Mrs. Jia made such a decision, and she was very displeased. Procrastinating, so far the yard has not been tidied up.

Mrs. Jia thought that Baoyu was going to suffer soon, so she didn't urge her.So Baoyu still lives in Jiamu's courtyard. Baoyu is naturally happy to live like this forever, so she doesn't want to move to an outer courtyard, especially under Jia Zheng's nose.

When the vehicles of Jia's mansion were approaching the main street where Lin's mansion was located, the servants came to report to Mrs. Jia that there was a carriage from Prince Wu's mansion in the fork in front of it, and it happened to block the way of his own carriage, and they looked in the same direction.Old lady Jia naturally knew that this was the carriage for the young county lord to go to Lin's mansion, so she immediately asked everyone to stop and make way.

From a distance, I saw the carriages of Wujun Prince's Mansion. There were only three carriages in total, with a pair of armored guards at the front and back.Jia's mother was even more certain that the only person to go to the Prince Wu's mansion was Wanyu County Lord.It wasn't until the people and horses from the Prince Wu's Mansion had passed that the dozen or so carriages from Jia's Mansion slowly moved forward again.

Everyone in Jia's mansion looked at the carriage guarded by soldiers in front, and they were all envious, especially Xue Baochai, who was sitting in Mrs. Wang's carriage, could almost straighten her eyes and thought: This is the real ostentation. It's the way I want it.

In the past, when Wan Yu went to the Lin Mansion, she did not let anyone open the middle gate, nor did she bring so many soldiers, but this time she not only brought all the guards, but also when she stopped in front of the Lin Mansion, a eunuch from the Wang Mansion came up to her. He said to Lin Yi before: "Quickly open the middle door and let the master go out to greet you."

Although Lin Yi was puzzled, he also explained: "My lord, my master is not in the mansion, my wife has long since passed away, and there is only a young girl..." Although the eunuch of the palace had never been to Lin's mansion, he also Knowing that such a situation can make the princess come in person, the relationship must not be simple.

The eunuch didn't want to embarrass the other party, but turned his head to look at the carriage, still frowning and said in a low voice: "Go and invite Miss Lin out, there is a distinguished guest!" Lin Yi raised his head in surprise, only to see the steward facing I nodded myself.Lin Yi knew that the owner of the county was not alone in the carriage.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi didn't dare to delay, took out a bank note and stuffed it into the hand of the eunuch of the palace, while ordering the people to open the middle door, he actually ran inside himself.

As soon as Lin Yi arrived at the Yimen, he saw Lin De's mother coming out of it, so he ordered: "Go and inform the girl, and come out to greet her immediately. I'm afraid not only the county lord and Princess Wujun are here, but also other nobles!" See Lin De's mother turned around and was about to leave, and said again: "It is the full guard of honor of the county lord."

For some reason, Lin Yi suddenly had such a feeling, and when he said it, he felt it more and more.He couldn't help but rejoice, fortunately, he has gained some experience following the master these years, and the prophet met the girl's ceremonial guard, so it seems that the girl will not make mistakes.It really made him hit right.

When Lin Yi's family ran to the main hall of the inner courtyard, Daiyu was joking with Mrs. Huang.Seeing Lin Yi's family coming in a hurry, he couldn't help looking over curiously.Daiyu didn't shy away from anything, and called Lin Yi's family in in front of Mrs. Huang.

Lin Yi's family came in without wiping off his sweat, and bowed and said, "Girl, go to the main entrance to greet her. Just now, word spread that not only County Master Wanyu and Princess Wujun have arrived, but also other nobles!" Mrs. Huang naturally Knowing the rules better than Daiyu, he quickly asked, "What guard of honor?"

Lin Yi's family didn't expect to actually ask this question, and he was taken aback for a moment and said, "It is said to be the full guard of honor of the county lord." This word "full suit" caught Madam Huang's attention.Generally, there are very few princes and grandchildren who will wear a full guard of honor when they travel. Since they wore a full guard of honor today, it may not be easy.

Mrs. Huang knew that there were no female elders in the Lin family to accompany her, so she ordered: "Hui'er, don't panic, Auntie will accompany you out." After saying that, Mrs. Huang took the two Huang girls and Daiyu to the gate in a hurry .

But Daiyu didn't know that Lin Yi had just delivered the message inside, and the county magistrate Wanyu asked in the car, "Why does it take so long to open the door?" The side replied: "The master's housekeeper went to ask the master's girl to come out to greet her."

As soon as the eunuch finished speaking, he heard Wan Yu angrily say from inside: "Who asked Miss Lin to come out to greet her? Miss Lin hasn't opened the door yet, why did you ask her to come out?!" Yu, Wan Yu is afraid that she will have to teach the eunuch a lesson immediately before she can give up.

Princess Wujun grabbed Wanyu and asked, "Can the middle door be opened?" The eunuch wiped his sweat and replied, "The middle door is already open, but the people who welcome them go in..." Speaking of which, he also knew that he had made a mistake. up.At this time, I don't know what to say.

Princess Wujun was neither angry nor angry, and said: "In this case, let's go." After the princess gave an order, someone naturally raised the curtain and fixed the stool, and the eunuch stood beside the carriage, bowing his body, He raised his arms and waited for the princess to get off the car.

As soon as the Jia family's carriage entered the main street where Lin's house was located, they were stopped by a soldier before taking two steps.The servants went to inquire, and then reported to Jia Mu: "Old lady, the soldiers of the Prince's Mansion of Erwu County blocked the road ahead, saying that the county lord got off the car, and others please avoid it for the time being."

After hearing this, Mother Jia knew that the little county head of the Prince Wu's mansion had arrived. Lin's mansion was not as good as Ning Rong's second mansion, which had its own street. There were people coming and going here, and the county head got off the car to enter the mansion, but it was sealed for a while, so she told the next Humanity: "Understood, you can go and inquire again to see if the county lord has entered the mansion. The soldiers will be withdrawn after a while, let's move on."

Baoyu, who was sitting next to Jiamu, couldn't help being surprised and said: "This county lord is even bigger than the prince of Beijing!" When Jiamu heard this, she gave him a quick look and said, "Don't dare to talk nonsense! You can Don't underestimate it, this is the real royal family."

After speaking, he couldn't help but think to himself: It would be great if Baoyu could be given a county head, and it would be great to let Lin Yatou be a concubine at that time.Thinking of this, Jia's mother even thought that the county princess Wanyu was the best, and Daiyu had a deep relationship with her, so she would definitely not embarrass Daiyu in the future.Looking at Baoyu beside her, whose face looks like powder, and lips like fat, she feels even more joyful.

Princess Wujun led Wanyu and Hanyi Shi Shiran out of the carriage, and entered the Lin residence along the middle gate.Not far away, he saw Lin Yi who hurried back. Seeing that Princess Wujun and her party had got off the car, Lin Yi quickly knelt on the ground and said, "I don't know the princess is here, but I can't meet you far away. I hope you will forgive me!"

Princess Wujun said with a smile: "Get up quickly, I didn't expect such a thing to happen." Then she walked inside.Lin Yi gave Zhao Bing a wink, and at the same time followed the Wujun princess team and went inside.

Seeing Lin Yi winking at him, Zhao Bing called the guards at the gate to rest in a guest courtyard to the west.At the same time, let the boys close the middle door.

As soon as the middle door was closed, the guards outside went to the guest courtyard to rest, the carriage led to the carriage and stables, and Jia's carriage also came to the door.

At this time, there were only Lin De and Zhang Xin left at the door, and when they saw Jia's carriage, they immediately stepped forward to salute, who knew that Jia Baoyu was the first to jump out of the carriage!Although Lin De didn't know him, Zhang Xin, who had stayed in Jia's residence twice, did, so he stepped forward and saluted, "I've seen Second Master Bao."

Seeing that it was Zhang Xin, Baoyu immediately became happy and asked, "is sister Lin in there?"Zhang Xin stopped him with a stride and said, "Second Master Bao, forgive me, there is no male lead in the mansion, they are all female relatives, and today there are distinguished female guests in the mansion, male guests are not accepted."

(End of this chapter)

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